Twenty Nine

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You dropped your phone back onto the bed and turned toward the door. You should have been talking yourself out if it, but you found yourself in his hallway, head empty of anything but one thought. This was ridiculous, you were both unstable, there was zero chance anything between you could work out.

You should be furious with him, he'd literally had sex with someone else just hours after saying he wanted to be only with you. While the thought did make you unhappy it also made you unhappy thinking about being away from him. Last night had been amazing and you'd seen a side of him you couldn't forget. It also spoke volumes that he was willing to risk everything to tell you the truth right?

Besides, hadn't he been the only person fighting for you? Dr Kang, your aunt, your mother, they'd not done anything to get you out, everyone of them just accepting your fate. But Jungkook saw what was happening and hadn't let it continue.

But was him fighting for you the same as him falling in love? Was it worthy of letting your guard down and doing the same? Could someone be there for someone else with no expectations? Were you only feeling butterflies for him because you were grateful?

You shook your head and paused, your brain finally throwing up red flags. If he was so mercurial that he'd be falling for you one moment and falling into bed with someone else the next, shouldn't you run in the opposite direction?

"Jungkook?" You stopped at his open doorway, you could see him standing by his desk. You barely remembered passing the kitchen, you needed to tap the brakes.

"Hmm?" He lowered his phone and turned in your direction. You could tell he was trying very hard to act as it he wasn't bothered by what had happened at breakfast.

"You need to grow up." You felt the heat curl into your cheeks and tinge your ears, that wasn't at all what you'd meant to say.

"I know." Jungkook looked ill at your words, like he hated to hear them from your lips.

"You make rash decisions, and I don't want to be one of them. I have feelings Kookie. Can you really tell me you're not just jumping head first into feelings for me and a month from now you'll change your mind?" Your stomach rolled with everything you were saying, you hadn't wanted to have a serious conversation. You'd headed to his room with something else in mind entirely.

"I can't say it's not a rash decision, because I know it is, but I also know I'm not going to just change my mind about you. Don't ask me how I know, I'm asking you to trust me. Which sounds messed up since I already let you down." Something about the way he looked made your stomach flip in a completely different way, because you did believe him.

"You swear to never touch Mina ever again? Ever ever?" You glared at him, you thought you might explode with jealousy if you ever saw her.

"I won't touch anyone. I promise." Jungkook was the model of sincerity.

"Then I forgive you." You said it slowly, then nodded firmly after, it wasn't your place to be upset with him about who he slept with anyway, you had to put your jealousy aside.

"Alright." Jungkook's response shook you a little, he didn't seem excited to be let off the hook.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" You realized you were having this conversation a whole room apart.

"No, not really."

His laugh was soft and not indicating humor, Jungkook must have had the same thought as you because he closed some of the distance to the doorway. At the last second he seemed to change his mind about walking all the way to you and stopped at his bed.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I want to know that I didn't completely blow any chance I might have had with you. I want to know that things aren't going to be weird between us now. And I know it's asking too much, and I have no right to either of those things but it's how I feel, since you asked."

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