Number 23 pt 1 (NoRen)

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"Why are we here? We don't know anyone at this school and we don't like sports." Jisung asks his best friend whom with he transferred schools a week prior. Renjun just shushes him as he stares out onto the court.
"Stop complaining and just watch." He says as he barely listens to his complaints now.
"Jisung I think I'm in love." Jisung elbows him, making him hit his arm.
"You can't be in love we've literally been here a week." He says rubbing his arm. Renjun shakes his head.
"There he is, his jersey is the same number as my birthday, it is fate." Jisung rolls his eyes and looks at the number twenty three.
"He's ok." He says earning a slap.
"He's beautiful." He says staring at the handsome man running down court, his muscles glistening with sweat. He sighs, and Jisung has almost had enough.
"This isn't like you, why are you acting like a love sick teenager when you are in your twenties?" Renjun sighs dreamily while keeping his eyes on him.
"Yesterday I was walking to class when I tripped. I wasn't watching where I was going and he was laying up against a tree in the courtyard." He pauses while Jisung finishes laughing at his expense.
"I fell and skinned my knee and he was so sweet and he walked with me to the infirmary to clean it and get a bandage. Then he invited me to his game today and I said I would come, now please just suffer through this for me?" He begs then frowns when he doesn't get a response. He looks at him and can see he is in a daze and waves his hand in front of his face.
"Do you see that?" He asks quietly.
"Number thirty is so cute." Renjun giggles and lets him be in love so he can stay and watch.
At halftime Renjun walks down the bleachers toward the front so he can go to the bathroom which he thinks is a mistake since everyone else had the same idea. It's crowded and people are pushy, it doesn't help that he is small in stature. The line is tremendously long and of course when the third period starts he is still in line.
When he finally gets back into the court it's like time stands still as the ball literally finds his face  and he drops to the floor in pain. He can hear people rushing to him but it hurts too much to look. When he finally chances a look up he sees him, he's standing over him with a concerned look and he is nothing short of humiliated. He doesn't even know what to do until Jisung comes and collects him.
"Lets go home now Junie." He says softly as he helps him up. Renjun pouts and looks back at the beautiful basketball player that he never got the name of and walks away with Jisung.
No amount of ice could have prevented the black eye from forming and the swelling by the bridge of his nose. The only thing he has going for him now is the fact that the pretty number 23 shouldn't be able to recognize him like this. He walks to class, the same route he always takes, keeping his head down. He walks until he hits a wall, or actually a person. He looks up and his cheeks flame up instantly.
"Sorry." He whispers. He hears a quiet chuckle before he hears his beautiful voice again.
"Don't be, I stepped in front of you. How are you feeling? Did you go to the doctor? That looks like it hurts, I'm so sorry." Renjun frowns and he looks down ashamed.
"It was my fowl that hit you. Come to lunch with me? I'd like to make it up to you." Renjun's face heats up again.
"I would like to go to lunch with you but I don't blame you for my lack of coordination and incredible bad luck." He watches as his eyes form the most beautiful crescents when his face splits into a smile.
"My name is Jeno." He holds his hand out and Renjun takes it.
"I think you are really cute." He says softly. Renjun thinks his cheeks will now permanently be red.
"I'm Renjun." He says before getting really shy. He wanted to compliment him too but couldn't get it out. They exchange information and plan to eat together for lunch.

They meet off campus at a cute little cafe that Jeno suggested. Renjun walks in and sees him waiting and is quite impressed that he is prompt. He figured he would have to wait for him.
"Hi." He says shyly as he sits across from him.
"Hi, Renjun. Im glad you came." He says softly. He smiles with a nod and picks up the menu.
"I think I'll just have a cheeseburger and fries with a coke." Renjun says which makes Jeno playfully frown. He gestures for the waitress to come closer and he whispers something which she writes down. Renjun crosses his arms with a pout that sends Jeno's heart into overdrive.
"You're too cute." He says with his hand on his heart. Renjun's cheeks show his emotions and Jeno thinks he is quite possibly the most perfect person he's ever met.
They eat and talk and laugh for almost forty five minutes before the waitress comes out with a big piece of chocolate cake. Renjun makes another pouty face that splits into a smile when it's placed in front of him. Jeno takes his spoon that he hasn't used yet and scoops some onto it before holding it to Renjun's mouth. He looks up and makes eye contact as his lips slide off the spoon with chocolate frosting stuck to them. Jeno freezes as he watches him lick them clean, wishing he could do it for him. He doesn't know what's gotten into him, he's never been as attracted to anyone as he is right now. His heartbeat picks up as he watches Renjun giggle and scoop up more cake and tries to feed it to him. He goes in a little too fast and ends up getting frosting on his nose. Jeno makes a cute face as Renjun quickly stands.
"I'm sorry, I'm too clumsy." He says as he gently blots his nose with a napkin. Jeno's smile never leaves his face. He's sitting here trying to figure out how someone can be so fucking cute and so fucking sexy at the same time.
After a little more mess and a lot more cuteness they reluctantly stand to leave. Of course Jeno will pay, this was after all a gift for smashing his face.
"Do you live on campus?" Jeno asks as they slowly walk out. Renjun shakes his head.
"No, there wasn't any dorms available since we were new transfers. But we got a nice place off campus." Jeno smiles softly.
"Can i drive you?" He asks, hoping for a little more time. Renjun smiles brightly and nods yes.
The car ride isn't too long and it's mostly filled with comfortable silence as they are both pretty full and happy at the moment.
When they get to the door Renjun turns and looks at him with a soft smile.
"Thank you. Lunch was amazing and also for the ride." He says feeling shy by the stare he's receiving. Jeno lifts his chin with his fingers and sighs.
"I'm still so sorry about this." He whispers as he leans forward and kisses his eye, then the bridge of his nose. Renjun is stunned in the best way possible. The warm pillowy feeling of his soft lips on his skin sets him ablaze. When Jeno pulls back and stares from his lips to his eyes, silently asking permission, Renjun only nods and leans forward. Jeno closes the gap and presses their lips together. It's soft and sweet and Renjun loves this. He reaches up and puts his arms around his neck and deepens the kiss slightly.
When Jeno finally pulls back they both smile shyly at each other.
"Can I see you again?" Jeno asks in a whisper. Renjun nods with a smile on his lips.
"I would like that a lot." He pecks his lips one last time before backing into his apartment, with a wonderful feeling blooming inside him.

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