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🖤Press Play🖤

"93 Days" by Grace Gaustad







"It's been 93 days since the doctor called, said I wasn't okay, said I needed drugs"

"I just needed love"

"Head's clearer than the sky on the ocean shore, didn't need the medicine, I just needed more"







Jungkook elbowed Yun Choram playfully, his mood higher than it had been in days. She didn't seem to be as amused as he was, her frown conveying that she thought he was making a colossal mistake. If he'd been confused about that look, when her mouth opened it was crystal clear.

"You shouldn't be here for this part, let me and Junhoon handle it. You've read the paperwork, it's airtight, but seeing you might spook her." Now both of them were looking at him like somewhere in the last twelve hours he'd lost his mind.

"No, I need to be here, if she has questions or she hesitates I can help without you having to call me. I want Y/N free from her monster family today. She might be a little starstruck too, and that can only help." Jungkook winked, his mood elevated to a point that anyone else could see straight through it.

He was banking everything on this meeting, if it didn't work and she stayed behind these walls he might lose his mind. All night he'd laid in his bed and the thoughts has been intrusive, this could be his only hope to help her before she ended up in another facility. One that wouldn't put up with him showing up whenever he pleased, one that was unkind to her. Beyond that he couldn't imagine another day without finding out what she was like when she knew there were no limits on her. He was counting on being able to see her face light up when he said she could leave, and that joy would fill him up and he could stop thinking about what a complete and utter waste he'd become.

"Or it could complicate things, she might feel too blinded to make a decision. It might actually make her feel like she can manipulate you, take a lot more money than you plan on spending." Junhoon took a shot at him this time, it was pointless Jungkook was barely listening.

"I'll liquidate all of my assets, there's no figure she can name that I won't come up with."

He rolled his eyes, mentally counting what his apartment was worth. What he could get if he auctioned off his clothing, even if he could get a fee from Jungkook China to show up to one of their monthly fan club meetings. There wasn't any financial barrier that would prevent him from smashing through her resistance if she was money hungry.

"Too late to leave, Soo-ah's here." Dr Kang who had been waiting by the door motioned to them then walked away, likely to greet the woman.

Jungkook wondered if she would look like the hateful troll he'd imagined, severe and judgemental. He guessed though she would be beautiful like her daughter, not that it would make it harder to loathe her.

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