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🖤Press Play🖤

"Lonely" by RM







"I hate this hotel room, I'm floating alone"

"I tried a million times to let you go, so many memories are on the floor, and now I hate the cities I don't belong"

"I hate everything, uh yeah, I guess I'm wasted"







Jungkook almost made it out of the office when the receptionist called him back to the desk. He tried not to roll his eyes, his emotions too scattered to deal with an eager fan, but the last thing he needed was someone posting online he was rude. She was typing and looking at her computer screen for almost a fill minute before smiling softly at him.

"It would be safe to say I could get you in for a sessionTuesday morning." She made a face Jungkook couldn't interpret, her brows raising as she pointedly said the words.

"No that's alright, I'm not looking for a therapist. Do I owe her for her time?" He reached for his wallet and the receptionist shook her head firmly.

"Well if you change your mind just call the office. Did you have an appointment on Tuesday earlier this week?" She said the words more forcefully and he frowned becoming confused.


"Oh well then, be safe. I can't wait for the concerts when you return to Seoul." She smiled one more time, emphasizing the second word and it hit him, she was telling him Y/N was safe.

"Thank you." Jungkook could have cried but instead squeezed her hand where it lay against the keyboard. She blushed so furiously he thought she might pass out.

Back in the car he thought about the other part of what she said, did she mean Y/N had seen the doctor on Tuesday? Right after she left her mother's? Did that mean Dr Choi had helped her find an alternate situation? It must, she was so adamant about not telling him anything. Surely if Y/N was truly missing she would have been obligated to do anything in her power to find her, including sharing information with people close to her.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was if Dr Choi had told the woman to say those things. How did the receptionist know he was there about Y/N? He guessed she could have searched the system for his name and discovered he was her former emergency contact. It made his head hurt and he decided to just take the gift.

Knowing she was safe gave him comfort but didn't make him feel better about anything else. Safe didn't mean she was in a pleasant situation. Back in his apartment he messaged Meera and updated her. He'd hoped she would have heard something but it was still silence on her side as well.


Jungkook thought about her every single day of the tour. He kept waiting for that moment when she'd fade from his mind, but it didn't seem to happen. During the day when they were busy, the tension in his chest would unfurl slightly. They'd tour the stadium, do blocking, sound checks, interviews, the actual concerts and he'd have moments of relief.

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