Thirty Six

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"Kookie?" You paused with your fingers over the door handle, fully dressed again you almost wished you were back in his bed.

"Yes Bunny?" It struck you that he'd not called you by your usual pet name when things had turned heated between you. Hadn't it been baby doll?

Jungkook had settled down, his anger fading into irritation as he watched you dress. You knew the emotion wasn't directed at you anyway, every time your eyes met he smiled.

"Are they going to hate me like Namjoon?" You swallowed back the memory of the explosive dinner two days ago. You also couldn't let go of the idea that all this was your fault, but you didn't say it out loud.

"These three? Not a chance. They're all very sweet." He brushed his fingers against your cheek and you felt better, momentarily.

"Taehyung and Hoseok aren't sweet?"

"Tae warms up slowly and Hobi-hyung has a different perspective on the situation right now. That's all. Don't worry."

The feeling of relief slipped away when you realized until two days ago you would have said Namjoon was sweet. That he was kind and caring and loved his fans. Now you thought he was a little scary, and an asshole.

"Oh my god, they are going to know I slept in here last night." You cheeks were burning, the heat creeping up to the edges of your ears.

"So?" Jungkook's hand pressed against the small of your back, it was almost as if he couldn't keep his hands off you.

"They are going to think we had sex!"

"But we didn't have sex." He said it flatly like he didn't understand why you were concerned.

"That doesn't matter! It's the perception." You frowned, not really wanting to see the realization on their faces when you both appeared together.

"I have a simple solution." Jungkook grinned and leaned down brushing his nose against yours.


"I'll tell them that before they interrupted I'd only gotten you topless and was about to put my tongue around your-,"

"Yah!" You clamped your palm over his mouth, you were furiously blushing now. "Don't say another word Kookie."

"You don't want me to say ni-,"

He pulled your hand away slightly but you pressed it against his lips again before he could finish the thought. If he said it out loud you might die of humiliation.

"I get it. I'd rather they just think we had sex than you do that." You groaned, but he looked completely pleased with himself and after a second you couldn't help but grin too.

"Chances are they aren't going to think about me in bed with anyone. I'm like their little brother." Jungkook nudged you with his hand, then drew you closer.

"Don't be mad at them, it wasn't like we were going to go much farther. Something like that is probably pretty innocent to you, not quite as exciting as you're used to doing." You turned back to the door but Jungkook picked you up and carried you back to the bed.

"Never say that again." He laid you backward letting his body arch over you, the excitement and reminder of a few minutes ago rolled through you.

"Never say what again?"

"That this is innocent or not exciting to me. Just because I've gone farther with other women doesn't make this not count. If anything this is a huge first for me too." His hand stroked down your side until he gripped your hip.

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