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🖤Press Play🖤

"Make It Right" by BTS feat. Lauv

"She wrote you a letter!" Jungkook was stunned, he wasn't sure he heard Hyun correctly.

"Are you teasing me? Is this pay back because you have had to drive there so many times?" He sat up straighter.

"Jungkookie, it's not break time!" Hobi yelled from the dance room, Jungkook crept a little further down the hall ignoring his hyung.

"I'm not joking, I'm shocked. The guy that gave it to me was shocked, but I have it, I'll leave it at your apartment."

"No! Bring it here to the studio, we have a lunch break in a little over an hour, so drive fast." Jungkook hung up a ridiculous smile on his face.

"You can't just walk out of practice." Namjoon grabbed his shoulder as he walked back into the room, he was frowning and Jungkook shook him off the smile disappearing.

"Like you never step away to talk to Sujin. Leave it alone hyung."

"Was that a girlfriend?" Jimin popped up behind him, too curious and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"It was Hyun, I asked her to get some of my favorite kombucha, she was about to buy the wrong kind. I was gone less than two minutes, everyone can just drop it." He shoved away as Jimin tried to stop him.

"What's with the mood? Is it because Dahyun found out about the rest of your harem?" Taehyung's laugh was bitter, and Jungkook almost lashed out about Jennie getting caught by Dispatch with G Dragon days after their 'date' but he swallowed it down.

"Give the kid space, why are you always in his business Taehyungie?" Jin pushed him back and wrapped an arm around Jungkook's shoulder leading him over to the corner.

"Everyone finish their warm ups, we've got a ton of ground to cover before lunch." Hobi changed the subject and Jungkook sat down on the floor his shoe squeaking against the rubber.

"Thanks hyung." He reached for his ankles, stretching out his back.

"Chae wants you to come over for dinner next week." Jin said it casually, pretending to twist to the sides, but he met Jungkook's eye in the mirror.

"Who is the girl this time?" He rolled his eyes for the second time in five minutes.


"No. She's got to stop pimping me out, why do you let her do that?" He was annoyed, Jin was always on his side, but a sucker for his wife.

"You never cared before, you just liked getting laid, what's changed?"

"I don't want that kind of reputation anymore. Girls I want to go out with now won't even speak to me."

"I think you did that on your own. She just wants her friends to be happy. I'll tell her you're not interested." Jin scooted backward and Jungkook grabbed his shin.

"Tell her I'll think about it." Jin grinned and kept scooting backward until he was next to Tae again. He leaned in scolding the younger idol quietly.

Jungkook tried to focus on that fact that at lunch he'd get to hear from Y/N. He couldn't wait to hear what she had to say.


Jungkook sat in his car, his Subway sandwich still in it's paper wrap abandoned on the seat next to him. He carefully ripped open the flap and pulled out the single sheet of paper.

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