The babysitter pt 3 (Jaeren)

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Renjun has spent two weeks in a depression. His mother has tried anything she could think of to get him to smile but he will only lay in bed with his moomin. He's not eating properly and she's worried for his well being.
"Renjun, sweetie. Why don't you just tell him you love him?" He scoffs.
"He's not taking my calls. How am I supposed to tell him anything? I thought he was at least my friend." She sighs.
"I know this is not something you are comfortable with but I have his address. It was listed in his personal information, you could talk to him face to face." He wipes his eyes with a sad sniffle.
"Even if I worked up the courage to do this? Who's to say he would want to see me?" She shrugs.
"You won't know anything for sure unless you try." He nods and takes the piece of paper from her hands.

It takes a few more days to work up his courage, it's not even about going out in public, he's more afraid of Jaehyun's reaction.
After taking two hours to finally decide what to wear, he sets up a taxi to come and get him and paces by the front door nervously as he waits.
When it arrives he tells him self to just get in. He needs to see him at least once more, needs to tell him how he feels and hopes he will tell him the same.

The ride is only around a half hour but it feels like forever. His heart is beating out of control as they pull into the apartment complex. It's nice, nothing fancy though, it looks like a place someone on a teachers salary would live. There are stairs on the outside of the building that will take him to the third floor where he lives. He takes a deep breath and slowly walks up. He tries really hard to calm his heart but it's out of his control at this point. He gets to the third floor and checks the number on his paper again before walking in that direction.

When he finally reaches the door his hand goes up against his will to knock. He gets it back down before finally giving in and doing it. He takes a deep breath as he hears footsteps.
He frowns as it opens to a very good looking, very tall man. He's only wearing shorts and he notices right away, the huge hickey on his neck. He feels sick.
"I-is this J-Jaehyun's apartment?" The guy nods with a smile.
"Yeah come in. Jae! You have company." He yells out. Renjun stands there nervously and starts to back away to the door, his flight instinct is telling him to get the hell out of there.
"Renjun?" He hears Jaehyun question. He looks at him, also shirtless. His tears start to fall already.
"What are you doing here? I, I mean how did you?" Renjun shakes his head, still backing toward the door.
"I, I, uh, I." He looks back and forth between the two, the hickey and only now notices the messy hair on the taller. As Jaehyun walks closer he shakes his head and steps back even further.
"I came here to tell you I love you." He says to a stunned Jaehyun before he turns and speed walks out of there.

After getting down all the flights of stairs he starts to run. He can hear Jaehyun calling his name, but all he can do is run. He knows he's being followed, but he also knows he's lighter and faster on his feet. He goes as fast as he can. He hears yelling from another voice beside him but as he looks over he knows it's too late.

He's hit. He knows he isn't going to die but he also knows it's going to hurt like hell as he slams into the pavement. The cyclist that hit him gets up off the ground and runs to him.
"I'm so sorry, I tried to stop but my breaks weren't working and you didn't hear me. I'm so sorry."
Renjun looks up from where his face scraped the sidewalk and tries to sit up but everything hurts.
He lays back down and doesn't witness Jaehyun pulling the cyclist away.
"Oh my god, princess." He cries.
"Dont call me that." Jaehyun looks away ashamed.
"I'm sorry, come on let me help you." He shakes his head defiantly.
"No, leave me." Jaehyun frowns but scoops him up anyway.
"I know you think I am the biggest asshole in the world and you aren't wrong, but you need help. I'm taking you to my place to clean up your wounds."
He carries the now defeated Renjun in his arms bridal style all the way up the three flights of stairs and places him on his bed. Renjun groans, he just wishes he wouldn't have sent the taxi away.

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