Seventy Four

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"Wake up Bunny." Jungkook was whispering, his fingers stroking her cheek softly. He'd not heard the alarm go off but he needed a couple minutes with her before he had to get ready. The Hybe machine never stopped and he knew they weren't going to cancel any of his schedule for the day.

"I'm tired." She pouted, wiggling deeper into the curve of his body, her fingers brushing against his skin where they'd snaked beneath his shirt.

"I know, open your eyes anyway sweetheart." He felt sick, he'd laid here for hours, not sleeping, just holding her.

After he told her everything she might not let him touch her again. Could he memorize the feel of her body, the way her breath felt when she slept fanning across his chest? Surely whatever broke between them could be fixed. There was no doubt something was going to shift.

Jungkook had decided he'd never lied to her before, even when the truth was something ugly. If he started now their relationship would become something not worth saving. When that happened she'd leave, and the lie would have prevented nothing.

Her eyes opened, squinting into the mellow light of the bedside lamp he'd flicked on. The face she made shying away from it was too cute, he dipped his head kissing her forehead but pinched her hip gently.

"I'm awake." She wasn't, her eyes were fluttering closed and he felt bad, her skin still a sickly palor, all her stress manifesting. But what could he do? He knew he was going to cause her more.

"I wasn't in bed when you woke because I left last night." Jungkook sighed, breath exhaling and she opened her eyes, caution on her face just like he knew would happen.

"The apartment? You left the apartment?" She pushed away from him, arms scrambling to sit up but also create distance between their bodies. He wanted to draw her back but decided to let her go.

"I got another message from the number saying if I didn't meet them at Naksan Park at 2am they would release the fully uncensored pictures to Twitter." She was sitting up, her face incredulous and he sat up too bracing himself, it was only going to get worse from here.

"And you thought going was better than calling the police? Letting them track down who was texting you?"

"I made the judgment call that there wasn't time. That the police move too slowly, by the time they'd even scratched the surface of figuring out how to locate the person the pictures would be posted." Jungkook reached forward and pulled her hand into his lap, his thumb caressing her palm and was shocked when she allowed the contact.

"So did you at least record Mina? Get evidence?" Y/N looked irritated, saying her name pushing her closer to real anger.

"It wasn't Mina, Chae was there, she's the one who text me. She's the one behind the photo leaks. But no, I didn't get a chance to record her." Fuck. Jungkook hadn't even thought of that, because he was too busy leaping first, asking questions later.

"Chae? Jin's ex?" He nodded, he'd admittedly been vague about how he'd told Jin about her trying to cheat, but it probably didn't matter.

"Clearly Jin-hyung was really upset with me when everything came out about her, betrayed but he came around. He eventually believed I hadn't slept with her, Jimin-hyung helped, he admitted she'd behaved badly with him too. They are divorcing and she blames me."

"What does she want?" He could tell she'd not thought of this angle, might even be feeling some relief that Mina wasn't involved.

"She wants me to convince Jin-hyung to give her another chance." Y/N's face fell at his words, sadness for Jin evident, even not knowing the whole story she could understand Chae's intentions weren't good.

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