Twenty Seven

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You rolled to your back from your stomach for what felt like the fiftieth time. The bed was comfortable, not too hard, not too soft, just right. You could have been the baby bear in Goldilocks for how perfect it felt. The problem was you kept seeing Jungkook's face when you returned from your room before dinner. He'd looked what? Mad? Irritated? Maybe. But under that he looked hurt, there was something in his expression that was sad.

You replayed your conversation, again. He'd asked you about your bags, you'd told him what you'd bought. He wanted to know if you'd had a good time, you'd thought he seemed genuinely interested in your response. Jungkook had made eye contact, nodded at your words. You'd teased him about eating, but he'd taken the joke, his smile when you headed toward your room was warm. How did that change so suddenly?

It struck you, and you groaned, your hands covering your face. The text, from Jong Dae, he had to have seen it. You rolled back to your belly and yelled silently against the pillow. How hurt he must be, you turned him down and hours later you're accepting a dinner invitation from someone else? No wonder his good mood was flipped off like a switch. You'd even purposefully not mentioned the interaction because you knew the timing of it would be sensitive. You'd known Jungkook would take it the wrong way.

When you'd touched your phone while eating your texts had already been open, but you hadn't remembered leaving them open. At the time you'd not thought anything of it, just responded but when you thought back you were sure you'd closed the app after sending your hello to Jong Dae. His message must have come in while you were washing your hands and Jungkook had seen it where you'd left it on the counter. You rolled over and grabbed your phone from the table in the dark, the bright screen hurt your eyes when you woke it up.

YN: Are you up?

The screen said it was nearly midnight, you didn't expect a reply. More than the late hour you thought if you were right about your theory, Jungkook might not want to speak to you at all. You couldn't even blame him, he'd gone out of his way to help you, even if he'd done it in a misguided way. And within the very first day you'd kissed him, changed your mind, invaded his personal space, and then accepted what he must think was a date from someone else.

JJ: No, go to bed

You half way grinned at his response, clearly he wasn't furious with you, he'd not bother to respond if that was the case. He might be upset, but somehow it seemed like he wanted your attention anyway.

YN: Prepare yourself if you're not dressed, I'm on my way to your room

JJ: Don't

YN: If you don't want company you'll have to lock me out

You dropped the phone into your covers and slipped from the bed letting your bare feet find the slippers in a weird penguin like shuffle. You heard your phone ping behind you, Jungkook's reply, but you ignored it and opened the door.

Your hallway was dark, the kitchen had low light bleeding from a nightlight near the sink, but that sole illumination disappeared when you entered Jungkook's hall. His door was shut, and you waited for a moment to let your eyes adjust from the cell phone screen. With a slow breath you grabbed the knob and pushed open the door.

"I said don't." You ran straight into Jungkook's hard body with a yelp as soon as you cleared the door and nearly bounced backward had his hand not grabbed your arm.

"You didn't lock the door." You said it petulantly and stepped forward wrapping your arms around his waist, your cheek pressing to his shoulder.

"If you're going to crawl into my bed you were supposed to bring a teddy bear." You could almost hear him roll his eyes and you pinched the skin above his hip over his shirt, he made a small protest and grabbed your fingers to prevent any further attack.

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