In love with beautiful you (JaeChan)

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Surprise, I had inspiration for another...
Happy valentines/Jaehyun day!

"What the Fuck is your problem anyway?" Johnny asks as he slams the door to their dressing room open.
"I don't have a fucking problem. Get the fuck out." Jaehyun says angrily.
"This room is for all of us and I have news for you asshole, he will be here any minute and you better be fucking nice." Jaehyun just sighs and stands.
"Whatever." He says as he walks out, slamming the door in the process.
Soon Mark comes in holding Haechan in his arms as he cries softly.
He just sits and holds him until he's calm while the other members try to figure out what exactly made Jaehyun freak out and yell at their youngest member while still on stage. He's always done silly,
Cute and even attention getting skinship for the crowd and today as he was trying to kiss all his members during their comments to the crowd, just for reaction, Jaehyun lost it.
He would have been last in line and he was only at the middle. Yuta, of course being the loving, playful, affectionate type too. He accepted the kiss willingly and even kissed him back on the cheek. Jaehyun crossed his arms in anger and yelled to stop.
"Can't you attention whores cut it out already? No one wants to see this. You aren't gay, not even close so quit pretending to be for the sake of the crowd. It's disgusting." He then looks to the crowd, his eyes still glossed over with anger.
"Good night everyone. Thank you for coming." He quickly walks off the stage leaving everyone speechless, and Haechan in tears. Mark, being his best friend is quick to comfort him while Taeyong apologizes to the crowd and tries to lighten the mood. Of course the fans don't let the mood of one ruin it for the others and all of them start chanting Haechan's name making him smile. They stay out on stage a little longer for him to feel the love he deserves.

They all take the bus provided, back to the hotel. All except for Jaehyun, he rode in a taxi getting yelled at by his manager the whole way back.
"I'm sorry." He says looking down.
"Don't apologize to me. First and foremost you work this out with Haechan. You hurt him badly. Second you will apologize to the fans during tomorrow's concert." He nods and Can only look out the window. He knows he hurt Haechan, he seen the look in his eyes. He feels terrible but he couldn't help himself.
He gets back to his room and waits for his managers text, letting him know when the others arrive so he can apologize. After working up the courage he goes to his room, unfortunately everyone is in there. He knows they are all probably talking about him but he quickly swallows his pride.
"I need to talk to him." He says to Haechan's tour roomy, Taeil. He looks over his shoulder to Haechan as he sits on the middle of the bed being cuddled by his family. He nods and everyone reluctantly lets him up.
"Should we go to yours?" Haechan asks as nobody is planning to leave anytime soon. Jaehyun nods and silently leads the way back to his room. He opens the door and has him sit. He paces the floor a bit before he finally speaks.
"I'm sorry, for yelling at you and upsetting you." Haechan scoffs.
"Yeah ok, that's it? That's what I came in here for? A forced apology brought to me by the manager? I thought maybe you would finally apologize for your shitty behavior over the last few months but instead I get the 'oh shit all the fans are pissed that I'm homophobic apology'." He stands and walks to the door.
"Whatever Jaehyun, for the sake of the fans I'll accept your apology. Tomorrow we will go on stage and I'll put on an act to make you look better ok? But don't expect me to pretend when we're not in public. My heart can't handle any more shit from you." He opens it and is completely surprised when Jaehyun slams it shut and traps him by the door.
"I love you, you selfish prick. I'm in love with you because you are cute, charming and sexy and sweet and fuck, it hurts so fucking bad. I can't tell anyone, I have no one to talk to. I can't tell the managers, our members and now I've just told you. You know how fucking terrifying that is? Not only are you too young for me, you are a boy, sure a lot of fans would accept it but not all of them. I love you and I want you all to myself but I'm sharing you with the other members who get to feel your kisses and hold you and I selfishly want you to myself. The fans always look at you, want you. I'm just a man. A now twenty six year old man that is in love with beautiful you. So yeah, I probably came off homophobic, but I can't let myself show. I can't ruin the image for all of you. So I'm really sorry for hurting you, I truly am but please just understand where I'm coming from and don't tell..." he's finally shut up when he feels soft, perfect lips pressed against his own. His hands immediately go around the younger's waist as he kisses back. When they pull away to catch their breath he shakes his head no.
"I don't care Jae, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I don't care if it's the end of 127. I love you too. God, I've loved you for so long and it makes me so happy that you feel the same." Jaehyun almost can't breath.
"Really? Even though I'm an old man? Key word man?" Haechan laughs as he pushes him backwards toward the bed slowly.
"I am one hundred percent gay, one hundred percent in love with an older, sexy man." Jaehyun chuckles and sits down when his knees hit the mattress. Haechan wastes no time straddling his lap and pushing him onto the mattress as he kisses him.
"I've waited so long to kiss you this way." He says to a still stunned Jaehyun. They stay this way for a long time, just kissing and holding each other. They don't want their little bubble popped but unfortunately the rest of the gang were worried as to why it was taking so long so they pound on the door. Jaehyun quickly detaches himself and it gives Haechan pangs in his chest. He's still embarrassed, he thinks as he watches him fix himself. He curls up a little on the bed and watches them flood in out of the corner of his eye.
"Is everything ok in here?" Taeyong asks as he assess the situation.
"We're fine, we're just talking." He says quietly looking over at Haechan to see that he looks hurt again.
"And making out, Jesus. Look at Haechan's lips." Mark says loudly. The others look and soon both have red cheeks.
"Haechanie, you finally got your wish." Mark says quietly but still loud enough to hear.
"Wait, you knew?" He asks looking at Mark.
"I think we all did, he's very obvious about his feelings." He frowns and looks his way.
"We should probably go though." Doyoung says as they watch the two just staring in each other's eyes. After they quickly exit.
"I'm sorry Jae, I know you are embarrassed by this and..." he doesn't get to finish as Jaehyun crawls on top of him and accosts his lips, almost roughly.
"I wasn't embarrassed, I wanted to protect you. You who are the bravest person I've ever known. You were brave enough to share your feelings while I just cowered away. God, you are amazing. I love you." He says softly as he leans in and softly kisses him again. As the time ticks away Haechan is being tasted by the other who can't get enough of his skin. He's been nipping at his neck and kissing and licking him. Haechan can't really take this much longer.
"Jae, I think we need to stop. I need more and I don't know if you are ready to give me more, I should go back to my room and jerk off though." He says making Jaehyun look at him closely. His lips are bruised and cherry red, his cheeks flushed, his hair sweaty and sticking up everywhere, his sweatpants bulging, his hand already squeezing his dick to relieve some of the pressure that he caused. He shakes his head no.
"Let me take care of you." He says in his unused deep ass sexy voice that makes Haechan's toes curl. He can only nod. Jaehyun then helps him to get his shirt off and his own, when Haechan insists. He licks and sucks a nice hickey onto his collar bone before moving down to suck his nipple into his mouth. Haechan moans and bucks his hips upward in approval so he moves on to the next one. He kisses down his belly and tickles him with his tongue and teeth, just to hear his sweet giggles.
"I love you Haechanie. God, I love you so much." He says as he kisses his hip bone and slides his pants down, underwear and all. Haechan now feels a little shy but Jaehyun doesn't let it last long. He licks a fat stripe from his base to his tip before sucking him into his mouth. He expertly bobs his head, using just the right amount of tongue and pressure and his fingers playing with Haechan's balls are enough to have him coming undone.
"Oh, fuck. I'm going to cum. Move. Fuck." He says pulling at his hair so he can sense his urgency. Jaehyun doesn't care, he holds his hips down and swallows every last drop. He then goes up and lays flat on top of him, chest to chest and kisses him deeply. The taste of himself on Jaehyun's tongue makes him twitch again. He already wants more. He reaches his hand down to cup Jaehyun's manhood and moans when he feels the size.
"Make love to me Jae, please?" Jaehyun looks in his eyes and nods.
"Yes, of course I will." He makes quick work of fingering and scissoring him open. He can't wait to feel him around his shaft. He's been dreaming of this for so long. He always felt bad about those dreams, shame that he was a bad person for feeling this way toward a friend, coworker, younger member but they still came to him on a regular basis. He decides then and there that he needs more so he goes down and pushes his legs up so he can dive in and taste more of him.
"Oh, god. Jae, fuck. It feels so good I
Might." He does, he cums untouched and is only
Mildly embarrassed even though Jaehyun thinks it's one of the hottest things he's seen. Jaehyun stands making the other whimper as he goes to his bag and grabs his lube. He takes his sweats off as Haechan watches with a dreamy expression. He sees him free himself from the confines of his underwear and and reaches up. He really wants to touch, to taste. Jaehyun understands and kneels beside him, letting him feel his veins and warmth as he strokes him weakly. Soon he leans up on his elbows and licks along his cock. He hums and decides he likes his flavor. He goes at it for as long as Jae will let him. Soon he has to stop him as he lubes himself up and pushes at his hole. He spreads his cheeks with his hands and Haechan gives him the nod. He slowly pushes in, watching the younger's face the entire time. He stops when he winces a little to let him adjust. When he bottoms out they both moan. He stills for a while, so Haechan Can adjust and so he doesn't cum too soon.
After a few minutes he started to rotate his hips and move out then in at a steady pace, Haechan is an absolute mess. He's way over stimulated and feels every ridge, every pulse of Jaehyun's big cock, buried deep inside him.
"Im going to cum again Jae, hurry. Cum with me." Jaehyun stares in his eyes and nods before leaning over him and kissing him softly. They both find their release while connected in this intimate, sweet kiss that Jaehyun initiated. It's almost too much for the younger, his emotions are all over when Jaehyun pulls away to look at him. He's absolutely wrecked under him and Jaehyun can't believe he got to cause this. He stares softly in his eyes.
"I love you so much Haechan." The younger looks up with a dopey grin and and makes a kissy face. Jaehyun happily obliges.
He takes such good care of him after. He bathes him and kisses him and tucks him into his bed before cuddling to him.
The next day at the concert, Jaehyun is nervous he's expecting a bad reaction from the crowd and is surprised when there are still a few cheers for him. He's saddened to think that maybe those fans are homophobic and think he is as well. He is given the stage alone, the other members are waiting in the back to let him apologize.
"I know a lot of you weren't here, if not all of you but yesterday I said some horrible things. Things I didn't mean and I want to apologize to my fans. Haechan and i have worked things out." He smiles softly and the crowd coo's knowingly. They are more observant than he thinks.
"I am one hundred percent not against any kind of relationship, love is love. I had a lot of people telling me that's what they thought my anger was about and it wasn't. It was misguided, wrongful and hurtful but it wasn't directed at anyone but me so please accept my apologies." The crowd roars and he understands it's because Haechan has run out there to be with him. He feels his arms wrap around his middle as he hugs him tightly. He lets go and looks in Jaehyun's eyes and leans up to kiss his cheek, merely to let the fans know he was forgiven but unknowingly they've given the crowd all the confirmation they need and they collectively coo. He kisses Jaehyun's cheek, again, his ears go red and he has to look away. He secretly mouths I love you before the rest of the members join them and they put on another flawless performance.

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