New years kiss (Jaehyun x ?, part 1)

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As Jaehyun walked the campus with Taeyong he couldn't help the whine that leaves his throat when he sees him. Again with his arms wrapped around Johnny's waist.
"Why is he dating that giant?" He asks with a pout as Taeyong just laughs at his despair.
"I guess you just have to wait your turn." Jaehyun frowns, not liking the implications of what he said.
"What the fuck Taeyong? Are you calling him a slut?" Taeyong practically chokes.
"No, god no. I don't even know them that well. I just mean, hopefully they will break up?" He chuckles.
"That sounds really shitty too." Jaehyun chuckles and lightly agrees before adding a "hopefully" too. Taeyong laughs loudly, unknowingly catching the attention of the said pair. Jaehyun accidentally makes eye contact with his crush before Taeyong interrupted it with a shout to the pair.
"Hey, you guys want to come to Jae's party on New Year's Eve?" He asks, stunning Jaehyun in the process. The tall one they know as Johnny nods excitedly and answers for the two of them.
"Yes, address?" He asks simply, Taeyong takes his phone and types it in and smiles kindly. Jaehyun still can't speak or look at the two. He's not usually nervous around anyone but this person makes his blood boil in the best of ways. Johnny tugs at the others arm and they walk away.
When the coast is clear Jaehyun turns to Taeyong and slaps his arm.
"Why did you do that?" He asks in a panic.
"Because I know you wouldn't mind a New Years kiss or more from him." For some reason Jaehyun can't control his blush. He watches as Taeyong holds his arms open to receive a welcomed hug from his man.
"Hi Doyoungie." He says cutely, making Jaehyun cringe and Doyoung go soft.
"I'll see you guys later." He walks away as the other two focus on each other. He still sees Johnny holding his crushes hand and it crushes him. He doesn't want to spend New Year's Eve watching them be a loving couple. He sighs as he walks toward his apartment, alone as usual.
He didn't go home on Christmas like some did, he spent it on campus putting in extra time studying. He knows after his party there will probably be at least a few days of recovery needed so he's planning to be prepared. Also the fact that his parents flew out of the country and left him behind played a bigger part in his decision. What's the point in going home if no one would be there in his big empty house. He walks to the local cafe every day for breakfast and notices his crush sitting in the booth across the room from him almost every time. He's always by himself which is nice but he gets caught staring too many times but never gains the courage to talk to him. What's the point anyway? Making friends with him and having an even closer view to his and Johnny's relationship? No thanks, he just gets up and pays before walking back to his place. It's the same routine for the whole holiday break. Every morning in the cafe he notices him and every day their eye contact gets longer but still, he's taken and Jaehyun isn't the type to try to steal someone else's man, no matter how desirable he is. He watches his pretty lashes flutter when he blinks, his sweet smile when he talks to the waitress and the perfect shape of his nose and eyes, and just everything about him is perfect. He quickly gets up, again frustrated with himself. He shouldn't even be thinking about someone else's person but he can't help himself. The more he looks the more unholy his thoughts are, so he has to step back. Has to leave the situation and just go home. He will never tell anyone that he sometimes thinks of him when he's pleasuring himself, or, ok it's always him. Even that plays into his frustration though as he feels bad afterwards. He doesn't know this Johnny guy, other than his name but the fact that he's thinking of his boyfriend is shitty.

On the day of the party, more people came than he had originally planned but isn't that always the case? He, with the help of Taeyong, Doyoung, Taeil and Jaemin, made good food. Easy party food as Jaemin calls it.
When the evening started picking up, Jaehyun was already tipsy. He had already played a couple rounds of beer pong and decided to take a little break before he got too wasted to ring in the new year. He had been watching his crush tagging along behind Johnny and laughing and playing games with him and some others but still stays as far away as possible. He can't handle seeing his pretty face light up when he laughs at someone else's jokes anymore.
He decides to sneak away to his room and take a short nap. He sets his alarm for ten PM and takes his shirt off, tossing it to the chair and lays down. He's warm but he still covers his legs with a small blanket, it's more of a comfort thing than the need to be warm.
He falls asleep quickly with the help of all the beer in his system.

When he wakes a little while later he panics. His wrists are tied onto his headboard and he has a blindfold on. He can feel someone moving around on the bed and he's horrified.
"Taeyong? Is that you? Are you guys pranking me?" He feels more shifting until someone sits on his thighs.
"Shh, it's ok. You are safe." Said person whispers. Jaehyun's head is swimming with thoughts of what could be happening to him. Maybe everyone left and he's being robbed or maybe this person plans to take advantage of him? Or maybe just kill him? He feels like this has to be a nightmare.
He feels warm, moist lips come in contact with his neck and he jumps slightly. The person is moving slowly, taking their time to kiss every part of his exposed chest and neck and he surprisingly can't get enough. It feels so good and he can feel himself getting hard and that is a problem since he has no idea who it is.
He feels soft small fingers touching him, making him even more turned on.
"Stop!" He yells quickly, making the person freeze.
"I'm sorry, look. You are really good and this feels amazing but I c-can't with you, I don't know who you are and I like someone at the moment and I just, this is wrong I'm sorry." He rambles out, not really sure of what kind of backlash he will get.
"Oh?" The person questions as he sits back and thinks.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I wasn't even thinking. I mean this is assault. Oh my god I'm a bad person. I thought that it would be a cute way to break the ice. I've just wanted to talk to you for so long and I..." he stops to breath, on the verge of a full on panic attack.
"It's ok, I'm not mad. I just, can I see your face?" The person still sitting on his legs shrinks away and starts to tear up.
"I don't know, I'm so embarrassed. Now I don't think I'll ever be able to face you again." He starts to get up but freezes when he feels Jaehyun wrap his arms around his waist.
"Look, I'm not going to hurt you so please don't be scared. I just want to know who you are." He can feel himself shaking uncontrollably now.
"I, uh, well." He can't get much out and Jaehyun can tell that who ever it is is about to have a panic attack. He softly rubs his hands up his sides to soothe him, still wanting to keep him there so he can know who it is.
"So I'm guessing that who ever you are, you like me? At least enough to have sex with me?" Jaehyun asks bravely.
"Y-yeah. B-but I didn't want to assault you. I'm so sorry." Jaehyun hums.
"Shh. It's ok. Can I tell you something though?" He asks quietly. The person nods yes then chuckles nervously at themselves knowing he can't see.
"Yes." He whispers.
"I feel very great full that you like me, but I'm kind of in a bad place at the moment. The person I've liked for so long now has a boyfriend and I'm bummed. He is so pretty, he takes my breath away when he laughs or smiles and I only wish I could make him smile like that. His eyes sparkle, I sometimes look at him and think that he must have been a statue that came to life, he's so perfect." The other sighs.
"He sounds amazing, do you talk a lot?" Jaehyun sighs.
"No, I've never been able to speak to him. For one he's always with his man and also I'm terrified." The person hums again.
"Do you want to be with him? Intimately? Or do you like him, like him?" Jaehyun chuckles nervously.
"Honestly? Both. He is so sexy and I want him badly but I also have a deep desire to get to know him." Jaehyun feels him shift again, he can also feel that he has stopped shaking and has calmed considerably. 
"I'm really sorry. I should have never assumed you would want to be with me. I have liked you for a while but that doesn't make this ok and again I'm sorry." Jaehyun squeezes his hips gently.
"You know if you let me see you, maybe we could get to know each other and we could see what happens?" The other shifts again. And leans down toward Jaehyun who's still holding him by the waist. He can feel his small fingers fumbling with the tie in the back and he holds his breath......

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