You are my everything (NoRen)

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Why did they have to be so freaking cute in this dance practice?? 🥰

When Jeno comes home from his classes to see Renjun crying on the couch it breaks his heart.
"Hey, Junie what's wrong?" He asks while he sits and pulls him into his arms.
"I'm just tired of not being noticed." Jeno frowns.
"Noticed by who?" He asks softly.
"There's this guy in my class and he's so cute and sweet and like everyone likes him, so he doesn't even know I'm alive." Jeno swallows the hurt he feels and gets Renjun to look at him as he makes silly faces until he's giggling, then lightly tickles him. Renjun loves and appreciates Jeno for all he does for him. He's always there. He can always count on him to cheer him up when he's sad or mad. He's gentle and always takes such good care of him. They've been best friends forever. Renjun followed Jeno to college, he didn't want to leave his side just yet. He knows it's inevitable as they grow older to drift apart but he's trying to put it off as long as possible.
"Don't worry, he will notice you when the time is right, everyone does." Jeno says softly making the other smile with pink cheeks.
"Thank you." Renjun says quietly.
The proceed to spend their evening the way they always do. They do any school work or studying that needs to get done, together. Then they will eat dinner together and watch a movie before they each head off to the shower and then to bed. It's their routine and it's comfortable. Jeno loves it, loves him but for Renjun, he thinks he needs something different in his life and feels like this cute boy in his class would be just what it takes to break him out of this cycle.
Jeno knows, he knows that Renjun doesn't love him the way he does but he will never just let go. He will spend his days with him this way as long as he can until Renjun moves on and shatters his world. He's always lived by the old adage, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
At the end of the week Renjun runs into their apartment buzzing with excitement.
"Jeno, Jeno. He asked me out. We are going out tonight!" He says excitedly. Jeno tries to keep the smile on his face.
"That's great bub, I'm happy for you." Is all he can say.
"Will you please help me pick out an outfit?" He asks, jumping up and down. And this is how their routine was forever changed.
They found him a cute outfit consisting of a cream sweater and khaki pants with some brown boots. Jeno thinks he looks absolutely adorable and even though he wanted to dress him like a hobo to turn this guy off from him, he could never do that to Renjun. He only wants him happy. Renjun hugs him in thanks on the way out. Jeno sighs and studies history before making himself food and eating alone. He then watches a little tv but he's not feeling a long ass movie. He then goes to shower and get to bed. He can't sleep, he lies awake waiting to hear him come through the door, then he falls asleep.
It starts as just being once or twice a week but soon enough it's more. Renjun is in this whirlwind of emotions as he is enjoying the time spent with this new person but he's really missing his time with Jeno. Each night he gets home from a date, he's saddened by the fact that he isn't awake to greet him at least.
After almost two months of dating this boy Renjun bursts through Jeno's door in the middle of the night and jumps on his bed surprising him.
"Jen, guess what?" He hums in question.
"I've got a boyfriend. He asked me tonight. It was so sweet. I can't wait for you to meet him, when do you want to? Is tomorrow ok?" Jeno is not sure what to even say. He's heard enough about this guy to know he doesn't want to ever see his face but he doesn't want to hurt Renjun.
"Sure." He says. This time when Renjun leaves his room he cries. It's the first time he's allowed himself to think that this may actually be it, that there may not be any hope for them at all and it breaks him.
The next day after meeting with Renjun and his new boyfriend Jaemin, Jeno leaves town. He goes back home planning to spend time with family and heal his broken heart. Renjun will be fine, he has Jaemin.
After only a week Renjun and Jaemin have their first big fight and boy is it a big one.
Jaemin is angry that all Renjun can talk about is how much he misses Jeno and Renjun is mad that Jaemin can't accept that he has someone that important in his life, he would never give him up for anyone and that's what Jaemin is asking of him.
This is one of those times that Jeno would tickle him and make faces to make him smile. He does just that as he imagines the scenario. It isn't long and he's sobbing. He's mourning, not the loss of a boyfriend. He actually was hesitant to say yes anyway so when he decides to break things off with him he's relieved.
He's mourning the loss of Jeno. It's been another week. Jeno has taken an extended leave from school and Renjun is lost. Not that he's alone, he's been alone plenty. He's lost because he misses his soulmate.
By midway through the third week he's had enough. Him and Jeno have talked some over text but Jeno won't talk to him on the phone, hearing his voice would hurt too much. Renjun does the only thing he can at this point and goes back home too. He doesn't stop at his parents house, he needs to see Jeno. He goes directly to his house and is devastated to see him cuddled on the couch with his ex from high school, Lee Haechan.
"Jen? I was wondering when you were coming back to school?" He asks uncomfortably as both him and Haechan look up at him.there was a time when Renjun was crushing so hard on Jeno and was devastated when he started dating Haechan.
"I told you at the end of the week." Jeno says robotically. Renjun watches as Haechan gives him one last squeeze then gets up.
"You guys should talk. I'll go now. Come and see me before you go Jen." Jeno nods and sits up placing his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.
"A-are you back together?" Renjun asks quietly. He shakes his head no and Renjun sits next to him.
"I've missed you so much." Renjun says starting to cry already.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking and I decided I need to tell you some things. Please just listen, when I'm done you can say what you want." Jeno just nods, trying but failing to make eye contact.
"Jeno, I'm sorry for neglecting our friendship. I hope you can forgive me. I have been struggling for quite a while now trying to figure out why having everything I wanted in life was not making me happy. I thought if I said yes to being his boyfriend things would change, I would be happier but I realized quickly that it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with you. I miss you so much Jen. Your beautiful smile, loving touches and caring heart. Everything, you are my everything and it may be futile, I don't know how you feel after all. It could just be too late, you looked pretty comfortable with Haechan, maybe you miss him? I don't know. I just want to tell you that I've fallen deep in love with you and I didn't know it before, I didn't see it until it was gone. You've always made me complete. You've always been my number one and for a brief moment I let someone else try to take that spot from you but you will always be my number one." He's crying so hard he can't see Jeno's face and Jeno is numb at this point. He wants to hold him, tell him everything is alright but his limbs won't move.
"Anyway, I'm sorry for disturbing your vacation, I just wanted you to know. I'll go back now, I'll see you at home, our home." He says softly as he stands and walks to the door. Jeno is still frozen in place.
"You know where to find me." Renjun says as he disappears through the door.
Jeno is in a ball hyperventilating through his cries at the moment. He finally got everything he's ever wanted and he let him walk out. Why didn't he chase him? He wants nothing more than to hold him right now but he's still frozen in place.
By the end of the week as promised Jeno is heading back to their place. He's realized that the reason he didn't chase him that day was because he was processing everything. They haven't spoken since, not even a text. Renjun was afraid and Jeno has just been in contemplation.
When he gets to their door he pauses, he is feeling nervous and anticipation and a little underlying fear but he's told himself that he needs to do this. He needs to finally take that step and go for it. When he walks in and sees Renjun sitting teary eyed on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and he doesn't hesitate to get on his knees in front of him. He takes his hands and holds each one before softly kissing them.
"I love you Renjun. I always have, I always will." He says softly.
"I'm sorry I never told you, I only ever wanted you to be happy and I thought you were, I thought that you liked us the way we were and didn't need anything else but you did and I'm sorry. I just keep thinking that maybe if I told you before that you wouldn't have needed..." He doesn't get to finish his thoughts as soft lips press against his own.
"Don't ever leave me again." Renjun whispers on his lips. He smiles brightly as he pulls him down onto his lap and kisses the life out of him.
"Let's go to bed." Renjun whispers, slightly out of breath. Jeno follows him immediately and they lay cuddled together, talking about everything they've suppressed over the years. Jeno starts to get sleepy around three and soon succumbs to sleep while Renjun follows shortly after.
When Jeno wakes the next day Renjun is clinging to him like a koala and it's the cutest thing he's seen. He gently runs his fingers down his back as he snores into his neck. He smiles to himself and holds his waist tightly before whispering.
"I'll never let you go, my sweet sweet love."

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