Fifty Eight

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Trigger Warning: suicide, domestic violence, alcoholic behavior

🖤Press Play🖤

"Young and Sad" by Noah Cyrus







"Let me go, I don't need you to wipe my tears"

"Don't want to be young and sad another day longer, don't wanna feel numb or mad until I go under"

"Don't you know I'm only trying to disappear"







You arrived at the familiar door of your old bedroom and paused. Would what you found behind the tall white door comfort you or make you feel worse?

You turned the knob not knowing the answer to that question but knowing you had to get away from everyone in the dining room. Inside the room was dark, your bed and desk visible even in the glow from the hallway. Once the door was closed you turned on the overheard light, it lit a space so familiar yet foreign to you all at once.

Your things were gone, but the bed was still made with it's usual purple bedspread and assorted pillows. You weren't surprised to see the walls and book shelves bare, because you knew those things were at Jungkook's. You thought to sit down and text him but realized you'd left your purse hanging on the back of your chair.

That thought made your stomach clench, you wanted nothing more than to hear his voice. He'd rush over if he knew what happened at dinner, fury and fight, then everything you'd tried to prevent would happen anyway. Maybe subconsciously you'd left it behind on purpose.

A thought occurred to you driving you to kneel on the floor and peer under the bed. You'd expected to see your old phone where you'd thought it had fallen the last time you'd been in this room. There was nothing, not even dust bunnies or a stray sock.

That was a curious thought, because if it had been located why had it not been returned? Did your mother really think you'd have already replaced it and didn't bother to put it with the rest of your belongings? Before you could think too deeply about that day you stood and sighed leaning against the bed.

You shouldn't let yourself get so worked up, you'd known before even stepping into this house that this gathering was to torment you. Was money so important to your mother that she'd do this? Clearly because you were more and more certain that she or her husband had drugged you so you'd look unstable. Then they could claim you incapable of making your own decisions and be that much closer your your trust fund.

You'd always been a disappointment to her, but before your father had gotten sick and she'd started seeing your stepfather at least there had been happier moments. She was undoubtedly self absorbed but she'd also been kind, asked you about school, took you shopping, cooked your meals. All of that stopped abruptly when she'd met him. She'd become cruel.

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