Forty Four ➳

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When Jungkook laid you across the bed you held your breath, you'd not counted on his reaction, but you were pleased with it. The only problem being you couldn't decide if he was teasing you again and if he was at what point he'd suddenly stop again.

He crawled over your body, the mattress shifting below you at his gradual movement. As he made progress upward, his lips kissed along your thigh all the way up to your hip. Each kiss was a wash of heat spreading through your stomach, between your legs. When his teeth grasped your panties and tugged them down a few inches your breath came out in a sigh that almost turned into a pant.

He kissed the exposed skin at your waist before moving higher, his hands slipping below your shirt, but his lips stayed over it. You'd not worn a bra to bed but before Jungkook's wandering hands reached your breasts he stopped, his palm resting at your ribs.

"You seem to think my nipple piercing is an on off switch." He wasn't looking at you, his lips were nuzzling against the curve of your breast and you hated every millimeter of cloth that separated you.

"It's not?" You faked naïveté breathlessly, a throb working its way from your chest to repeat deep between your thighs.

Had his knee not been positioned between them you might have closed your legs to give yourself delicious friction. Instead his leg was too far away to reach to do the job and you didn't dare try to adjust to create the opportunity.

"What's your switch?" Somehow with perfect precision his teeth found your nipple through your shirt, and he bit gently against it, you wanted to explode into pieces.

"Kookie." A needy whine. A plea.

"Nu-uh. No begging, didn't I warn you?" His mouth moved to the other, it was probably easier to find, both of your nipples hard and pushing against the shirt after the treatment of the first.

You bit your bottom lip, refusing to give in again, clearly he was not to be persuaded since you'd stolen his precious last moments of sleep from him. His hand beneath your shirt steadily continued up it's path until he cupped your breast completely. At the last second you broke, you couldn't contain yourself, your back arched, pressing yourself against his hand, desperate for more touch.

"Baby doll I'm going to undress you, but if you make so much as a whimper I'm going to leave you laying here naked all alone and go shower without you. Can you be quiet?" Jungkook's head lifted and mischief played in his eyes, it was a white hot brand against your body but you nodded silently.

Somehow over the last few days the tables had turned. Where you'd controlled the course of the relationship, dictating how quickly each milestone was met, Jungkook had stolen the reins. Now you were at his mercy for how much further you'd persist in your goal of finally fully being with him. You'd tapped the brakes several times, keeping things at only touching, but the moment you were ready to keep going he'd decided to put the whole car in park.

Your eyes closed as your shirt disappeared over your head, his lips had followed it between your breasts and if you'd made eye contact you might have combusted. When they opened he was smiling like he knew he had you exactly where he wanted you and there wasn't anything you could do about it.

You thought about kissing him, but before you could move he'd pulled away, his hands stroking from your shoulders across your breasts down your torso until they settled at your panties. With a wicked smirk he tugged them away unceremoniously but you could tell from his shorts this game wasn't as one sided as he might pretend.

"You're so fucking pretty." Jungkook's eye contact when he said the words spilled a blush across your body, you imagined it could be head to toe, painting your skin.

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