Beautiful (Haeil)

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"Come on guys hurry." There is a collective sigh and eye rolling that happens between friends as they watch Haechan bounce around impatiently like a child.
"He will still be there, don't worry." Mark says with a chuckle.
"Why do you like him anyway? He's like ten years older than you." Jeno asks as he throws his arm around his boyfriend. Haechan scoffs, fully offended.
"Fuck you. I'm so sick of you guys acting this way, day after day. Age means nothing and we are only six years apart. He's mature and well established and I don't see anything wrong with that." He sighs and looks the group in the eyes.
"Do me a favor and don't come with me anymore." He says sadly as he walks off. All he wants is a little support from those he thought were friends. Those who all have boyfriends, he's the only single one in their group and he finds someone he likes and they can't support him.
He quickly hails a taxi and hops in before they can even think of coming after him.
When he gets to his destination he smiles softly to himself, just the atmosphere alone makes him happy enough to forget about his troubles. He gets past the door man and finds his usual spot at the front table in the corner. When the lights dim he watches with great anticipation as the curtains open and there he sits, the most beautiful man he has ever seen. He sits on a stool in front of the microphone with his cute beret tilted to the side and sings beautifully to the piano being played behind him. Every time it takes the younger's breath away. His voice is angelic, his face is equally beautiful, perfect. The one and only thing keeping Haechan from making a move, he is afraid his friends are right and he is too young. He doesn't mind though, he can still admire him from a distance.

After his set he looks out into the crowd and notices the cute younger man watching him, he notices he's alone tonight and really thinks it would be a good chance to talk to him. He swallows his nerves and walks out to the crowd. He sees him, still sitting there and walks up slowly. He clears his throat when he doesn't get noticed right away.
"Oh, hello." The younger says as he stands.
"Hi, I'm..."
He doesn't get to finish as Haechan does it for him.
"Moon Taeil, owner and most talented performer at this club if you want my opinion." He says making the other blush profusely.
"Thank you. I uh, do you want to get a drink with me?" Taeil asks making the younger almost have to pinch himself.
They get a few drinks and head to a back table, not so close to the stage.
"So, I noticed you are alone? Where is the group you normally come with?" Taeil asks, slowly stirring his drink. Haechan is just surprised that he has noticed him before, so much so he almost forgets to answer.
"Oh, yeah. They didn't feel like it tonight I guess." He answers quietly.
"You have a beautiful voice." Haechan says softly and quickly notices the other's cheeks turn pink.
"Thank you. I love to sing, that's why I opened this club. I figured not only could I live my dream, others could too. What about you? Have you ever thought of signing up for our open mic?" Haechan quickly shakes his head no.
"No I'm usually too busy for anything like that. I'm in school and I'm always studying." He says noticing the other frown.
"I'm sorry for asking but, how old are you?" Now Haechan frowns.
"Old enough." He says looking away, trying to hide his annoyance.
"Well, that's good." Taeil says awkwardly. Haechan tries to fight off his annoyance but it's proving to be impossible.
"I need to go." He says before he downs his drink. Taeil watches in horror.
"No, wait. I didn't mean anything bad. I just want to talk." He says softly. Haechan sighs and nods.
"Can we take a walk?" He asks. Taeil smiles brightly.
"Yes, I'll let my partner know I'm leaving."
They head out into the warm night air, everything is still and peaceful even for the busiest part of town. Taeil clears his throat nervously.
"So why is age such a sensitive subject? If you don't mind me asking?" Haechan sighs softly and wills his courage.
"I just get so tired of people looking down on me when they find out I'm young. Yes I can be silly and immature at times but I'm also serious and get whatever job is required of me done, on time." Taeil hums but doesn't respond.
"There is a person who I'm really attracted to, they are older than me and my friends don't really support it." Taeil raises his brow.
"Oh? Are they not a nice person? Or is it just that they are older?" Haechan hums and smiles softly.
"I'm sure he is a very nice person, they just think I should find someone in my age group but he captivates me and I really just want to get to know him and see if we click you know?" Taeil hums thoughtfully.
"Well, I say go for it. Ask him on a date, you will never know unless you try and your friends can learn to deal with it or move on right? No one should stand in the way of your potential happiness." Haechan smiles brightly and nods.
"You are right, so when are you free then?" Taeil chokes. He was of course wishing it were him that the younger was talking about but figured it was someone else.
"Uh, me? Really?" He turns away flustered as Haechan turns to face him fully.
"Would you be interested in going on a date and getting to know each other?" The older tries to stop his smile but he is so flattered that he can't hold it in.
"I would like that." He says shyly. Haechan breathes a sigh of relief and takes his hand.
"I can't wait." He says softly. After talking for quite a long time Haechan walks Taeil back to the club and softly kisses his cheek. Taeil couldn't stop smiling the rest of the night which is why, now three days later he's sad that he hasn't even gotten a text from the younger. Yeah it's only been a few days but he is sure that he's probably having second thoughts about the age thing.

"What do I do? Oh my god you guys, I should just forget about this whole thing." Jeno frowns.
"You were so mad when we questioned the age thing and now you're doing it?" Haechan rolls his eyes.
"No, I was disappointed in you for not supporting me, not mad. Besides this is different. I just want him to like me, and I want him to like our date and want to see me again." He sits and slumps in a chair feeling defeated.
"You said you wanted to get to know each other and talk? Take him to the carnival. You guys can talk while you walk around and still have some fun too." Mark suggests.
"Won't he think that's childish?" Haechan asks.
"Absolutely not, everyone loves carnivals, even old people." Jaemin says with a chuckle. He of course receives a light punch in the arm.
"No really though, he should like it. Also, have you called him yet?" Haechan shakes his head sadly.
"I'm too nervous. I'll do it now." He says determined before walking out of the room only to go right back in and grab his phone.
When he gets to his room he hits his contact and puts it on speaker.
"Hello?" Taeil questions since he didn't have the younger's number
"Hi, it's me Haechan. I uh, I'm really sorry for taking so long to call. I was nervous." He manages to say.
"It's ok, although I did think maybe you changed your mind about me." Haechan scoffs.
"Never, I just want us to have a good time so you want to see me again." Taeil chuckles.
"I have no doubt that I will." This makes the younger smile big. I want to take you to the carnival, Friday afternoon?" He says trying to sound confident. He hears a small gasp and a giggle from the older.
"That sounds nice, I haven't been to one in a while."

When Haechan pulls up to the club, where they decided to meet, he sees Taeil waiting on a bench, his focus on his phone. He can't help but think he is beautiful even doing the most normal things. He smiles to himself as it hits him that they are about to go on a date. He gets out and walks to him, he finally looks up and sees him. His smile stretches as his hand goes up in an awkward wave.
"Hi, beautiful." Haechan slips out accidentally. As he feels his face start to heat up he notices the other's is as red as a cherries and it warms his heart.
"Hi." He says softly. He stands and takes Haechan's outstretched hand.

When they arrive Taeil feels like a kid again. All the lights, sounds and colors. With his business and just growing up he forgets to take time to enjoy things like this. Haechan watches in complete awe at how Taeil is absolutely glowing.
The whole night is spent as two men having the time of their lives. No pressure, no drama, no age difference, no judgment, just pure unfiltered joy.

When the time comes to drop Taeil home Haechan has a hard time separating.
"You are amazing and I really want to see you again." He says softly to the older.
"I would really like that." He says quietly as he watches Haechan move closer. He swallows thickly in anticipation and when their lips touch for the first time, it is magical. Taeil responds quickly and lets the younger dominate as he completely lets go of any reservations he had.
When Haechan pulls away he reaches up with his thumb and carefully touches Taeil's bottom lip as his hands are cupping his face.
"Beautiful." Is all he says before pressing their lips together one more time.
After saying good night, both feel giddy with anticipation of what's to come for them. Age is only a number, both will face some judgments from friends and family for sure but no one should stand in the way of their happiness.

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