Twenty Three

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"What Am I?" By Why Don't We







"Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes"

"I know your heart is beating quick and if you put your head on my chest hear the same in mine"

"She said, I know you are, but what am I?"







"We've got to leave in an hour so if there's anything you need to do, you've got a little time." Hyun smiled, was it really that obvious that you had no idea what to say? You felt grateful she filled the silence.

"Yeah, I should change and unpack." You twisted the cap on your water and left it on the counter headed down the hallway.

You weren't sure what to make of what Jungkook had said. Why would Namjoon want to see you? Maybe he'd not even meant it that way, maybe Jungkook had included you but Namjoon had not. How awkward would that be to show up at his place and find out you'd not even been invited? 'Oh hey, you don't know me, but Jungkook said it was cool if I tag along.' You cringed at the thought, and lost in them you hadn't noticed that he was right behind you.

Jungkook tried to follow you into your room but you stopped him at the doorway, your fingers gently pressed to his chest, the firm plane of his muscles just below his shirt. You were very aware of how it had felt pressed against you when you'd been on his bed kissing. You didn't know what to say to him yet and thought being in a room together with a bed again was not the wisest decision. Definitely not a safe option when you were still thinking about how soft his lips were and that funny little freckle.

You didn't want to hurt Jungkook's feelings but your head was telling you not to leap off the ledge with him. It would feel good in the moment, euphoric even, but the crash landing would be devastating. You'd already had one swan dive off the shelf of life, partying, drinking, spending every cent you received from your inheritance each month on people who disappeared when it ran out but conveniently returned in time for the next payment. Two monumental mistakes were unacceptable, and you might not get a third chance.

"What plans do we have tonight?" You'd almost forgotten to ask what he'd said to Namjoon to get out of dinner. You didn't recall him mentioning you were doing anything, in fact he'd said he couldn't be out and about in Seoul at all.

"Ridiculous amounts of food, a whole library of movies you've missed and I would have said a lot of kissing but I'm getting the picture you don't agree."

He looked confused, and you thought maybe no one had ever turned him down before. Why would anyone? Jungkook was handsome, talented, and you could tell if he wanted to turn on his charm he could turn a no into a hell yes.

"We've kissed once, how do we go from that to lots of kissing?" You looked away, the question ridiculous, had Hyun not walked into the bedroom you'd probably still be kissing. Or at least until you had to shut it down because his hands wandered or he thought you were going to have sex.

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