The blind date (JiHyuckRen)

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This story contains smut so beware also just a little something extra at the end.

When Haechan walks onto the patio of the restaurant that Chenle picked for them his heartbeat speeds up. He is nervous about this date. He's never let anyone set him up before and this is someone Chenle works with. He sees a man sitting at one of the tables who has a yellow flower pinned to his shirt, just as planned and heads that way. The closer he gets, the more his breath is taken away. He's so pretty.
"Hi, I'm Haechan, are you Renjun?" He looks up and smiles softly.
"Yeah, uh hi." He says as he stands to greet him.

No sooner do they sit and start to try to get to know each other, someone clumsily bumps into Haechan, falling onto his lap making him spill his glass of water.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." The person says as Renjun laughs his ass off.
Haechan smiles sweetly at Renjun before focusing his attention to the other.
"Wait are one of you Jeno Lee?" They both notice the flower at the same time.
"No." Haechan says with a soft smile.
"Oh, I was supposed to meet him here with a yellow flower." He says disappointed.
"Maybe at a different time?" He shakes his head.
"No, no. It was this table, this restaurant at seven on Saturday." He says with a pout. Both Renjun and Haechan look at each other with the same fond expression. Haechan raises his brow and watches Renjun shrug.

"Im sorry, what is your name?" Haechan asks playfully.
"Jisung and you? Both of you are?"
"I'm Renjun, this here is Haechan. Chenle set us up on a date for tonight, Friday night at seven." He stares
Confused betweeent he two before looking at his phone.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I messed up, I'll leave you two alone." Haechan stands and takes his hand.
"Please stay? We would like to get to know you too?" He says in a slightly questioning tone and Renjun smiles widely and nods.
"I think you are cute, and I like cute and pretty." Haechan says making eye contact with both.

By the end of the night they are all drunk. The giggles are non stop and honestly Haechan is the only one with enough sense to call them all a cab and being they don't even remember their names he is taking them back to his place.

He tries so hard to be a gentleman and give them his bed but they pull him in between them. He shushes them as they lay giggling on his chest.
"Please, be quiet now and go to sleep." He says softly.
"Yes daddy." They both say in unison. He chuckles and rubs their backs. He falls asleep to the sound of their soft breathing and shallow snores.

Renjun is the first awake. He stretches out a little and feels around him. He opens his eyes to see Jisung staring at him across the hard chest they are laying on. He groans.
"Wow, my head really hurts." Jisung nods but doesn't say anything. When Haechan finally wakes he gently rubs their backs again and hums quietly.
"Did we sleep together?" Jisung asks quietly making Renjun giggle.
"Isn't it obvious, we literally all woke up together." He asks full of sarcasm. Jisung covers his face and shakes his head.
"I meant sex, did we have sex last night?" Renjun frowns and looks under the blankets. All of them are dressed, although wearing clothes that don't belong to them. He looks up at Haechan who is still trying to wake up.
"Did we Fuck?" Haechan chuckles.
"No, no sex don't worry, although you did call me daddy." Renjun shakes his head with a small smile.
"I wasn't worried. I like sex, i like you two, i Don't see anything wrong with it other than I wouldn't have remembered." Haechan hums.

"How about some breakfast and some pain meds and water, then we can talk sex."  Jisung pops up and looks at him.
"Are you hurting?" He asks softly as he touches his face, only pulling away shyly when Haechan smiles at him.
"I feel ok, I just want you two to be fine. You drank a lot last night." Jisung nods and Haechan can't help himself when h tells him to crawl up. When he does he gently kisses his lips.
"Thank you." He says softly. Jisung's cheeks heat up again as he can only nod.
"Hey, what about me?" Renjun asks with a pout.
"You can kiss whoever you want." Haechan says with a smile.  He huffs.
"But I want you to want to kiss me too." Haechan chuckles and gets Jisung to look at him.
"I don't know about you but I want to do so much more than kiss him." Jisung hums and nods as he reaches over and cups Renjun's cheek.
"There are so many things."

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