Friend Pt 3 Haechan's story (Johnchan)

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"Do I look ok?" Haechan asks Mark and Renjun after getting ready for his date.
"You look amazing, I'm sure Johnny will love you." Haechan giggles.
"I hope so. We are going to a movie and then maybe drinks."
He nervously walks into the movie theater and sees Johnny leaning against the wall. It's almost like a movie. His beauty is overwhelming. His hair is blonde right now with a little length in the back. He is wearing faded, ripped jeans and a flannel shirt open over a white t shirt. Haechan feels self conscious around his beauty. He is wearing tight white jeans with a pink sweater and he's not sure if it's enough. The panic is starting to consume him the closer he gets. Johnny still hasn't noticed him yet so he contemplates leaving.
"Hey." He hears Johnny's smooth voice call out. He looks up bravely and smiles, trying to fight the nerves.
"Wow, you look really nice." Johnny says softly.
"Thank you." The older notices the pink blush on his cheeks and brushes it off.
They pick a scary movie and both end up laughing at how bad it really is. Afterwards they head for drinks at the local college bar. They laugh and talk like old friends, just like always. Despite their age differences they have a lot in common. Johnny decides to walk Haechan back to campus on his way to his apartment, Haechan of course thinks this is the sweetest thing.
"Thank you for tonight Johnny, I had so much fun, I really enjoyed going out with you and would like to again sometime?" Johnny stops in his tracks and scratches his neck awkwardly.
"Did you think this was a date?" He asks softly. Haechan can't speak, he can feel the rejection already and the embarrassment of thinking this was something that it wasn't is already killing him.
"Haechan, I like you a lot but I like you as my friend. I'm sorry if you thought..." he doesn't get to finish. Haechan faces him with a river of tears.
"I'm sorry, I, I thought. I just. Forget it, I'll make it home from here. Thanks again." He turns and walks away quickly leaving Johnny to feel absolutely horrible.

When Haechan gets to his dorm he sees the do not disturb sign and remembers they had made a deal, he thought he would maybe stay with Johnny, he hoped anyway. He doesn't really know what to do so he just sits in the hallway and rethinks everything Johnny has ever done or said.
When Mark goes out the door the next day he sees him sitting there, lifeless and staring at the wall, he drops to his knees immediately.
"Haechan, buddy what's wrong?" He just looks blankly at him as a tear rolls down his cheek.
"I'm so embarrassed. I'm an idiot, I misread everything. He never wanted to date me and I can never show my face again." Mark sighs and helps him up.
"Come on, I was going to get Renjun breakfast. I'll get you some too." Haechan follows him into the room and goes to his own bed and buries his face in the pillow.
After explaining everything, they talked him into getting some sleep.

After a few days of sulking he was feeling better. He decided that he probably just misunderstood. It hurts but he will be fine. He of course will avoid Johnny at all costs.

"Why are you moping around here like your dog died or something?" Jeno asks Johnny as he clocks in for his shift.
"Because I'm a dick and I lost someone close to me because of it." Jeno sighs and continues to put on his apron.
"You mean Haechan? I noticed he hasn't been here like he usually is." Johnny frowns in thought.
"Isn't your boyfriend friends with him?" Jeno shakes his head no.
"I mean kind of. They aren't that close." He shakes his head and pats his shoulder.
"What happened?" Johnny groans and leans on the counter.
"I asked him to the movie, we had drinks and he thought it was a date and I meant it as friendly hangout. He was so hurt and probably embarrassed." Jeno purses his lips.
"Not reciprocating someone's feelings doesn't make you a dick. Just talk to him, call him and work it out, I'm sure he will come around and be your friend again." Johnny nods and looks at his phone in contemplation. Just as he picks it up, ready to call, the door dings and much to his surprise Haechan walks in shyly behind a tall man.
"Hi, Haechan." Johnny says softly. He only nods and puts his head down. Johnny frowns and looks to the other to take their order.
"Oh? You know each other? Are you guys friends?" This person asks Johnny who only nods with a sad smile.
"Then why didn't you want to come?" He asks Haechan who doesn't respond.
"Well, I'm Jungwoo. I'm his date and I would like to place an order." He says with a bright smile. Johnny tries not to let it show but he is completely shocked, and more bothered than he would care to admit. Haechan's eyes still haven't left the floor. When they finally sit, Jeno brings their order. He makes eye contact with Haechan finally and can tell this is hard for him.
"J-jungwoo I don't F-feel too good can we please leave?" He asks softly. Jungwoo frowns.
And grabs both of their drinks before they walk out together.

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