Fifty Five ➳

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Jungkook's fingers hooked into your panties, apparently he was no longer feeling sentimental and had moved on to being too impatient now to wait for you to do it yourself. His body lowered with them until he kissed against your stomach just centimeters below the center of your breasts. It made you shiver, especially when his eyes looked up at you in a way that made you feel like he was thinking about whether he should devour you.

"Remember what you said before our photo shoot in bed at the hotel?" His palms curled around the back of your thighs near the curve of your ass as you stepped from the last of your clothing. The warmth from his skin lit fire across you.

"Do you mean when I told you to follow my directions perfectly?" You started to smile then moaned instead when one of his fingers slid upward against your heat.

It was barely any contact, just enough that it felt like a promise of what he could deliver later, a reminder of what he'd done in the past. It made you needy and impatient but you slowed your breathing letting him enjoy his game, trying not to rush him along. Good things could come to those who waited right?

"And?" Jungkook's tongue traced along the underside of one breast in a very distracting way. When he reached the side he moved upward letting his lip ring brush your nipple, already hardened. It took you a moment to put yourself back into the memory of that morning even if it was barely a day ago and recall your words.

"That I'm in charge?" Breathless words finally came from your mouth, but only after he stopped and let his mouth move from your skin.

"This time I'm in charge. I'm the painter and you will follow all my directions Bunny or I'll have to tie you up." Jungkook was grinning but there was mischief in his bright brown eyes that let you know he'd actually do it. For a second you weren't sure if you wanted to behave or find out what he was willing to do when you didn't.

"Does it really require us to be naked to paint? I don't think it's that messy of a hobby. Did Michelangelo paint in the nude? Is this a trend I don't know about?" You felt the smirk on your lips but he nodded solemnly like it was essentially important.

"You're so sassy, but I think I could shut you up fairly easily." A second finger brushed against your sex and you grabbed his shoulders to stay steady. The muscles were hard beneath your touch, solid, and you knew he wouldn't let you fall. Even if he was torturing you with those tiny wiggles toward your clit. He was right, it felt difficult to think of anything else to say suddenly.

"Good girl, now I need you to close your eyes, when I'm ready you can open them. No peeking. You should know I take myself very seriously as an artist." Jungkook's fingers withdrew slowly as he stood, his hand curling around your ass with a squeeze then resting at the small of your back when he was his full height once more.

"Aren't you forgetting to remove an article of clothing?" You raised a brow a single finger plucking at the elastic of the waistband on his Calvin Klein boxers, not yet conceding to his directions about your eyes.

"Eventually, I need to keep them on to concentrate for now." A small giggle and he turned you toward the door, his hand covering your eyes gently.

You closed them behind his fingers, willing to play along, your stomach a tumbling knot of excitement for this sexy game with him. You heard the door open, it's quiet sounds on its hinges as he pushed it backward. When he walked forward your body responded in kind as his chest pressed to your back. You thought for a moment about not moving at all, allowing all of his body to collide with yours so you could feel how excited he was, what he was hiding in his boxers to not be distracted.

"Just a few more steps Bunny." Jungkook's free hand steered you slightly toward the left, away from where you knew his bed stood, tall and daunting against the wall. You didn't think he'd turned you sharply enough to be headed toward the leather couch.

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