Forty One ➳

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"We don't have to go this far." Jungkook swallowed with difficulty before speaking, something on his face had changed from desire to an emotion you couldn't name.

"You agreed to touching me, do you not want me to touch you?" You snapped your legs shut, he had to pull backward to keep from being caught between your thighs.

You wanted to take back your requests, embarrassed but confused that he wouldn't want you to touch him. You sat up grabbing a pillow and put it in front of your body. Maybe you could grab your robe from the floor gracefully and just go back to your own bedroom. You looked over the side of the bed, it seemed pretty far but you could still grab for it.

"I want to go get pajamas." You looked at the silky material longingly, if you could just get it you'd be able to claw a shred of dignity back.


"Easy for you to say when you're not the one naked and rejected." You groaned and scooted closer to the edge of the bed reaching toward the floor.

"Rejected? Because I said we could slow down?" His eyes were wide, like he was only just now realizing what was happening between the two of you.

"Kookie!" You yelped as your body tipped sideways in your stretch toward the robe, you were going to tumble to the floor like an idiot, then you'd really look ridiculous sprawled out naked and truly humiliated.

"Don't fall off the bed." Jungkook grabbed your arm just as you almost fell over and easily righted you as if you'd weighed nothing.

Next thing you knew you were straddling Jungkook's lap his lips pressed against your neck, his hands at your hips holding your body against him. All the warm skin of his torso and chest was pressed against your breasts, and it lit heat everywhere.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do to you if you wanted me to right now, no self imposed limit I wouldn't cross, no where I wouldn't touch you, or let you touch me. I'm saying we can stop because I don't need you to do any of those things. I am not rejecting you." He tilted his head back and you could tell he meant it, why had you freaked out?

"I'm not ready to stop." You sighed and his hands dropped lower until he was cupping your ass, his fingers dangerously close to sliding between your legs.

Jungkook flipped you over to the bed, a grin on his lips as his hands dragged inward to your thighs. He was kneeling and he parted your legs once more, practically returning you to the position you'd been in before you'd leapt away from him.

"Then tell me again what you want me to do to you baby doll." Jungkook's tongue brushed his lip ring and your eyes followed it.

"I want you to make me cum with your hands," you moved to your elbows and raised a brow, "I mean, if you think you can actually do that." You scrunched your nose up at him, knowing you were about to trigger something in your competitive boyfriend.

"I'm going to give you a pass because you've never done this before, but baby, it's a bad idea to say something like that to me." Jungkook pressed you into the bed, his body pushing your legs even wider as he kissed you.

Your tongue toyed with the ring, your hands dragging up the skin of his back, you weren't going to let him forget the second part of your request. You wanted to touch him, his erection once again pressed into your thighs. You needed to know what it looked like because it felt so good. Your stomach was fluttering with nerves and excitement, why wasn't he touching you already?

When you were completely breathless from his kiss he leaned back, he didn't seem out of breath at all you noted. His hands settled at your thighs, squeezing the flesh, his thumb brushing toward your core but not getting there, you almost groaned impatiently.

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