Eighty Four

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"Shhh Bunny, I've got you, whatever happened I'll fix it. You're alright, shhh baby." Jungkook's loving words and arms around your body made you cry harder, how had so much time passed without him?

"I should have stayed." Your choked sobs and sniffles marred the words into slurry groans but you needed to say it. Jungkook had to know you regretted it, his hands squeezed you tighter.

"If we'd talked about it more and I'd not surprised you maybe you could have let yourself. I don't care who's to blame, I want you to come home. I wanted that before I knew you were pregnant, I've wanted it every day since you left."

"Me too." You wiggled closer letting yourself breathe in the smell of him, indulging for just a second in everything you'd denied yourself for so long.

Finally when you'd calmed he returned to the seat at your side, his hands closing around one of yours, he waited for you to start talking. For a long moment you held your breath, worried he was going to be mad at you or change his mind about being able to help with the situation.

"When I told you about the video my stepfather showed me of my," you frowned, "attempt, there was more to the story that I didn't tell you."

You thought that was a good place to start, because those fragile moments had been the beginning of the lies. Already you wished you could fly past all these details but the gentle squeeze from Jungkook's hands let you keep going.

"He showed me how he could change the time stamp in the video, to show whatever date and time he wanted. Then he told me about how he believes my Appa was his too. He said Appa did terrible things to his mother and stole her company, and that's why he'd married my mother, to try to get revenge, get the missing money back." Jungkook looked confused and you stopped, it was too soon for him to have already gotten lost, there was so much more to tell.

"So he intended to blackmail you with the tape?" You nodded, maybe he wasn't completely mixed up yet.

"Yes because he thinks when I turn twenty five I'm going to inherit billions of won. Apparently I'm getting a key to a bank lock box? He's convinced himself when Appa got sick he moved his money to offshore accounts and the info to access it will be in there." Jungkook's eyes lit up, he'd connected something.

"That's why you want to stay another nine months? Past your birthday?"

"Yes, when I went back to Eomma's after my aunt refused to help me, she was disappointed she wasn't going to collect the rest of the money you promised her. My stepfather told me that the two of us would have to think of a way to get the money from you anyway, so when I found out I was pregnant I panicked. I was certain he'd use the baby to blackmail you, and I'd had enough of that. I couldn't let him hurt you, but I definitely couldn't let him ruin our child's life. What kind of future would they have if he used them as a chopping block for you?" Tears were falling again, the bitterness that you were trapped by someone and even if your father had done those things, you and your baby were innocent.

Jungkook looked angry, and you guessed it was because he was imagining another person dragging his life across the internet. If you were tired of it he must be even more so. When he didn't speak you decided to tell him the rest although you guessed he'd probably figured most of it out.

"I told Dr Choi I tried to hurt myself because I was upset about getting pregnant and our break up. She thought I could come here for a couple months then appeal to your eomma to take care of me. I agreed even though I had no intentions of leaving until I could turn over the contents of the box to my stepfather. But I did think hiding the baby with your eomma wasn't the worse idea. Except the plan didn't work because the doctors though I was psychotic when I told them I was pregnant with Jeon Jungkook's baby."

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