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Jungkook ended the live, the comments disappearing from where they had scrolled frantically for two hours. He stood twisting his back slowly to each side, the symphony of cracks and pops satisfying to hear. The thought crossed his mind that he really needed to get back into the gym an additional day a week since dance practice was inconsistent lately.

Jungkook was exhausted from too much wine, and staying online too long, but Army deserved his attention. He'd learned to ignore the handful of hate comments, overlook the over enthusiastic fans asking questions about their biases that clearly wasn't him. People were flawed, but most were at least attempting to be good.

He made his way to the fridge extracting a cold bottle of kombucha, singing for an hour had made his throat dry. He laughed softly remembering how he'd completely forgotten the lyrics to Magic Shop, his own song. That would be all over Twitter the next day.

Sometimes he did things like that on purpose to get Army in a frenzy about things that didn't matter. It was good press to appear on thousands of timelines across multiple platforms for a cute mix up of words instead of something truly embarrassing.

He was still waiting for his slip up with Lee Eunjae to appear from a week ago. They'd gotten too comfortable, he knew someone had snapped their pic at the amusement park at Everland. Usually a whole crowd of people went, if pictures were taken Army could just assume she was staff or friends with someone. They hid partners that way all the time, as long as the guys didn't physically touch them Army was blind to it.

That afternoon he'd been careless, Eunjae looked so cute that he'd not been able to resist pulling her in for a sneaky kiss when they'd walked off a rollercoaster. Her long hair was windswept, her cheeks pink, her smile wide with excitement, it had done something to him, probably reminded him of how she'd looked beneath him that morning. He'd thought they were around the corner from the crowds but when he'd turned there had been several groups staring at them.

After that she'd gotten cold feet and dumped him, claiming her acting career would end if Army harassed her. She was right, Eunjae would never feel the end of their stalking and digging into every thing she did. That was the annoying side of them, they didn't know when to stop. They were too possessive and he wondered if they'd ever accept them having romantic partners.

He wasn't sure if he missed her specifically or if he was just lonely again. It wasn't like he couldn't have another girlfriend right away if he wanted, or a dozen hook ups a week. It was eating at him to casually expose himself just to get off regularly.

When he thought about her he admitted she was certainly gorgeous, her dark eyes always looking at him like he was the best thing she'd ever seen. Eunjae had made him laugh, her quirky sense of humor complimenting his own. She was talented, that helped her not be jealous and definitely kept her busy so she wasn't constantly waiting for his call. All of those were reasons he should have been disappointed with her calling things off, but he wasn't.

Laughing to himself he realized he'd probably only miss her in his bed. The best things about her under her clothes. If he was honest there was only a surface level connection between them the last six months, probably why it was so easy for her to walk away.

Ever since Namjoon had gotten serious with Park Sujin and Jin had married Han ChaeKyung, he'd felt insecure about his playboy ways. It felt empty to keep behaving that way when other members had more meaningful connections.

He'd ended up in his bedroom and laid down on the pale green comforter. He knew he had hours in the studio the next day but he was too wired to sleep. Placing his drink on the wooden side table Jungkook knelt on the floor. From under the bed he dragged two purple plastic totes decorated with BTS stickers.

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