Diseased (NoMin)

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Be prepared there are almost 6,000 words. I think this has to be my longest yet but it wasn't the kind of story that could be split up.
There are some triggering moments possibly but it's not too intense. Anyway, please enjoy!

When Jaemin starts his first class of the day he feels annoyed already. He just transferred to this school to finish his degree. His last school just wasn't cutting it so he searched high and low for one that would meet his needs. Academically it's perfect but he already feels like he's back in high school. He sees a group of girls huddled on one side of the classroom stare and whisper and it annoys him to no end. They should be focusing on the lecture but instead they sit and giggle and disrupt the people around them.

He tunes out all the distractions for now and focuses on his own learning.
When he gets to his third class of the day he's almost ready to transfer out again. He hears people gossiping about this and that, about him and their speculations of why he's even here. He takes an empty seat in the far right of the class, right down in front. He figures this will be easier to focus on the instructor.

As the lecture goes on and he's fully focused with his glasses perched on his nose his professor announces a paired project, he walks to the right side of the room and has everyone pick a card. The card has the seat number of the people on the left he looks at his card and it reads A-1. He notices that row A is the bottom and looks all the way down the row to the first seat.
He sees a guy, at least he presumes since they have a hoodie on and their face is covered. While everyone else is looking around curiously, he just sits with his head down. He sighs, he really hopes he didn't get paired with a dead beat that doesn't do his work.

When the professor has finally finished handing out cards he tells the people on the right to find their partner and sit together while he explains the assignment. He slowly gets up and walks over. The closer he gets, the louder the whispers get.
"Who gets to be his partner?"
"I hope he doesn't get him."
He doesn't know if he should be genuinely concerned or pissed off that they won't shut up. He sits down right next to him and sees him flinch away as he hears gasps behind him.

"Hi, I'm Jaemin. I guess We're partners." He says softly. He gets no response. He sighs and looks ahead at the professor who has started to speak of the project.
"Ok class, you get one month to write an essay about human emotions and what they mean. You will have to list them and write about what it means and how it affects you as the one feeling it and those around you." The class seems to be paying more attention to him and his partner than the professor and he's back to being utterly annoyed.
"There are no requirements for length for each emotion as long as you convey the information properly. Today we have thirty minutes left. Take this time to get to know your partner, exchange contact info because you will not be given any more class time for this project. This will be 40% of your semester grade so it is very important and I expect you to treat it as such. Yes it sounds simple but I do expect more than a high school essay." He goes to his desk and begins working on his computer as hushed whispers go over the crowd.

"So where should we begin? It would be nice if I actually knew your name?" There is another beat of silence.
"Look, my work in my classes is important to me. If you don't take this seriously then what am I supposed to do?" He asks sternly. Finally he sees them adjust in their seat before quietly speaking.
"Jeno Lee." He says.
"Ok good that's a start." Jaemin says with a smile, still not seeing his face properly.
"Can I have your number?" Jeno stiffens.
"How about today we split them up. I'll work on mine, you work on yours then we can meet up when we are done and go over everything?" Jeno asks quietly. Jaemin laughs.
"No. We are partners and we will meet every day until it's done." He says sternly again.
"You are really ok being near me? Like you may already be too close?" Jeno asks sarcastically confusing the hell out of the other.

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