Twenty Six

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It felt good just walking down the street, seeing other people, having the freedom to wander wherever you wanted. You kept waiting for someone to stop you, imply that you weren't supposed to be there but it never happened.

You popped into a cafe and got a huge kimbap, your mouth watering just thinking about it, a picture of one on the window drawing you in. You didn't think you'd ever tasted something so delicious in your whole life. Sitting on a bench you ate it piece by piece the salty and tangy flavors melding on your tongue. Your stomach growled at the first bite then settled and you could have done a happy dance right there.

You'd just finished and were thinking about getting noodles or fried chicken when your phone chirped in your pocket. You thought you might know who it was, since no one else knew you were out of Dongwo.

UKN: It's Jungkook, just wanted to make sure you're alright

UKN: I don't mean going out isn't alright! Of course you can come and go whenever I'm not trying to say you can't

UKN: I only mean if you need anything just let me know, be safe it's a busy neighborhood, not that you have to stay in the neighborhood!

You could hear him saying the messages in your head, tripping over his words as if he'd insulted you. It made you smile and for a second you forgot all about what happened in his bedroom. Both times.

YN: I just had kimbap it was the best thing I've ever tasted Kookie! How dumb is that?

JJ: It's not dumb, I think it probably tasted so good because you got to decide what you wanted to eat for once

YN: Yeah maybe you're right

JJ: Are you okay?

You typed a sassy response, 'you mean after you were a jerk to me earlier' but erased it. Treating him the way he'd treated you wasn't going to do anything but make the roommate situation worse. Besides he seemed more like his old self, if you could contextualize a message.

YN: It feels good to just be normal, do you need anything on my way back?

JJ: I'm good see you later

You didn't know what to say, so you shoved your phone back into your pocket and decided to look around in a clothing store you'd walked past. Now that your stomach was at least partially satiated you could pay attention to the other things going on around you.

Inside you picked out a couple of tops, a new bra, several pairs of socks and a pair of slippers to wear around the house. You knew that your things would eventually arrive from your mother's but you really didn't have a clue what she'd send. You didn't know what she'd done with your things while you were gone, had they remained in their places in your room or had she cleared out all traces of you?

Besides it had been almost fun to look through the racks again. At Dongwo you'd worn the same five outfits on rotation. Three of them had been sweatpants or hospital scrubs, with no variation. The plastic slippers were something you would hear in your dreams for years to come. Of course at Jungkook's he had better slippers, but they weren't your size or style and more than anything you desired to wear and do whatever made you happy. Looking down you realized you were still wearing Jungkook's shirt and resolved to return it.

Clothing acquired you decided you wanted bulgogi and kimchi instead of fried chicken. You pulled up a restaurant on your phone, the act of searching for food familiar but exciting all at the same time. You found a popular place only a few minutes walk from your location with the bonus it was on your way back to Jungkook's apartment building.

Inside it was packed with people, loud voices arguing with each other, laughter of friends having conversations, the sound of sizzling food on grills. For a moment it was overwhelming but the hostess that took your order was charming and you felt better. You ordered after browsing the menu, adding in spicy cold noodles at the last minute, refusing to acknowledge that your eyes might be larger than your appetite. Fifteen minutes later when the bubbly girl handed you the take out bag you realized you'd have leftovers for days.

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