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"Have a seat Y/N." You didn't recognize the woman who was in Dr Kang's office.

She'd walked you down the hall, her silence thoughtful and you felt nervous. You didn't think you could handle another verbal olympics with your stepfather. You'd felt so stressed out from the last one that you'd had nightmares. Terrible snippets of memory about choking down bitter water that ran into your hair and felt sticky as it poured from your mouth when you lay on your back.

"You're not coming in with me?" You looked at the closed door and turned back to Dr Kang quizzically.

"No, but everything will be fine. Don't worry." She smiled and opened the door motioning you inside.

"Who are you?" You picked the seat behind the desk again, hoping it would give you a sense of power or a modicum of control.

"I'm Yun Choram, I'm from Hybe." The woman sitting in the chair where your step father had occupied earlier in the week smiled.

"Look you don't have to sue me, I won't send or accept any more letters. I won't tell anyone that I spoke to him. I wasn't even sure it was him, I'm sorry."

Your cheeks burned, panic tingling through your chest, you should have known you were going to get in trouble. You don't get to just talk to Jeon Jungkook, that wasn't a real thing. And even if you had been talking to the actual Jungkook, clearly people weren't happy about it.

"I'm not asking you to not speak with Jungkookssi, I'm just protecting everyone's interests."

She reached into a leather case that was propped against her chair and withdrew a manila folder. When she opened it there was a small stack of papers covered in typed words that you had trouble reading upside down.

"This is a pretty simple non disclosure agreement. It just says that any communication that you have with Jungkookssi, or any of his staff will be confidential. You don't expect to gain anything from the interactions, and will not ask him to give you anything. Should he decide to give you anything you may not sell it or profit off of it." She turned the paper and was pointing at the bullet points which were written as simply as she described.

"At any time either party can end the communication and neither party may seek retribution even if the interactions end less than amicably. Should you tell anyone about your arrangements with Jungkookssi and it get out into the press Hybe reserves the right to sue you. If you are found guilty in court you will pay any legal fees plus up to eight billion won to restore the company and his reputation."

"He contacted my friends on Instagram, they know it was him. Am I liable for that if it gets out even though it was his own fault?" You swallowed hard imagining Meera or Aiden having loose lips to a friend.

"We'll address that with Jungkookssi. Moving forward you agree to preside by this agreement. Do you have any questions?" Her expression remained pleasant even when you told her about the private messages, she extended a pen.

"Is he in trouble because he wrote me back?" You didn't take it, worried that you'd gotten him into a mess and this was their way of fixing things.

"No, he approached his manager and asked the best way to hand the situation because he said he intended to be a friend to you. He knows that because of his status it could put you both at risk." You finally took the pen from her hand and signed next to your name.

"This second page is a little different. I know I just said that you don't expect to gain anything from your interactions, but Jungkookssi does." Yun Choram smiled, and it was full of compassion.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook intended to gain something?

"This outlines that he is retaining our services to represent you."

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