My sweet baby (MarkYong)

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After the show when Mark walks into the dressing room he's quite surprised to see their fearless leader sitting there in tears. He walks up quickly and places his hands on his shoulders. He barely raises his head so Mark kneels by his side, his hand resting on his knee.
"What's going on Ty?" He squeezes his leg gently hoping for a response. He only gets a head shake.
"Come on baby, tell me?" This nickname is one that Mark started calling him a while ago and he never hated it. He still only shakes his head. You did so well tonight, the crowd was so into it. Everyone was so good. He nods a bit and reaches for some tissues on the table. Mark takes one and dabs at his cheeks for him and he smiles slightly.
"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" He asks, watching as Taeyong sighs and looks up like he thinks it will hold in the tears.
"I just, I'm ok." Mark purses his lips and goes to sit by him. He pulls him into a warm hug that melts the other to the core. He wraps his arms tightly around Mark's waist and sobs onto his chest. Mark just holds him.
"Shh, it's ok. Whatever it is we'll get through it." He says softly.
After a few more minutes he finally speaks without lifting his head from the other's chest.
"I'm just overwhelmed and sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk to. Everyone looks to me for advice and help and encouragement but sometimes I need to hear it too. Sometimes I wish the members or managers, someone would just come to me and say I'm doing a good job. Like you. You are always so thoughtful. Thank you." He reaches his hand up and plays with Mark's hair, ticking his neck in the process.
"I think that you are amazing and beautiful and so smart and talented. I know everyone thinks that but they think you already know it, so they think they don't have to tell you." Taeyong nods and surprises Mark by kissing under his chin softly.
"Thank you for telling me, it means so much." Mark looks down softly at his face and can't pull his eyes away. Taeyong has always been beautiful in his eyes, hell everyone thinks that but for some reason tonight, with raw emotion still evident on his face he is even more so. Mark studies every line, every contour. The rose scar by his eye and even the makeup he smudged while crying.
"You're so beautiful." Mark whispers. Taeyong too, succumbs to this trance.
"You're perfect." Mark says before slowly, softly, kissing his lips. Taeyong responds almost immediately as his arms move up around Mark's neck and his fingers find a home in Mark's hair. He feels his hands tighten around his waist and his heartbeat picks up pace. He feels Mark leaning toward him as he leans back and in one swift movement he is on his back on the couch with Mark between his legs, kissing him, touching him. He loves it. Mark is soft and sweet when he needs to be and take charge and in control when the situation calls. He's perfect. He never wants this to end but soon Mark jumps off him like he's on fire.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. That was a mistake, I shouldn't have." Taeyong nods and blinks away his tears.
"Uh, yeah i have to go." Marks says before quickly exiting the room, leaving him to feel even more hurt than he ever has.
"Mistake." He whispers to himself and he curls up.
His head doesn't move when the door opens again.
"Hey, Yong, last van to the hotel." Johnny says.
"It's ok, I've got another ride." Johnny frowns.
"Ok well, be careful. There are a lot of fans out there tonight." He says quietly as he backs out.
Taeyong finds a janitor's closet and takes out a uniform jacket and cap, he leaves a note and two hundred dollars. He pushes his hair into the cap wears a mask and walks right out the front door. Nobody pays any attention to him. He heads out into the city, he needs to clear his head.

When he returns at two am it's Haechan who's waiting up in the lobby with obvious dried tears on his face.
"Hyung, I was so worried. I thought something happened to you." Taeyong comforts him and kisses his cheek.
"I'm ok, I just went for a walk." Haechan grabs his hand and drags him to the elevator. They don't talk much, Haechan can tell something is wrong. He grabs his phone and sends a text.
"All the staff was out looking for you." Taeyong winces.
"Sorry I left my phone in my room." Haechan nods with a small smile.
"It's ok, i understand." Taeyong smiles.
"Good night Haechanie. I'm going to bed." He says as he hugs him by his room door.
"Thank you for waiting up, it's nice to have someone who cares." Taeyong starts to walk away, leaving a frown on the younger's face. Haechan quickly grabs his arm and drags him into the room. He's surprised to see all his members sitting there worried, all except Mark. He quickly swallows the lump in his throat.
"Hi guys." He says awkwardly. He is quickly swarmed with a hug from everyone at once. This makes him cry. He apologizes and explains where he was and how he kept a low profile. They sit and cuddle him for a while before his curiosity gets the best of him.
"Wh-where's Mark?" He asks at the risk of feeling more hurt.
"He's with our manager. He was helping to look for you." He is stunned.
"Oh? I, I'm so sorry." He says looking down ashamed.
Johnny runs to the door when there is banging and opens it quickly. Mark runs straight to him and gets to his knees. He looks him over and sees no physical damage so he's relieved. He quickly pulls him in for a bone crushing hug.
"Don't ever do that again." He says firmly. Taeyong nods with a sad smile.
"I won't I'm sorry." He says while Mark pulls him to his feet and drags him to the door.
"Th-thank you guys. I'm sorry for worrying you." He says as he's dragged towards his room. When they finally get inside he sighs and sits on the edge of his bed. He watches as Mark paces angrily.
"You could have been hurt." He says still pacing.
"I was fine, nobody knew who I was." Taeyong says quietly.
"Bull shit. We are in a strange city, you could have gotten lost. You could have ran into someone who would try to rob or harm you." Taeyong wipes his eyes.
"I'm sorry." He whispers. He's quite shocked when Mark kneels in front of him with red puffy eyes.
"I was so worried. And I'm so sorry for what I did." Taeyong scoffs.
"I know. You don't have to say it again, kissing me was a mistake, I get it." Mark looks down and shakes his head.
"That's not what I meant. I never should have left you like that.
Kissing you was like magic, it was the best thing I could have done. But that's not the way I wanted to tell you about my feelings. Not the right place either. I just couldn't help myself, you make my heartbeat faster and I..." He doesn't get to finish as Taeyong crashes their lips together. He pulls him up and Mark falls toward him on the bed. He just pulls him further toward him as he is in control. Mark lets him have this.
Soon hands are roaming everywhere, if you were to walk in you wouldn't know where one person ends and the other starts. When Taeyong grinds upward into Mark they both moan. Mark kisses and sucks on his neck, not thinking about the consequences of leaving marks but Taeyong is fine, he will just wear a turtleneck. When Taeyong pulls Marks shirt off he looks down at him and slows himself down.
"What do you want baby?" He asks softly.
"You." Taeyong whispers. Mark wastes no time undressing the beautiful man under him. He kisses and appreciates everything about him while he takes over control of the situation.
Taeyong is in heaven. Being the leader of so many members and always having to be responsible and take charge takes it's toll. He gets mentally drained at times so he needs someone who is willing to take charge when he needs it and let him lead when he needs that. Mark knows this, he is a leader too, although he only leads dream, he still understands the pressure.
Mark sucks his nipple into his mouth through his teeth, making the other hiss.
"Ngh, Mark." He whispers.
"I've got you baby." Taeyong nods and lets a few tears slip. Mark works his ways down the ripples of his abs and licks his tip when he gets there. Taeyong bucks his hips. Marks goes wild licking and sucking vigorously up and down his shaft. He moans loudly and clutches his hair.
"Oh fuck." He shouts. Then quickly covers his mouth.
"It's ok, i want to hear you baby." Mark says.
Taeyong whimpers and rocks his hips upward making Mark gag. He looks up and Taeyong wants him now. Seeing him with spit dripping from his chin and his cock in his mouth makes him sexier than ever.
"Mark, I want you, now!" He says breathless. Mark looks up with his big round eyes.
"Top or bottom baby?" He asks making shivers run down Taeyong's spine, the thought of him being a switch too makes this so much better.
"This time, I want you inside me." He says as he reaches down and touches Mark's cheek.
Mark smiles and kisses his inner thigh before he wets his finger and starts to open him up. He goes slow and gentle at first. One finger at a time, in and out, watching his face the whole time. As soon as he deems him comfortable enough he adds another. He watches as he throws his head back, panting, mumbling his name.
He scissors him open before adding another. Taeyong is rocking himself down onto his fingers wildly.
"Now, now, I need you now." He says with a desperation Mark has never heard before.
Mark gets to his knees and crawls back up to kiss his mouth. It's hot and sloppy and it's making Taeyong crazy.
"Fuck me please?" He begs. Mark smirks.
"Suck my cock first." He says expecting Taeyong to slap his chest and tell him to get inside his ass. He certainly didn't think he would sit up and take him all the way down his throat.
"Fuck baby. Oh god you're so good." He says as he grips Taeyong's hair. He goes at a slow pace, tasting him and enjoying the feeling of his heavy cock on his tongue. Soon he pushes Mark to the bed and aligns himself and sinks down on him. He goes faster than Mark thought he could.
"Oh god, yes. Tae. So good." He says almost in tears as his dick is being squeezed in his vice like hole. After the rhythm is set and Taeyong's legs start shaking Mark watches his head go back again as his bouncing becomes more and more sporadic Mark can tell he needs help. He holds his thin waist tight, so tight he will for sure bruise but neither would complain. He thrusts up quick and hard hitting his sweet spot dead on, making the unholiest of sounds rip from his throat. This of course encourages Mark to do it time and time again until ropes of white come shooting out of Taeyong's tip.
"Mark, oh god, Mark." He says as he's coming down from his high, while Mark is still chasing his. He is feeling over stimulation already as he is still slamming his prostate.
"Mark, ngh, Mm, f-fuck." He's mostly incoherent and gives one final scream as Mark shoots deep inside him.
They are both panting when Taeyong collapses on top of him. Neither want to let go but finally Mark breaks the quiet.
"Baby." He whispers earning a hum.
"We should wash." Taeyong shakes his head no.
"No, I don't want you to leave me. I don't want you to say it was a mistake." Mark rubs his back before he grabs his face with his hands and forces him to look at him.
"Nothing about you, or this night is a mistake. Now let's go bathe and cuddle all night." Taeyong finally nods with a pout and Mark kisses his lips.
"You really are beautiful." Mark says softly. Taeyong puckers for another kiss.
It isn't until Mark is holding his slender frame in the tub that Taeyong whispers the one thing that makes his world stop.
"I love you Mark Lee." Mark is almost too overwhelmed to respond but finally gets a response to form.
"I love you Ty, my sweet baby."

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