Seven pt. 1 (Chenle*Dream)

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Triggering content, talk of abuse, addiction, self harm and suicide.

Dream, that's what they called themselves. Seven boys who grew up together in a group home on the edge of the city had hopes that they would all one day fulfill their dreams and get out. They grew up brothers, some have evolved to be more than that as life continues to take them on this journey together.
Each one was of a different age when they entered, all for different but equally troubling reasons, except for Jisung. To this day none of the friends know why he was there. It's just a subject that was off limits and this was always respected.
Mark grew up in a house with a father that liked to use his fist rather than words to end an argument. At a young age he turned to vandalism and fighting.
Donghyuck grew up neglected and lonely. His parents were never around, often leaving him alone at a young age to fend for himself. He turned to fighting and acts of aggression.
Renjun was sexually traumatized as a child, his parents did actually try to help him but nothing worked. He turned to petty theft and even tried selling his body at one point.
Jaemin's parents were addicted to any illegal substance they could get their hands on, soon he followed suit. He had extensive rehab and with the help of his friends, he beat his addiction.
Jeno's parents were alcoholics, when it got really bad there was never food in the house only booze. His theft started as small petty crimes until the day he was fourteen and tried to rob a bank by himself. It didn't end well, he was shot in the shoulder. After recovery in the hospital he ended up in the home.
Chenle's story isn't unique by any means he too had parents with addictions and abusive behavior. He tried to hurt himself a few times. The one time he stole his parents car and was planning to drive into the river. He hit a car, killed the passenger. She was sixteen, on her way to school with her mom. It still haunts him. He sees her face everyday. He was twelve.

They've all grown, and finished their sentences. As a group in the home they agreed to change their ways so they could live freely together. They had a plan to get jobs in the city and save every penny until they can get out. They vowed to always stay together, always
Support each other and not leave anyone behind.
Jisung did. Chenle is in a constant state of anger because he got out, left them all behind. His anger has been manifesting into self harm and petty theft.
"Chenle, we are going to visit Jisung tomorrow. You should come? It would make him happy." Jeno says knowing it will do no good.
"Fuck him. You guys go ahead. I'm going to the club tomorrow. Jeno sighs and clenches his jaw.
"You know we don't want you at the club. We love you and want you safe damn it." He scoffs.
"I'll be fine, just a few drinks. Don't worry."  He side hugs Jeno.
"Really I'll be fine." He walks out of their shared apartment to his part time job at the liquor store.

Jeno goes to his boyfriend and hugs him from behind.
"Chenle is back sliding even further. I'm scared." Jaemin turns in his arms and kisses his cheek.
"All we can do is support him. I take it he's not coming with us?" Jeno shakes his head no.
"He'll come around." Jeno hugs him before backing away, he too has to leave for his job.
When the next day comes everyone is getting dressed to go, Chenle is sitting on the couch watching what he can of the broken tv. It has a crack down the side, which is how they got it for free on the curb. Mark was proud of himself for that find. Renjun comes up and rubs his shoulder.
"You should get changed and come with." He says softly, trying not to anger him.
"No thanks Junie." He says with a sigh. Renjun softly kisses his cheek and backs away, he knows better than to pressure him. He's the only one at the moment who doesn't piss him off every second and he wants to keep it that way. Mark on the other hand sits next to him and hits his arm, kind of hard.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He asks angrily while going to stand up, the springs in the couch are so weak though he struggles. Mark swallows his sadness. As the oldest he felt it was his responsibility to protect and provide for these guys. He wants to give them everything they want but he just can't. It's hard to find a good paying job when you were a delinquent and poorly educated to boot but he does his best.
"Get your shit together and come with." Mark says angrily.
"Fuck you, fuck all of you, especially Jisung. Have a good fucking time." He says angrily slamming the door on the way out. He doesn't know how bad this hurts them, all of them but especially Renjun. He's huddled in the corner crying in Donghyuck's arms.

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