Extra terrestrial (Jaeyong)

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When Jaehyun moved to his grandmothers cabin two years ago to get over his ex, he didn't realize that he would love it so much. He loves being alone and living a nice simple life. He hasn't sworn off love completely, he's just waiting for it to come to him.

He comes home from work like every night and showers before starting to cook his meal. When he's done he takes it out to sit on the patio to eat and enjoy the nice evening. He barely gets a bite into his meal before seeing a flash of light and hearing a big boom. He tries to see through the trees but can't see anything so he grabs a flashlight and wanders towards the light.
It seems to be dying out so he tries to hurry and in all honesty he doesn't know why he's drawn to this. Most of the time he could care less about what goes on around him unless he's directly involved.
His steps get quicker as the light gets dimmer so he starts to run, batting away branches and getting a few scrapes and bruises along the way. He finally gets to the clearing just as the light dies and it's empty, at least he thinks it is. When he starts to walk away he can hear crying over in a dark area by the tree line, he walks cautiously and is stunned to see a person huddled in a ball with no clothes on. He quickly takes his jacket off and throws it over their shoulders. His heart almost stops at the beautiful face that turns to see him. He has pretty almond shaped eyes, a perfect slender nose and lush pink lips, the thing that made him stand out more was the mop of bright blue hair that kept falling in his eyes.
Jaehyun snaps out of his stupor and offers to help the male stand, he tries really hard not to look at his perfect, slender but muscly body that is on complete display. He quickly wraps him more in his jacket and puts his arm over his shoulder to warm him, he can feel his body shaking so he tries to warm him quickly.
"My name is Jaehyun, I live just through those trees, would you like to come and warm up at my house. I can borrow you clothes and I promise I won't hurt you." He smiles softly and the other looks to be in contemplation, until he nods yes. Jaehyun leads him out and notices that the forest floor is hurting his delicate bare feet so he picks him up bridal style and carries him the whole way. He's not too heavy but of course after a while of navigating through the trees it gets to be cumbersome.
"Can you tell me your name? Or maybe how you got in the middle of the woods with no clothes or shoes?" He looks up to the sky but doesn't respond right away. After a few more minutes of silence he speaks.
"My name is Taeyong, I come from up there." He points to the sky and Jaehyun feels like this person may need some psychological help but he will just take care of him for the night.
"Ok, well why are you here?" He asks cautiously. The boy in his arms turns and looks at him with his mesmerizing stare.
"To meet you." Jaehyun gulps, wondering just what he got himself in to. He continues to walk in relative silence other than a few grunts of his own. When he finally gets to his patio he sets the stranger down and sits himself, to catch his breath.
"I made food, do you eat food or?" Taeyong giggles and Jaehyun can't breath.
"I eat food yes, other than a few small differences my body is very similar to yours. I am a bit hungry and cold." Jaehyun gets the idea and helps him into the house. After sitting on the sofa and looking at his feet Jaehyun can see there are cuts on the bottom so he goes to get the first aid kit but when he returns his feet are completely healed.
"How did you?" He asks at a loss for words.
"Come here." Taeyong says beckoning him with his finger. He points to a mirror on the wall so Jaehyun can see his cuts and bruises and shows him the long scratch on his arm he didn't even know he had, then had him sit next to him. Jaehyun is mesmerized again by this beauty that is staring deep into his soul as he lightly runs his fingers across his face then he peels his eyes down to his arm and watches the scratch heal as soon as Taeyong's fingers glide up it.
"You really are from up there? What's it called? Why were you crying? Are you here to hurt me? Taeyong looks away not really wanting to answer all these questions tonight, he was on a long journey and could use some sleep.
"I'm from a place called Ncity on a planet much like this one. I was crying because I'm sad that one day I will leave you and yes you will be hurt, in here." He says sadly pointing to his chest. Jaehyun frowns and stands to heat up some food and contemplate what he is talking about.
"How did you get here? I didn't see a ship or anything." He asks curiously. Taeyong shakes his head.
"I was sent in a pod, as soon as I step out it goes back, when I leave it will pick me up." Jaehyun hands him his food and sits with him.
"Are you not scared of me?" Taeyong asks taking a bite.
"For some strange reason I trust you." He shrugs and eats his meal.

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