Forty Five

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It was shocking to you how easily Jungkook transitioned from seductive lover to soft boyfriend seamlessly. Sitting next to you at the low table eating breakfast the contrast was striking, especially when he'd smile and squeeze your hand or feed you bites of his food.

It reminded you how tender he was with you all the time, even when you'd expected him to be irritated with you. You scooted closer to his body where you were both sitting on the floor until you were sharing his pillow. Jungkook didn't comment on the move, instead he dragged your legs across his lap and lifted another pancake to his mouth.

"Are we ever going to have sex?" You sighed leaning back against the couch, you knew what he was going to say before he opened his mouth to respond.

"Bunny we just had sex. Do you already want it again?" You grinned and rolled your eyes.

There it was, what you knew he'd claim. He was always so adamant that any kind of sexual contact was in fact sex. He refused to concede that you hadn't in fact had sex at all so you didn't bother starting the argument again.

"And if I said yes?" You slowly licked your bottom lip and raised a brow enticingly.

"I'd tell you go get in the shower, a cold one, or we'll be late to meet Minghao and his girlfriend."

"Are you being purposefully obtuse?" You let your calf brush against the front of his pants and he grabbed your ankle shooting you a glare. You could see the amusement in it so you didn't take offense.

"Yes. I'm avoiding answering what you really want to know because I'm losing my control around you. Somehow you're not a sweet bunny like I thought you're actually a bewitching minx." Jungkook's hand at your ankle dragged upward until he was at your inner thigh, it almost left you breathless.

"You said we were meeting The8 in the afternoon." You pressed forward until his knuckles pressed against your core, he didn't move his hand away but his expression on his face was challenging.

"I did, but while I was showering he said they're ready when we are so I told him ten thirty." His thumb stroked down the seam of your shorts slowly centimeter by centimeter but instead of going further he grabbed his glass of juice the frisson of touch gone.

"I can't think about anything else." You deflated pouting and poked a piece of steamed bun with your chopstick sighing.

"Then it's the both of us and we're even." Jungkook's laugh was warm and made you turn your head to look at him as he sat his glass back onto the table.

You shifted crawling into his lap and kissed him, the tartness of the drink lingering on his tongue. He kissed you back, but his hands found your hips and held you fast, clearly not allowing you to use your body to convince him to change your plans for the morning.

Your phone buzzed on the table and you sighed pulling back from the kiss. The only person who usually wrote to you was in the room. That left you slightly curious which you pushed down, instead focusing back on Jungkook.

"Let's ignore it." You leaned forward and kissed against his lip ring flirtatiously.

"Let's not. You need to get ready if you're done eating." Jungkook eased you backward and you immediately missed his lips, their warmth, his hands touching you.

He grabbed the phone, reaching across your body, his wrist brushing past your chest. You knew it was on purpose when he grinned but too quickly he placed your phone in your hand. You sat next to him, knowing the coy moment was over and tapped the screen with a slight irritation.

JD: I know you said we should just be friends but maybe we could talk about that? I really like you and I think if you gave me a chance you'd like me too

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now