Thirty Two

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Jungkook wasn't watching the movie, every few minutes he'd glance out of the corner of his eye at her. Just seeing her at his side literally had his heart beating an unnatural rhythm. He didn't think it had pounded so erratically the entire dance practice earlier and Jimin had put him through the paces. Probably out of his own feelings that Jin was upset with him too.

He was doing his best to ignore the way her soft legs curled across his lap, and to not let his hands stroke along their bare lengths. The shorts she was wearing had ridden up high on her thighs, making Jungkook wish he'd worn shorts too so he could feel their skin touching. He'd made a grave error pulling her into that position, but the thought of moving her was unappealing.

Just within half a day he'd gotten wildly comfortable touching and kissing her whenever he wanted. Well, touching her in platonic places anyway. Whether or not he fully believed she'd opened that door, she responded to him positively and he couldn't bring himself to stop. He felt slightly confused that she seemed to meet him with resistance when he implied they could push the boundaries of their new situation.

Jungkook wasn't used to girls giving him any boundaries at all. Most were below him within hours, a rare few within a day. But Y/N was already setting up roadblocks he didn't understand. That could be part of the reason he didn't want to caress her legs, he might die of shock if she stopped him.

Something about the way she'd shot up when he'd touched her stomach made him confident she wouldn't allow anything else. He wasn't an asshole, he fully understood consent and wouldn't ever make her feel she needed to cross her own comfort zone. But the thought did occur to him if they started kissing later, he might see how far she'd let him go. Did that make him a creep?

The knock at the door surprised him, breaking his longing stare at the side of her head. Her skin looked smooth, delicate even and he was thinking about what it would be like to press his lips against her neck. He could imagine the warmth against his lips as he made his way downward into the velvety curve where her throat met her shoulder. Jungkook would gladly turn vampire to stay right there for hours.

He wondered if she'd seen his Dracula inspired photoshoot. Probably not all of it because it had come out while she was locked away. He'd be happy to recreate it for her now, but he suspected she wasn't going to let him go that far.

"That's probably the food, I can get it." She turned smiling at him and an eruption of butterflies pooled in his stomach.

"Relax, I got it." Jungkook probably needed the quick breath of air anyway.

"I'll pause it." He stood walking away while she fished into the blanket for the remote.

At the door he took the bags of food from the security guard then leaned against the closed door. If he didn't tamp down his feelings he was going to be in misery pretty quickly. He could tell she needed to catch up, he was completely smitten with her, but she was only attracted to him.

This was new for him, because it was always the opposite. Women wanting him, head over heels for him with no effort on his part, and he only wanted their bodies. It wasn't exactly the same, because he was pretty sure Y/N didn't want his body. Or if she did, she had no intention on doing anything about it.

When Jungkook returned with the food she'd piled some pillows on the floor and collected the bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen. He watched her settle onto her pillow and then turn to look at him expectantly.

"Everything okay with the food? You were gone a long time." She grinned and he shook his head placing the bag down.

"I was just checking to be sure it was all there, I wouldn't want to have forgotten anything for my hungry Bunny." She sat next to her and without thinking leaned over and kissed her gently.

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