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Jungkook felt his watch vibrate and looked down, his ten minute warning alarm was going off. Had the time really flown by so quickly? She was still blushing from him showing her his piercing and he felt a little guilty about embarrassing her, but she'd asked.

"I have to go now. I'm sorry." He didn't want to see sadness in her eyes but prepared himself for it.

"Will you come back? Or write me again?" Jungkook smiled, she looked so cute asking, as if he was going to never come back.

The fact was he knew anyone could have come through the door. He'd had no clue what she looked like or anything about her beyond their letters. When he saw her the first thing that crossed his mind was she looked beautiful. Her eyes were sharp, intelligence and cheekiness that had come across in her words evident.

She was shorter than him and had felt so good in his arms. He knew he shouldn't feel that way, but his heart had started beating fast and he worried she'd hear it. He shoved his hands to his sides as she stepped away, because he really wanted to pet his hand down her hair. He imagined what it would feel like between his fingers.

"I'd come back every day if I could, but I'll keep writing until I can visit again." Her face lit up and he grabbed some of the plastic wrap feeling a little awkward.

For a moment they both cleaned quietly, Jungkook getting the garbage and Y/N stacking the boxes of albums. He felt like he should say something, but he wasn't sure what would sound right.

"They'll have to lock these up for me, but I can probably get away with taking a couple photocards." She was holding the stacks of cards, a mischievous look on her face.

"Which two are you going to take?" Jungkook's grin was self assured, and then it turned to shock as she spoke.

"Mint Yoongi, and flower Jin." She plucked them from the stack and threw his hands up.

"Are you kidding me? I bring you all that and you choose them?" When she starting giggling he knew she was joking and he didn't know if he wanted to throttle her or throw her over his shoulder until she begged for mercy.

"I think I'll go with Jungkook Love Yourself Tear- Y and BE Essential." Jungkook was a little shocked that she could name his photocards.

"You know their names?"

"Really? Could I really call you my bias if I didn't?" She shoved him gently and he grabbed her wrist tugging her against him into a hug.

"I have to go." He said it against her hair, feeling disappointed that he had dance practice, because he'd rather be here.

"I didn't have a chance to write you back." She smiled at him when he finally pulled away, his hands still holding onto her arms.

"My PA will wait, then I'll have something to read after practice." His watch chimed again, he looked down with a sigh, if he didn't leave now he'd be late and Hobi would give him hell on top of the managers.

"Thanks for coming Jungkook-oppa. You really didn't have to do any of this." Her smile made butterflies tumble around in his stomach.

"When a girl tells me she doesn't like me anymore, I do crazy things." He pulled her into a quick hug and before he could stop himself kissed the top of her head.

When he pulled back they were both blushing and he waved awkwardly and let himself out. The whole way down the hall he berated himself for doing that. Aside from the kiss he'd also said the dumbest thing, 'when a girl tells me she doesn't like me I do crazy things'? He wanted to disappear it was so embarrassing, great way to announce he was a creepy stalker.

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