Thirty Nine

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You were shocked, the last person you thought you'd see tonight was Jungkook. His eyes conveniently avoided yours but the tension in the room was thick. You had a feeling this was going to get messy, and you had no clue why he was doing this.

Jimin and Jungkook were both dressed up, all black designer outfits that made them look like they'd stepped off a runway. Only Jungkook didn't look effortless like usual, he looked like he'd very carefully selected his outfit to show off his best features.

"Sounds good to me!" Eunha was beaming, her smile wide as she bumped her boyfriend, Ko Sangwon to scoot down the long couch.

"Surely management can find something more comfortable for two members of BTS, I'm sure you get tired of never having privacy." You were shocked a second time when Jong Dae spoke up, his tone less than welcoming as he addressed the newcomers.

"We don't mind, it will be more fun than just singing with Jimin all night. Right hyung?" Jimin stayed silent at Jungkook's question, he looked skeptical and you wondered how he'd been convinced to come along.

Jungkook stepped further into the room, his smile was wide but it didn't seem to back Jong Dae down who'd angled his legs to block you. Instantly you could tell Jungkook didn't like that move, but Jimin's hand on Jungkook's arm stilled him from probably reacting the way he'd wanted.

You swallowed hard, what were you supposed to say? Agree with Eunha who clearly wanted this opportunity, or keep your mouth shut because any interest in him could raise suspicion? Would it raise any flags if you voted for them to stay? Wouldn't any Army do the same?

"It's hardly an even playing field anymore." Jong Dae grumbled and you got the picture he was a solid no vote for the guys making the group six.

"Don't be rude, it's not a competition." Sangwon elbowed Jong Dae and stood making introductions of everyone. At least he seemed like he was trying to win points with Eunha, or maybe he was a secret Army.

When he got to your name, Jungkook just nodded but something in his eyes was almost unfriendly. You swallowed hard, he was mad at you? What had you done to earn that?

It struck you suddenly, had he always intended to crash your night? Is that why he'd asked to you send him your locations? You'd known he'd acted jealous about the outfit but you thought he was being cute, not truly jealous. Did he think you capable of betraying him?

"How's your back? Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest?" Jong Dae said it with an air of sarcasm and you'd already had enough of his attitude. You had to speak up at this point, not just to defend Jungkook, but to prevent the whole mood of the room from tanking.

"I didn't know you kept up with BTS news." You elbowed him and then put the microphone in his hand grabbing the remote and picking a popular male artist song. "Let's just sing, it was your turn."

Jong Dae stood and stepped forward hesitantly and Jungkook took the opportunity to steal his seat next to you his body so close you could feel his heat. Everything inside you wanted to touch him, he belonged to you after all, but you couldn't. That feeling made you a little sad, because it was always going to be like this wasn't it? You'd probably never appear in public with him ever again.

Jimin was quietly talking to Eunha and Sangwon, but Jungkook didn't even look at you. He had a pouty look on his face, and you wondered if it was because Jong Dae was pretty good at singing. You turned back to watch since it was beginning to feel awkward staring at the side of his head.

When the song completed Jong Dae extended the mic to Jungkook, motioning him forward. Jungkook didn't move, and you wanted to shout at them both. You'd gotten the impression that Jong Dae thought this was a double date, but you'd planned to let him know you only wanted friendship later. In private. You had zero intentions on embarrassing him in front of Eunha and Sangwon, and certainly wouldn't with Jungkook and Jimin added to the group.

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