Sixty Nine ➳

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The next four weeks were a lot different that the previous three had been. You diligently saw Dr Choi once or twice a week, and Jungkook spent a lot of hours away from the apartment. So many in fact that he no longer faithfully took you to each appointment.

Now you usually took a taxi, even Hyun was busily preparing for the tour. She had tasks daily and you'd started feeling guilty for getting her off track. You knew she probably accommodated for it by working later than she wanted, even if she was too kind to ever turn you down.

You weren't upset with Jungkook for being unavailable either, you knew the tour was coming up quickly, already sold out at every venue. You'd just gotten so used to him being around that you found yourself missing him more and more as his days got longer.

At first he'd been insistent that Hyun make time to cart you to your appointments. It wasn't just therapy sessions, you also saw your regular doctor and a psychiatrist to get your prescriptions. You finally convinced him you didn't need escorted so he started ordering company transportation for you. About the third time you could tell the driver was annoyed, maybe it had been in your head, but after that you started walking and getting your own cars. Jungkook was so busy he'd not even noticed you'd ditched his driver.

He'd written down his schedule, the white board calendar attached to the fridge with magnets. His neat handwriting detailed vocal lessons, dance practice, costume fittings, blocking sessions. When he wasn't absorbed in tour prep it read, strength training, cardio, swimming, boxing, leg day, core training. You knew it must take enormous amounts of effort for the guys to be at the peak performance that would allow them to do vigorous choreography while also singing strong and clearly for hours.

Jungkook came home every day exhausted, and not always just physically. You did everything you could to lessen the burden on him, ordering food, cleaning up the apartment, even cooking simple dishes you'd watched carefully on YouTube over and over.

"Don't you ever hate this? Want to just be done?" You placed two bowls of fish stew on the table. He stood from his stool to get the rice and you frowned pushing him back down. "I've got it, relax."

"I don't hate it, I love it. I know it seems backward, but I feel driven, like I have purpose when we're preparing for something like this." Jungkook jumped up the moment your back was turned toward the rice cooker and went to the fridge pulling out kimchi and a bottle of beer and the water pitcher.

"Yah!" You glared at him and he grinned slinking back to his seat, everything balanced in his hands. "I know I'm a terrible housewife but you could at least let me pretend I have everything together." You placed the rice next to the stew and turned back to get plates, chopsticks, spoons, and napkins but Jungkook's arms wrapped around your waist snugly.

"Don't tease me." He nuzzled his lips into your shoulder lighting up your senses as he pulled your back to his chest.

You knew what he was talking about. The subject had come up twice, very late at night when he was falling asleep, the two of you murmuring quietly to each other in the dark. He thought when the tour reached Vegas the two of you should get married. You thought he was crazy, your relationship was new, and more often than not felt frail to you. You'd only just begun to take Dr Choi's advice and put solid trust in your feelings and not constantly question and doubt Jungkook's devotion.

He'd squeezed your arm and wiggled closer, your naked bodies already as close as they could get. He said that Sujin and Namjoon had a short relationship and their bond was unbreakable. It wasn't something you disagreed with, over the weeks seeing them together multiple times did at least from an outside perspective make their relationship look solid. The issue was that what appeared one way in public very often in private was something altogether different.

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