Forty Six

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Minghao and Chin-sun got out of the van first where it was parked at what appeared to be a trail head. There were a few other vehicles but the gravel parking lot was mostly devoid of people. Only a small group of what looked like school children were gathered under a tree with their teacher.

Kyujin and the driver got out next, the driver stretching and walking a few feet away to light a cigarette and mess with his phone. The security guard stayed close, Minghao was pointing out something to his girlfriend, Chin-sun was shaking her head.

"Wait, I need to talk to you before we go." Jungkook grabbed your arm gently as you turned scooting across the seat.

Kyujin shut the sliding door giving the two of you privacy, then stood with his back against it, as soon as it clicked Jungkook pulled you forward and kissed you. It was delicate, sweet and soft against your lips, his fingers curling through yours. His other hand stroked against your hair, it felt like he was stalling.

"Don't be mad, I should have mentioned it back at the hotel, but we can't act like we're in a relationship in public. If any pictures get taken we have to be able to say you're just a friend or a translator or something." He looked embarrassed to mention it and you felt yourself getting ready to overreact.

"Who said I want to touch you anyway?" You'd known this was a very real possibility, but worrying about his phone and then the things Chin-sun said had you feeling irritable. Somehow you didn't want to just amiably accept what he was telling you.

"Pretty sure you wanted to touch a whole lot of me this morning." He switched to devilish as easily as he'd switched to boyfriend after his shower. You ignored the heat rising to your cheeks at the memory and scowled.

"Don't be gross." You pushed him backward when he leaned forward with a flirtatious smirk.

"How is that gross?" Jungkook still thought you were teasing, but you didn't feel that charitable.

"I want to go back to when we didn't do any of that." You turned sideways pulling your body completely away from his and reached for the door again.

"Any of that?"

"You know what I mean."

You just wanted to get the day over, pretending to be some translator while hiking across a mountain sounded boring. This whole trip had been a ridiculous idea, his romantic declaration back at his apartment of 'I want to do everything with you' clearly had the hidden addition to the sentence of 'while we pretend to be casual acquaintances' and that was ruining everything for you.

"Bunny, don't be mad, I love you. Come here." Jungkook tried one more time to soothe you, pulling you all the way across the seat and almost into his lap but you weren't having it.

"I not kidding, I don't want to mess around anymore." You frowned even when he nuzzled his lips against your throat.

Normally that would have you compliant but now the disgusting thought appeared in your mind of how many other girls he'd wooed and cajoled the same way. How many simpered and protested but ended up in his bed just like you had? Now you were truly upset, squeezing your eyes shut to not let it show on your face. Closing your eyes was worse, you instantly pictured perfect Mina as the girl he had his hands all over, you opened them and grit your teeth.

"We won't. That's fine, but tell me you love me back." Jungkook was the one frowning now and you almost relented, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"I love you." You said it softly but still turned back toward the door a third time, but he pulled you back toward his body.

This time he grinned and tickled your ribs with his fingers making you squirm. You weren't going to laugh, it wasn't funny, he was being ridiculous! If anything it pushed you to feel even more irritated that he wasn't reading your mood correctly at all.

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