Eighty Two

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"Are you doing alright?" Jungkook stood from his chair and turned toward you, but he moving almost in slow motion. His face still held the utter astonishment from earlier but he closed the distance little by little.

"Yes." He nodded at your response but he was looking you over like he wasn't sure he believed you.

The truth was you felt awful, your whole pregnancy was seen as a huge inconvenience to the facility who rarely had to deal with it, so your treatment was minimal. You could barely sleep, your roommate kept you awake most nights with her strange sleep talking, and the mattress was not made to accommodate your changing body. The food also wasn't geared toward the nutrition you needed so you'd only gained a couple pounds even this late into your pregnancy and you had to fight almost daily for them to provide prenatal vitamins.

The only reassurance you had that things were alright were the two scans the doctor had given you, once earlier in your pregnancy and once a few weeks ago. They showed a perfectly growing baby, you carried the tiny picture with you until it started smudging then you'd tucked it into a pad of paper. He'd begrudgingly told you the sex, you'd insisted, because you often spent hours taking to your belly and felt you needed to know. Maybe that made you as mentally unwell as the rest of the people here, but it was comforting being able to say son. Not that you wouldn't have been just as happy with a daughter.

"We were so careful. We always used protection." That was true, and you suspected where the mistake had happened, but that wasn't anything you wanted to talk about, you were pretty sure you never intended to utter her name again.

"Not careful enough." You felt like you were holding your breath watching him take in your belly his hands cupped toward it but still separated by several centimeters.

"It's a boy?" He swallowed hard, his eyes finally flicking up to your face, he looked impossibly young, completely scared.

Probably exactly how you'd looked sitting on the clinic exam table in the paper gown when the doctor told you that you were pregnant. Your first thought had been how ridiculous that sounded, you'd so recently been a virgin, the insurmountable idea of motherhood just wasn't sinking in. They'd insisted and your frantic recollection of your period marked it over four weeks late. Your next thoughts were likely nothing he was experiencing right now.

You grabbed his hands and pulled them forward until he was touching the roundness of your stomach. You had no idea why you'd done it, this was a terrible idea. It made tears spring to your eyes, his warmth against you, it suddenly reminded you how lonely you'd felt through all of it. You'd never counted on this place being so hellish, you were sure Dr Choi would have never allowed it if she knew you intended to stay here, so you'd lied. You'd done so much of that, so maybe this was exactly what you deserved.

Jungkook lowered to the floor until he knelt, his face closer to the bump, his hands rubbing gently around until the baby thumped back in protest. He looked stunned, freezing in place as if an alien had made the movement and it was unexpected. He did it again, this time his look changed to slightly playful and you pushed down the joy it was lighting in your chest.

"Hey in there." Jungkook pressed against where your son had kicked, maybe punched, and laughed, another jolting response from inside. He was transfixed, their game continuing for almost a minute. This was too idyllic, how it should be for real couples, married ones who were meant to be together, not the two of you.

"We made a baby." His eyes were shiny his thumb rubbing in a circle, he smiled widely.

You didn't reply this time, his voice was only a little above a whisper, his lips finally pressing against your stomach. You backed up something inside you liking the attention too much but knowing how pointless it was to enjoy it. Jungkook let you go, his hands dropping away, but the look on his face was disappointed the magic of the moment shattered.

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