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"Didn't you say your Eomma was coming to visit tomorrow?" Jungkook changed the subject surprised at himself for making the joke.

Somewhere in his stomach butterflies had erupted when he thought about Y/N as his girlfriend and he'd carelessly let the words pass his lips. The last thing she needed was false promises from him, at this point he was a villain not the hero she needed.

"Oh! I'd completely forgotten, yes. Dr Kang said she would be here at ten so if you really did plan on visiting make sure it's after that."

Was she blushing? Jungkook reached across the table and stroked her cheek, it was soft and he forgot for second what they were talking about. He tried to distract himself before he wondered about the feel of less family friendly places on her body. Was he really such an asshole that he was letting these things cross his mind right now? While she was thinking about a very important meeting with her mother?

"Are you ready to see her?" His hand dropped toward the table, why had he done that? Did she look uncomfortable at his touch?

"No, but I don't have a choice right?" She put her hand on top of his where it lay against the table, the thought crossed his mind that he wished he could hold her hand whenever he wanted.

"What's your plan?"

"Be respectful, show her how much I've changed and grown. Prove to her I'm ready to leave and I won't be any trouble to her. Promise her whatever money she thinks she deserves for taking care of me by sending me here." Jungkook watched the pain cross her beautiful features, her eyes were dull, her lips turned down in a frown.

"So you plan to lie?" He shook her hand, the movement rolling up her arm and she sighed.

"It's not all a lie, I do think I've become more stable. I'm sober, I understand how destructive my behavior was and I'm coping better. I just don't agree that this was necessary." She glared at him and he felt those long slow flutters again, wanted to kiss the pout off her lips.

"What would you do if I asked if I could kiss you?" Jungkook said it gently, a hesitation in each word he rarely felt when he flirted with women.

"I'd say no."

She looked horrified and he was confused, had they not been vibing like he thought? Hadn't they had a couple moments where things felt like they were clicking into place? He tried to not let any shock or disappointment cross his features.

"Oh. Okay."

He didn't drop her hand, he'd been turned down before and the key was to not make it a thing. If he treated this like defeat and a big deal then it was and it became a wall between them. He'd just accept the answer and keep moving forward like it was any other question.

"I just ate fish, that would be gross." She tried to tug her hand away but he didn't release her, this was good news.

She'd not turned him down out of rejection for his advance but rather self consciousness. There were two ways he could go from here, and everything in him urged to not use his playboy techniques on her. She was something else entirely, not a conquest, not a game to play.

"You're right, I just wanted to distract you. Talking about your Eomma made you look really sad Bunny."

"I'm not sad, besides, it's probably weird kissing someone with a lip ring. You'll probably break my tooth or something." She grinned shaking her hand so that it was as if they were playing tug of war.

Jungkook felt the spark again, this was flirtatious, this was her challenging him to prove that he wanted to kiss her, that he needed to kiss her. She was simply afraid to admit that she wanted him to want her, but the truth was, he really did. He wasn't sure how that had happened, how it had snuck up on him, but he really thought if he didn't get to kiss her soon he might regret it.

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