Thirty Eight

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Jungkook was paying for his tattoo work and joking with Polyc when your phone chimed in your bag. You ignored it but he bumped you with his hip motioning toward the noise.

"Aren't you going to check that?" He raised a brow and you shook your head grinning. You tried to make a point of not letting there be distractions when you were focused on someone.


"Does that mean you'll ignore my messages too?" You knew he was teasing but you rolled your eyes anyway and swatted his arm.

"Didn't you get voted the least likely to respond to a text by BTS?" You chided back and he grinned, Polyc covered a laugh at your sassiness with a cough. Jungkook ceded the battle waving his hands in defeat with a grin that made you feel giddy.

You tugged your phone out a little bit and glanced at the screen, Jungkook leaned over to look, entirely too curious but you didn't scold him you didn't have anything to hide. It was from Jong Dae but you shoved the phone away, knowing it would drive Jungkook crazy. Who said you couldn't tease him a little bit?

"Do the two of you talk a lot?" Jungkook said it easily but you heard something else in the quality of his tone no matter how much he tried to disguise it.

"Constantly, in fact I stay up most nights just chatting him up." You looked at him pointedly your tone deeply sarcastic, there was no reason for him to be jealous anymore, hadn't you agreed to be his girlfriend?

Jungkook thanked the tattoo artist and wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you went out the back to the private parking lot. At the door you moved his hand and he stiffened halting his progress and shooting you a questioning look.

"You don't know who's on the other side of the door, the last thing you need is another wave of drama in the news. Are you already getting sloppy Kookie?" You explained but he still slightly pouted stepping to the side to give more space between your bodies.

"My girl is too smart." He kissed your forehead and then went out first, putting his hand up to block his face but the small area was empty and you followed in his wake.

A moment later you both settled into his car and you saw the time on the dashboard as it started, it was a lot later than you thought. You pulled your phone back out and clicked on the new message as Jungkook backed out of the parking space.

BJ: Dinner and karaoke? Eunha and her boyfriend are free tonight, my treat?

You smiled, you'd not done karaoke in over a year and it was one of your favorite nights out. You couldn't sing very well but the atmosphere was always fun. You wondered if you'd feel the same if you didn't drink anything, wasn't part of the hype that everyone was drinking and feeling their inhibitions come down?

"Everything okay Bunny?" Jungkook's tone held worry and you realized your face had changed, likely anxiety over a first social situation after your new sober lifestyle suddenly stressing you out.

"He invited me to go out with a couple of our friends, just dinner and karaoke, but I've not gone out since I stopped drinking." You shrugged trying to play it off as no big deal but he squeezed your hand.

"Tell him the truth. If he's a friend he'll get it." You smiled, feeling grateful that Jungkook understood, that he picked your side and didn't downplay your concerns.

YN: It sounds like fun, but I have to admit I'm not ready to be around drinking yet

You smiled back at Jungkook once the message was sent, he was right the truth was the easiest solution. Jong Dae had mentioned he'd stopped drinking but you had no clue about Eunha or her boyfriend. Maybe you could just go to dinner and bail for karaoke when they'd be the most likely to get drunk.

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