Forty Seven

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Lunch ended up being a tall stacked basket of dim sum and pickled vegetables that Minghao bought from one of the small restaurants on the beach. Jungkook and Kyujin had bought cold bottles of beer from an ice cart vendor and the five of you were sitting at a picnic table eating quietly.

When you'd arrived at the bottom of the mountain trail, thankfully all of the guys without injury from their competition, you'd separated to clean up like Minghao had suggested. The beach had a few bathhouses and the cool water from the sinks had felt amazing against your face.

Chin-sun had come prepared handing you a cloth to scrub your arms and neck. You wondered if she was trying to make up for what she was convinced she'd caused earlier. Before you followed her from the bathhouse you stared at yourself in the mirror and silently gave yourself a pep talk to seem happier.

"What should we do next?" Minghao gently placed a dim sum on your plate where you sat next to him.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jungkook, across from you, sit up straighter. You could sense he'd not liked that, sharing food could be considered intimate. You glanced at Chin-sun who was next to Kyujin, he was in the middle of the three of them. She seemed oblivious to what had happened, or just didn't place the same significance on the gesture.

"Is that one pork? Can I have it?" Jungkook reached across the table with his chopsticks and motioned to the dumpling on your plate.

"The ones in front of you are pork too." You lifted it to your mouth and took a bite raising your brow innocently.

Jungkook barely contained his displeasure watching you finish it, he didn't even reach for one of his own, but then you'd known he just didn't want you to eat what Minghao gave you. He stirred at some slices of carrot on his plate and watched the two of you like you were seconds away from kissing.

"You should try this one with duck fat, everyone loves them here." Minghao started lowering the dumpling toward your plate and Jungkook grabbed his wrist.

Minghao was shocked, his chopsticks stopped moving and everyone watched as the dim sum bounced to the uneven surface of the worn table. You glared at Jungkook but he wasn't looking back at you.

"Don't feed my girlfriend." He said it slowly to Minghao, it wasn't overly aggressive but it was definitely unfriendly.

"Are you joking right now?" Minghao plucked the dim sum up and popped it into his mouth shaking his head.

"No, just don't do it okay? If she needs something I'll make sure she gets it." You restrained yourself from snapping at Jungkook, he'd ignored you all day but he was offended by a dumpling?

"Guys-," Chin-sun started.

"It's okay Sunnie, I get it. We're cool." Minghao smiled at her and scooted several inches farther from your body even though he'd not been very close to begin with.

"I thought we could visit the Ramen Museum." Jungkook placed a dim sum on your plate, his tone perfectly normal again when he addressed the table.

Despite still being hungry there was zero chance you were ever going to eat it. What you failed to recognize was that your own jealousy had forced you into a bad mood to begin with. And now you were adding to your distemper because Jungkook was behaving the same.

"I've never been it should be fun." You wanted to roll your eyes at how Minghao had fallen back into conversation like he understood perfectly Jungkook's irritation.

You met Chin-sun's eyes and she shrugged, unbothered once more by the guys antics. Kyujin seemed disinterested in anything but finishing his food.

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