Brothers (DoWoo)

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"How is it even possible to fall in love with your own brother? How is this even a thing, and more importantly, what am I going to do? Fuck, I love him so much." A scoff is heard beside his head.
"Stranger things have happened I suppose, besides you are compatible, we know that much. Maybe you just need to change your way of thinking." Taeyong, the perfectly, perfect best friend who not only has his shit together, but also an amazing love life says, like it's that easy.

"You don't get it, he looks up to me and respects me and won't it just be weird for all of us?" Taeyong laughs.
"For who? You are an adult, as is he, you choose your own paths in life." Doyoung purses his lips.
"I mean our parents, all of our friends but mostly us?" He asks in frustration.
"I think, you are thinking too much. Neither of you live with your parents and no one is going to care. In fact I bet you everyone would be really happy for you. Just follow your heart Doyoung, it knows what it's doing." He sighs and looks down to his shaky hands, not sure if it's nerves or the fact that they've been sitting on the bridge near their childhood homes. Their legs dangling off the edge with their arms dangling through the railing. They've been going numb this whole time.

"Follow my heart, and if he breaks it?" Taeyong pats his shoulder.
"Then I will scoop up the pieces and hold them together until someone else comes along and glues them back together." Doyoung smiles wide. He knew he wouldn't regret confessing to his childhood best friend.

The next day finds Doyoung sitting in a cafe across from the object of all his love and affection. It wasn't his idea, but who is he to turn down a coffee date with Jungwoo.
"No, I don't think that's a good idea, we haven't done that in years." Doyoung says trying to keep the others extra enthusiasm at bay.
"Oh, come on, it will be so much fun." The other says with a cute pout and a batting of his lashes.

This is how he ends up fighting a tent in the middle of the woods. Jungwoo wanted to camp like when they were young.
He has no idea how to put up this tent and Jungwoo is busy setting up a picnic table for them with all the essentials.
"Jungwoo help me." He says slightly irritated, but of course even at his angriest, he could never be with him. Jungwoo comes over quickly and helps him wrestle it into submission, with a few laughs at Doyoung's expense of course.

When nightfalls and their bellies are full they sit by the small fire that Jungwoo built. Their chairs are side by side as they look up and point to the different star formations they see. Doyoung catches himself staring at the younger too many times, that is until Jungwoo's head finds his shoulder. He stiffens at first. This is nothing new but with his feelings that won't go away no matter how hard he's tried over the years, it's torture.
He thought about the possibility of maybe, possibly confessing this weekend but he can't bring himself to say anything. He smiles softly to himself when he hears little snores leave the younger's lips.

He sits silently staring at the now dying flames dancing in the pit, doing their best to survive the bit of wind that has picked up. Doyoung's mind is racing, his heart is torn between what he thinks is right and what he knows he wants.
"We should go to bed." He hears Jungwoo softly say. He smiles at the sleepy tone in his voice, so cute.
"You go ahead, I just want a few more minutes, and I'll put the fire out." Jungwoo nods slightly.
"I'm scared to be alone out here so don't be long." He says with his signature pout.

He stays for another twenty minutes before putting water on the fire and heading into the tent. His time was spent in deep thought. Of course no solid decisions were made, just reflecting on his life thus far and what he wants and needs for his future.

As he steps into the tent their less than quality craftsmanship rears it's ugly head when he barely gets it zipped and it collapses on them. He hears Jungwoo scream but of course they bought the most unnecessary big tent for two people.
"I'm sorry, hold on I'll help you out."
He feels his way through the dark, knocking into the stupid inflatable furniture Jungwoo insisted they would need even though they were staying one night.
When he finally finds him it's with a less than graceful fall on top of him, very cliche in his opinion but he found him anyway.

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