Fifty ➳

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You woke still in your pajamas but wrapped in Jungkook's arms. Your dream had felt so real you were certain you'd have slipped from your clothing. After the hours long dinner that went well into the night you'd both fallen asleep quickly upon returning to the hotel room. As your eyes opened you were increasingly aware of every inch of his body where it pressed to yours.

"Don't wiggle." Jungkook's deep morning voice almost vibrated through you, his hand grabbing your hip. It made you grin but you slowly rolled to your back so you could see him more easily.

"I regret yesterday." You poked his nose with a fingertip, his eyes were still closed but his lips had a smirk that told you he didn't believe what you'd just said.

"Which part?" His hand stroked down your throat to your chest where it lay across your breast over your shirt.

"I forgot to take my camera for pictures, don't let me forget today." You lay very still beneath his touch, not wanting to make him move. "I was dreaming about taking pictures of you. By the way, because you have pictures of me on your phone does that mean I can take them of you?"

"I bet you have pictures of me on your phone right now." One of his eyes opened and he grinned, Jungkook was right, you'd saved hundreds of pictures to your camera roll of BTS over the years.

"None I've personally taken." You pouted at him, was he avoiding the question?

"Yes Bunny, you can take my picture, what pictures were you dreaming about?" His words gave you an idea, you still remembered a few shots, could you recreate them now?

"Hand me my phone and I'll show you." Jungkook made a long protesting noise and stretched for your phone behind him on the side table. Before handing it to you he rolled his shoulders and yawned.

"Do you promise to follow my directions perfectly? I'm the photographer and I'm in charge." You narrowed your eyes at him, wondering if he'd ever followed directions in his entire life.

"I've very well behaved, I'm an angel during photo sessions." He kissed your lips softly and you leaned upward but he lifted away with a smirk. "Show me what you dreamed." You pushed your shirt upward, until your breasts were exposed and he looked at you raising a brow.

"What kind of dream was this baby doll?" You heard the change in his tone and vernacular immediately as he slipped into his more seductive persona.

"Behave. I wish I could use my real camera, but these shots would require a tripod and I didn't bring it. Now, give me your hand." Jungkook extended his left hand but you shook your head and he gave you his right.

You placed his palm over your breast, and very quickly he got the idea, his fingers gently squeezing against your flesh. It was difficult to not be distracted but you brought up your camera app and lined up the shot, shifting your body slightly. What you captured dropped heat into your stomach intensely. The contrast between his tattooed hand and your unblemished skin was striking, you showed him the picture. It was zoomed in close, your two body parts the focus on the shot.

"Should we keep going?" You could hear the desire in your voice and he nodded, his thumb stroking across your nipple.

"Move to my stomach, but hook your thumb into the waistband of my shorts and tug them down slightly." You were biting your bottom lip watching him complete the directions.

This picture was a lot like the last, had he used his other hand it wouldn't have been nearly as erotic. This left no question who's hands were all over your skin. The way your shorts were pulled it was sensually obvious he wanted to remove them and it translated beautifully into the picture. You pulled your shirt off completely and dragged his hand back up your body, his eyes were on you, was he holding his breath?

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now