Long slow distance. (NoHyuckMin)

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"Babe what are you doing?" Jeno asks Jaemin with a big soft smile.
"I'm pacing the floor, what does it look like?" Jeno chuckles and walks over to hug him.
"Why are you so nervous? It's not like you don't know him. We talk everyday." Jaemin sighs and relaxes into his hold.
"I know but it's Haechan and we haven't touched him or held him." Jeno kisses his cheek.
"All that is about to change baby, look." Jeno points to the doors of where they've been waiting and Jaemin gasps.
"Oh my, that's actually him. He is so pretty, isn't he?" He looks at Jeno as if he's asking permission and of course he nods yes. He smiles widely as he watches his two loves embrace for the first time. Jaemin's hand caresses the other's cheek as they say something to each other in the small distance. He makes his way over and embraces both of them before Haechan turns and hugs only him as tightly as he can.
"How was your flight love?" Jeno asks him. He smiles shyly.
"It was good. I'm so happy to be here." He says softly in return.
"Good, let's go get your bag." Jeno says in a matter of fact tone as he turns to walk away. Haechan pouts a little, he can't figure out why Jeno is being this way. He acts like he doesn't really care that he's here.
"What's wrong baby?" Jaemin asks him.
"Does he not want me here?" He asks sadly. Jeno hears and comes back over to where they are.
"He holds his face in his hands and pecks his nose before whispering hotly in his ear, leaving a trail of shivers.
"I want to hurry and get you home. We want to do unholy things to you then we will cuddle you the rest of the night." Haechan whimpers quietly making Jeno smirk and Jaemin raise his brow in question.

Jaemin met Haechan through an online meeting. They both work in business finance and Haechan was in on the meeting due to his internship in France. At one point they had to branch off in pairs for their discussion. Jaemin was immediately drawn to his bright but soft personality and by the end of their meeting they were planning to talk again.
It was a week before Jaemin initiated the first call. Haechan didn't want him to think he was trying to move in on him even though he has a boyfriend. Jaemin of course had Jeno there so he could introduce them. He knew he would just love him too.
Haechan liked both of them instantly, he found it hard to focus sometimes on their words because their combined beauty took his breath away.
He still had a year left when they met and he wasn't financially able to just fly back and forth, Jaemin and Jeno offered to pay numerous times but he always said no. They could never go to him because Jeno's job as a pediatric ER doctor is too demanding and he just couldn't leave his patients so they agreed that no matter what they would wait until he finished.
It was Jaemin who mentioned one night to Jeno that he thought Haechan was really attractive, this started the whole thing and the night Haechan found out was to be the most awkward sexy night they've all had.
Jeno had been quietly teasing him off to the side, every time they talked, which was getting to be almost every night. He hasn't told him yet that he agrees one hundred percent but he will when it's time. This night though he's pushing Jaemin to his limits. He sits close and whispers in his ear while Haechan is animatedly telling a story. Jaemin's eyes go wide but he keeps his mouth shut. He feels Jeno's cold hand slip into his sweats and resists jumping. As time goes on Haechan starts to get curious.
"Jaem? What's going on? Are you not feeling well?" He asks, genuinely concerned at his disheveled and jumpy appearance.
"Wah? No uh, I'm o-ok." Haechan frowns.
"But you aren't talking much? And where is Jeno? Are you fighting?" He gasps and Jaemin chuckles a little.
"No he's here, he's uh. Testing me." Jaemin feels Jeno pause and he smirks at him. Two can play at this game he thinks.
"A couple weeks ago I t-told him I was attracted to you." Haechan's eyes widen and he tries but fails to hide a shy smile.
"Now every time we talk he teases me. Tonight he said he was going to t-touch m-me and if you found out he would s-spank me." Jeno stiffens and squeezes his thigh. Jaemin just watches his stunned face.
"So wait, right now Jeno is?" He asks pointing down. Jaemin nods.
"Can i see?" He asks quietly, normally he would never but he can't help himself.
Now Jaemin's eyes are wide as he looks down at Jeno who shrugs and goes right back to tasting him. Jaemin slams his fist on the table and holds the laptop down as Jeno slams his throat onto his cock, making him scream out. He slowly pulls off his dick, keeping just the tip on his lips and looks Haechan dead in the eyes. He swallows thickly and clears his throat.
"S-so, I'm guessing you will be spanked then?" He asks quietly. Jaemin yells out a yes as he slides down in his chair so Jeno Can properly finger him. He's gone at this point, at least until the next words come out of Haechan's mouth.
"C-can i watch?" Both freeze. Jeno pops off and while still on his knees, gets in view of the camera.
"What exactly do you want to see?" He asks cautiously as spit dribbles down his chin, not helping Haechan at all.
Haechan is having trouble breathing at the moment. His heart is pounding in his chest while his fingers are wrapped around his cock.
"I uh, want to watch you." Is all he can manage. Jeno hums.
"Ok, you can watch everything and if it's too much you can shut it off, ok?" He nods with a big smile.
"Words baby." Jeno says making his heart stop beating.
"Oh, fuck yes." Jeno smirks at his answer.
He positions the camera so it is facing the bed and proceeds to spank his boyfriend, all in perfect view of Haechan. He doesn't shut it off as they take it further and he watches as Jeno fucks him hard and slow. Haechan makes it all the way until the end when Jaemin incoherently mumbles his name.
He lets go in his hand and immediately wipes away his tears with his other hand. Jeno is torn between the two at the moment, but of course he stays by Jaemin's side and holds him until his head is clear. Once he feels he is good he goes back to the laptop to see Haechan watching them, wrapped in a blanket with his knees up to his chin.
"Hey, you've done so well today Haechanie." He watches for some kind of response, he's not sure what he needs to hear, it's hard when he's over five thousand miles away. Haechan looks in his eyes and nods.
"I can't even tell you how badly Jaemin and I wish we could hold you right now." He looks up surprised.
"Really?" Jeno smiles softly.
"Jaemin and i have discussed our feelings for you, we really want you here, with us." He says slowly. Haechan starts sobbing into his blanket.
"I wish you could hold me too." Jeno smiles and kisses his two fingers before putting them up to the camera.
"Soon, baby." He whispers.
This sets the course for some really interesting FaceTime calls but they never neglected the soft needy times that he would never ask for but they could always tell. They both would yearn to have him close to take care of him, to love him in person. Jaemin cried many nights wishing he could just hold him. And now he's here.

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