Fifty Six ➳

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🖤Press Play🖤

"Sex Trip" by Jay Park

🖤No lyrics necessary 🖤

(Although "Fuckin like it's my job" has me giggling)







"Was that too much?" Jungkook laughed softly switching to a gray color of paint across your shoulder, a streak of red at the edge. It felt cold and thick as he swirled it into your skin.

You shook your head still feeling slightly dazed by his words, and now his other hand pressed against your belly sliding lower while he continued to paint. You felt as if you were holding your breath, then it rushed out as his fingers, thankfully this hand clean, swept through your wetness.

"No, maybe it wasn't, maybe my sweet Bunny liked knowing I'm thinking about ruining her tight pussy while she makes art for me." Your eyes almost rolled back, his thumb stroking against your clit.

A noise that was partially a moan and partially a gasp tore from you when one of his fingers rolled your clit back and forth. You reached for his boxers and to your surprise Jungkook didn't stop you like usual. Tugging the front elastic down you released his hard cock earning a groan of approval when your hand wrapped around the base and stroked upward.

"I feel like you're rushing me." He laughed driving forward through your fingers and against your palm.

You were a little disappointed when his hand between your thighs moved and he started concentrating on depositing paint across your breasts shoulders and belly. Jungkook winked at you and you laughed when he caught your eye, somehow the whole moment was absurd but also had you dripping to the canvas beneath you.

"We have to hurry or the paint will dry." Another laugh that was cut off when you teased your fingers against the ring, tugging it so the ball rotated side to side.

A brush blended several colors across your abdomen blues and greens then a brown and golden beige at the tops of your thighs. Finally he coated your forearms in shades of purples then yellow and rosy pink around your breasts until at last Jungkook tossed both the plate of paint and brush to the side. He was breathless, gritting his teeth at how your fingers continued to toy with him. He reached over your head and produced a condom that you plucked from his fingers and ripped open.

"I should do this or it's going to end up covered in paint." You finally found your voice and carefully rolled the slick circle down his cock until it rested against the base.

"Wait." Jungkook grabbed your wrist before you could roll over and tugged the plate of paint back.

With two fingers already stained with color he drew on your palms with the remaining sticky hues, bright red and what was left of gray. When it was done he backed up slowly, careful to not collect any of the paint on your legs as he moved. You watched him kick his boxers away, his fingers gliding through your folds just once before he helped lift you upward.

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