Seventy Nine

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Jungkook only had one idea left, and it was probably one he should have thought of first. He'd had to go home after leaving Jong Dae's as his plan wouldn't have been feasible so late at night. It was going to drive him nearly to madness to get through to the morning until he could take his next steps.

He'd already had a couple beers and whiskey, and he knew he should just go to bed but somehow he'd ended up on Live at eleven at night. Right away he got a text from manager Shim advising him it was a bad idea, but he ignored it. Being surrounded by Army used to bring him so much comfort, maybe it could again.

At first he only glanced at the comments, lots of people wanted to know why he'd deleted Instagram. He didn't reply, the smart ones would figure it out. Almost every other comment was a question about Mina. He didn't indulge them either. They could think what they wanted, link them together or not, Jungkook didn't care at all. If they liked the idea, great, if they hated it, so what? It wasn't like he was going to date anyone, he only wanted Y/N, and if she wasn't coming back to him then he'd be alone.

It had already been an hour with him singing, talking about the tour, pretending it hadn't only been a couple weeks since he was plastered across the internet nearly nude. He knew they assumed the girl in the painting and pictures was Mina, and the more he drank the more angry the thought made him. Somehow he wanted to tell them that it wasn't Mina's body he'd painted. He couldn't figure out why it was making him so irritated. It was probably better they thought that right?

Jungkook would have never done anything like that with anyone else. It had never crossed his mind to do anything but hook up with his flings. He'd only ever gotten them flowers or presents or gone to dinner with them to ensure they'd have sex with him. Armys romanticizing his relationship with Mina, who even though she'd helped him at the end was still the biggest reason his relationship ended, had him ready to lose it. She'd literally done all the dirty work for Chae, put the gun in her hand and aimed it right for him.

"Yah! No more comments about Mina." He rolled his eyes and drained his beer looking away from the camera. This had been the first time Jungkook had said her name, it felt gross.

The chat blew up, childish Armys doing the exact opposite of what he'd asked because it had gotten a response from him, he should have known better. He stood shaking his head and walked off camera to refill his drink. He wobbled as he stepped around the doorway, and ended up sprawled on his back on the kitchen floor. He knew it was off camera but the sound had been loud, his shoulders sending a stool skittering across the space, his head bouncing on the floor. Suddenly he was crying, unhurt, but overwhelmed and he just laid there, staring at the ceiling. He tried to contain his sobs, they were furious gasps and hiccups of sound that he knew the phone would pick up, he was only a couple meters away, but they kept coming.

She'd left, been so disgusted by him that she'd chosen her hateful mother rather than be near him. Something had clearly happened during that arrangement because less than a week later she'd disappeared. His actions had put her in an impossible situation and now she could be in a lot of trouble and he couldn't even do anything about it. Jin had been right that love only masked the real trouble, and no amount of loving Y/N could fix what was broken.

More tears and cries broke from him, he rolled to his side curling inward and realized the glass tumbler he'd been using had shattered in the fall. A jagged edge of its handle stabbed into his finger, bright drops of red blood sprinkled the white tile floor. He was a fucking mess, but too drunk to do anything about it now. He pressed his head against his arm and decided to just do nothing at all.

Taehyung woke him, his long fingers cool against Jungkook's forehead. He had no idea how long it had been but apparently he'd passed out, still on the floor in his kitchen. His body ached and the room felt too bright looking up at his hyung.

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