Third wheel (Norenmin)

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When Jaemin entered Renjun and Jeno's relationship it was a mutual agreement. They all have feelings for each other, even though it was harder for Jeno to admit it. They've been dating now as a threesome for six months, Renjun and Jeno now have been together for almost a year. When they are all three together everything is amazing. They have wonderful dates and movie nights and sleep overs, all PG of course. They have yet to take that step and all of them are a little apprehensive but lately Renjun is even more so. He is no doubt in love with Jeno and he knows he's in love with Jaemin. His problem is that he feels like Jeno loves Jaemin more than him.
Jeno spends a lot of time with Jaemin for a lot of reasons. They have a lot in common, and they've been best friends since they were children.
When Renjun witnessed their first kiss he was happy, he loves that his two loves are in love, but lately it seems like they kiss more, cuddle more and spend more time alone.
"Baby, Jaemin and I are going to race go carts today. We'll be back in a few hours." Renjun frowns.
"You guys are going alone? C-can I come?" He asks softly.
"Babe, you know you don't like this kind of thing. Why don't you call Hyuck? He will do something fun with you, that you actually like to do." Renjun nods while looking down, not wanting them to see just how sad he is. They both kiss his cheek at the same time and head out the door. His heart is shattered. Jeno used to like to do things he liked to do and he must have forgotten about their date when they did the same thing, Renjun had an amazing time. He can't control the sobs that consume him as he sadly heads to bed for the rest of the day.
As the days go by he becomes distant with the two. They sometimes go out early in the morning and go home late at night. One night they went home with paint on their skin and it was obvious to him that they had a painting date, this one hurt the most, he loves art and they both know this.
"Hyuck." He whispers into the phone as he slowly walks to his place. He had been waiting at Jaemin's because he wanted to confront them and work this out but when he seen Jeno drop him off with a kiss, their paint covered fingers holding onto one another, he was shattered. He ducked away into the corridor of the building and left out the back. He didn't have the guts to stand and listen to them talk. He can't bear to hear the things that they might say about him.
"What's the matter cutie? You sound so sad." He asks in a small voice.
"I think I need to break up with them, but I don't want to." He sobs brokenly on the street. He's trying to make his way but he can't really see due to his blurry vision so he sits on a bench.
"Can you come and get me p-please? I don't think I can make it. It hurts so fucking much." Hyuck is in a panic as he dresses himself to go out.
"Hold on I'll be there soon. Text me your location." He does it right away and unfortunately for Donghyuck he hangs up too.
"Fuck!" He shouts as he falls over while putting on his pants. After calling Renjun multiple times to him not answering, he calls Jeno reluctantly.
"You two pricks, I'm so fucking mad at you I could punch you. What the fuck is wrong with you? I can't just sit here and watch you hurt my best friend anymore!" He shouts into the phone.
"What are you talking about?" Jeno asks tiredly, he's had a long day and was just ready to shower and go to sleep, he doesn't want to deal with Hyuck and his overactive dramatic brain.
"You and Jaemin have been leaving Renjun out for weeks now. At first he was accepting but he's at his breaking point and he just called me and asked if I think he should break up with you. Personally I think he should." Jeno is starting to panic and frantically search for his keys.
"He's crying so much and he was walking somewhere and now he's stopped on some random street crying his eyes out over you two assholes!" Jeno finally is ready to walk out the door and practically runs toward his car.
"Where is he? Please? Tell me. I can fix this please just tell me?" He begs and after a long pause Donghyuck sighs and gives in. He sends him the location and Jeno immediately hangs up and calls Jaemin and tells him to meet them.

When he pulls up on the street he can see his angel curled in a ball, shivering and crying. It breaks his heart. He never meant to cause any pain. He gets out and quickly grabs a blanket from his back seat. Renjun doesn't even look up as he walks up, it isn't until he wraps him in the blanket and when he does he gets angry.
"Why are you here? Where's Hyuck? He's my friend, my only friend." He says breaking down again. Jeno can't help the tears that fall rapidly out of his tired eyes. He kneels in front of him.
"Baby, let's talk about this. I don't know what you are feeling but I know I didn't mean to cause this and I feel horrible." Renjun buries his face in the blanket.
"I saw you tonight, I wanted to talk to you two b-because lately I only feel like a third wheel in your relationship. You never have time for me and are always doing stuff together. I was at Jaemin's, waiting for when you dropped him off. I wanted to talk about it b-but I noticed the paint on your hands and clothes and it broke me. I cried the day you went to go carts without me because you must have forgotten how much fun I had when you and I went. B-but you know I love art, you know that is my passion and you went with him to wherever you went, and painted with him." Renjun wipes at his eyes and nose as everything is leaking. Jeno stands and pulls Renjun reluctantly off the bench.
"What are you doing? Hyuckie is coming for me?" He tries pulling away but Jeno is stronger and picks him up to carry him to the car.
"He's not coming. Now come with me I want to show you something." He finally gets in the car but hides cutely under the blanket the whole time. He doesn't want Jeno to see his puffy eyes. The drive isn't too terribly long though and he feels the car come to a stop. He peaks out and sees a warehouse type building and Jaemin standing by the entrance.
"Why is he here? I wanted Hyuck not you, not him." He pouts and Jeno sighs. He wipes at his face and goes around the car and picks him up again. He carry's him bridal style to Jaemin who's standing there with concern. Jeno had filled him in before. He has Jaemin turn and he carefully puts Renjun on his back so he can carry him up. Renjun watches with a pout as Jeno gets out a set of keys and opens the main door. They go to the side, up a newly finished staircase and head up. It's only two flights of stairs and Renjun is thankful for Jaemin's sake but he doesn't want to get down. He's enjoying this treatment after feeling neglected for so long. They get to another door and again Jeno opens it with a key. He doesn't say anything, just opens the door. Renjun is slack jawed as Jaemin sets him down.
"I bought this, for us. I was trying to get it ready, I wanted to surprise both of you but Jaemin caught me so I recruited him." He nervously kicks his foot at the ground like he's kicking a rock that isn't there as Renjun looks around.

" He nervously kicks his foot at the ground like he's kicking a rock that isn't there as Renjun looks around

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"I'm sorry, it turned out this way. I'm sorry I hurt you, we hurt you. I was going to ask you both to live with me, it was going to be a surprise but I wanted it done first." Renjun's hand has been covering his mouth for this whole explanation. He's in complete shock, he's been going over in his head every instance that he felt neglected. He takes a couple of steps in before he turns to look at Jeno's sad face. He holds his arms open and he quickly comes to him and hugs him tightly. After only a minute Renjun looks over his shoulder at Jaemin who's standing there, also with tears rolling down his face.
"C-come here." Renjun says, so Jaemin comes in from behind him and hugs them both.
"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions." Jeno pulls back and takes his face in his hands.
"Don't ever be sorry for that. I never stopped to think that all the secrecy would hurt you. I should have been more open, I just wanted to surprise you. I love you so much, and Jaemin loves you, we will never stop and if you ever feel left out just say something ok? I'm so sorry you were hurting so much." He holds them tighter, they stand there for a long time just holding each other.
Finally when they separate Jeno and Jaemin each take a hand and pull him over to a corner of the mostly finished loft. It's like a canvas ready for Renjun and he can't contain his emotions when he sees a couple easel's and a lot of paint supplies, new brushes, pencils and a nice drawing desk. He omits an ugly happy cry as he walks around and tours it.
"This is for me? You did this for me?" The two smile widely as they nod in unison.
"We wanted to leave these walls blank so you could create your own beautiful space." Jaemin says softly. Renjun excitedly runs and jumps on the two of them.
"I love you guys so much." He says before squealing and running back over . The other two just watch him with soft eyes as his happiness is something that brings them both peace.
This was a labor of love for both of them and they feel awful that he was hurt in the process but are so happy with the results.

 This was a labor of love for both of them and they feel awful that he was hurt in the process but are so happy with the results

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All of their hard work paid off in the end and now they will start a whole new chapter together.

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