Backpacking (Sungtaro)

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As Shotaro sets out on his grand adventure to backpack through Europe he bubbles over with excitement. Originally from Japan, he's been in Korea studying for a couple years and now he's going to set out on his journey as an adult, but first, he plays.
As he boards the plane he fidgets, he's a little nervous. He's flown before but it was a while ago and he wasn't really fond of it then anyway. He finds his seat which happens to be by the window, he's not happy. He knows it's his fault for not paying attention when he scheduled his flight but he was too excited.
"Excuse me." He says to a tall stranger next to him. The person looks his way with beautiful milk chocolate orbs. He's mesmerized.
"C-can we, uh, would it b-be ok to s-switch seats?" He stutters, he is shy to begin with. The person frowns.
"Why did you get a window seat if you didn't want it?" He looks down shyly.
"I h-haven't ordered t-tickets before and I g-got it wrong. It's ok though, I j-just won't look." He says softly. The stranger sighs.
"It's ok I'll take it, are you afraid?" He asks as he stands to let him move over.
"Y-yeah. I've only flown from Japan to here, I didn't like it at all." He nods.
"I'm Sungchan." He says pulling down his mask and showing a pretty smile.
"Shotaro." He says with a cute grin.
After their initial exchange they don't talk much. Sungchan falls asleep immediately and it takes Shotaro at least an hour to fall himself.
After an almost fourteen hour flight to Frankfurt Shotaro wakes and stands to stretch.
He walks off the plane and heads straight to get his bag, even though he slept most of the way, he's still exhausted. He makes his way to the outside of the airport to see the hotel he booked, just a few blocks down. He feels relieved not to have to get a cab for now and heads down the street. It's night but the streets are lit up well so he feels confident. He's not usually much of a confident person but he is trying, hence the trip.
When he gets into the hotel he has to stand and appreciate the beauty. His parents gave him money for his first stay in a luxury hotel and he is so great full. He is going to be in Frankfurt for a week and he will sleep here the whole time. He walks to the desk to check in and does his best to communicate but he didn't think this through as much as he should have. Not too many Germans speak Korean, at least in this hotel. He decides to bring up his reservation on his phone and show them. When he does the woman shakes her head no and points to the date. When he sees that he accidentally scheduled his arrival date for the day that was supposed to be his departure he almost cries right then and there.
After a ten minute trial and lots of error of him trying to change it to tonight, he is sent on his way. It's booked up. He is so screwed and he's ready to cash in his chips and hop on the next plane back to Korea but he's too tired and wants to at least sleep first. He sits in the lobby and goes on his phone to try to book something close by. By the time he gets to the last one he's in tears. There is some kind of festival going on that draws in people from all over the world and every decent hotel that aren't hours away from here are booked. He sits on the floor near the couch in the lobby with his knees to his chin. He's hoping that if he keeps a low enough profile they won't notice him but alas it is an upscale hotel. He is quickly escorted out the front door, tears or not they don't care. He finds a place up against the building, behind the bushes, hoping he can just sleep for a little while. It isn't too cold right now so he should be fine.

Sungchan checks into his hotel and goes up immediately to unpack and rest a bit. He has planned a lot for his first day and can't wait to get started. He came on this adventure to start over, his parents have all but disowned him for coming out of the closet. They gave him a settlement and he took it in exchange for never calling them his parents and disappearing out of their lives. His first objective is to start anew and have a little fun in the process.
He lays in his bed looking out the open balcony curtain to the beautiful starry sky. He loves the nice breeze coming in and the atmosphere all together is perfect. As he lays there he tries not to think about his life. His past was probably the happiest of any Korean child. His parents were wealthy so he grew up in a nice house and had lots of friends. Little by little it all started to crumble away. His best friend actually hit him, multiple times. He thought he spent all those years trusting him only for him to be checking him out. He couldn't have been more wrong. First of all he was never his type and second of all they were friends and even though he doesn't believe him, he never would have betrayed his trust that way. He fights the tears, he hates those people, well he wants to anyway but they only make him sad.
After another half hour of not being able to sleep he decides to take a late night walk and clear his head. He walks a few blocks before he finds a convenience store and picks up some snacks. His walk back is slow and peaceful but when he gets to the hotel he notices someone in the bushes and tries to sneak a look without being seen. He sneaks up and is quite shocked to see the boy from the plane. He walks up and notices he is shivering. He crouches down and gently taps his knee scaring the shit out of him.
"Hey, what are you doing in the bushes?" He asks watching the tears pool in his eyes. After explaining his situation he crouched back down as Sungchan laughs.
"I'm sorry, it's just that you messed up, not only the flight but the hotel too? I don't understand how you could do that?" Shotaro stands and angrily walks away while Sungchan is really trying to stop.
"Wait, come back." He says as he finally chases him down an alleyway.
"Leave me alone. I can't help it I'm so stupid alright?" He says as he turns away with a pout. Sungchan sighs and grabs his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, wait. I didn't mean you are stupid. It's just funny. You will see, one day you will laugh about this too." Shotaro crosses his arms and huffs.
"Until then I have no where to go." He says sadly.
"Not true, you can stay with me. I only have one bed but you can stay on your side and I'll stay on mine." Shotaro is torn, I mean this guy did just laugh at him, but his other option is the street.
"Ok." He finally decides. He follows him back and into the very hotel that kicked him out. He kind of hides behind Sungchan as they walk.
When they get in the room he breathes it in and sighs.
"This was supposed to be the time of my life and now everything is fucked." He pouts so sungchan hands him a pack of cookies.
"It still Can be. You can stay here as long as I am and you can come with me tomorrow. I'm going on an art tour then later I'm hitting an lgbtq EDM night club." Shotaro's face can't hide his shock.
"Are you g-gay?" He asks quietly. Sungchan's face hardens.
"Yeah, so? Is it a problem? Are you homophobic too?" He asks not even realizing he's crying now. Shotaro stands and goes to him and even though shotaro is shorter he still flinches. It's too much like when he told his friend.
"I'm gay. It's hard to be homophobic when you are a homo yourself." Shotaro says softly.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I'm just happy to have found someone who won't judge me for my sexuality." Sungchan sits on the edge of his bed and shotaro sits next to him. He holds his hand out for Sungchan to take.
"I'm excited to go on this adventure with you, but don't leave me alone in the club. Please? I Don't know much German and I don't want to get hurt." Sungchan nods and squeezes his fingers. He's happy that shotaro doesn't press into why he reacted that way. He really doesn't want to talk about it.
This time when Sungchan lays down in bed he's feeling so at ease that he falls right to sleep.
The next day is filled with art, culture and really good food. They go back to the hotel to shower and get ready for the club. Shotaro is really nervous but Sungchan promises again that he will take care of him.

They walk in the club hand in hand after standing in line for at least an hour. Shotaro is finding that Sungchan is a proper gentleman because he's had multiple offers to dance and even some sexual favors but he's turned them down in favor of staying by his side. He's had a few offers himself, but he too won't leave the other's side. He tells himself it's completely out of obligation and a small portion of it is, but he doesn't know that Sungchan wants to not only protect him but he's had such an amazing day that he just wants to be with him.
With the music pumping in their ears and a little alcohol flowing through their veins in time with the beat it's only a matter of time before they are dancing really close. Sungchan has his front pressed into Shotaro's back, his hands on his hips. Shotaro has his hands reached back around Sunchan's neck, his head lolled back and soon feels lips on his own neck. His small moan gets quickly swallowed up by the crowd and the pumping bass. He soon feels big warm hands crawling up his shirt and his mouth searches for the other's. They kiss in the middle of the floor surrounded by sweaty bodies, their ears are completely filled with the thumping bass. Shotaro turns to face the other and after a small eye contact is made their mouths are again attached. Sungchan's hand reaches up to gently feel the moans vibrating from the other's neck and it only spurs him on more. He grabs his ass and pulls them together.
Soon after, Sungchan decides he can't take it anymore, he is dragging Shotaro to the exit. Where the cab is waiting. He gets in first and has Shotaro sit right on his lap. He doesn't care if they look awkward and clumsy, he doesn't want to stop kissing him. He nibbles on his neck and after only a brief moment of embarrassment as the driver watches them, he's completely gone. His hand has somehow found it's way into Sungchan's jeans and both moan when contact is made.
When they finally get back to the hotel, not a word is spoken in the lobby, the elevator or even the hallway in front of their door. Not until they are face to face with no clothes does Sungchan say the one thing that needs to be said.
"No regrets?" He asks as his lips softly graze the other's chin down toward his neck.
"No regrets." Shotaro responds throwing his head back and pulling their groins together in one swift movement. The friction created sends them both into a frenzy and soon they are tangled together on the bed. Kissing, touching, holding on tightly. Sungchan abruptly gets up leaving Shotaro needy and alone on the bed as he digs through his bags. Finally he finds his condoms and lube and goes back over and pulls the other's hands away from his own cock in favor of prepping him. He kisses and licks his hardend cock that lays across his stomach as he lubes up his fingers and pushes them in. Two at a time. He hears a whimper but quickly takes him back in his mouth to relieve some of the pain. He pushes in and out at a fairly fast pace while scissoring too. Soon enough Shotaro is begging for his cock so he strokes himself a few times before he feels a tongue caressing his tip. He's on his knees and the other is sitting, leaning forward as he sucks him into his mouth. Sungchan moans as he pulls Shotaro's hair. When he pulls him off his dick by his hair and looks down to see him connected by spit strings and the needy look on his face, he wants to absolutely wreck him. He kisses him wildly before stopping long enough to slip on his condom and lather himself with lube. He pushes the other's knees to his chest as he slowly pushes in. There is a deep long moan that leaves his lips as he stretches around his long, thick cock. He bottoms out while watching the other's face to make sure he is ok.
"You can move." Shotaro says, shyly. Sungchan pulls back out almost all the way before slamming back in. Shotaro saw stars.
"Oh, fuck yes." He breathes out. Sungchan takes this as his cue to keep going. He slams in and pulls back slow, he loves watching himself slide in and out. He keeps up this pace watching Shotaro come undone underneath him. Finally he can't take it anymore and starts thrusting his hips forward, hearing little uh, uh's falling out of the others mouth. He can feel his own release coming so he grabs Shotaro's dick and helps him so they both come to completion at the same time. He leans down and kisses him, letting his legs fall to the side. He collapses there, just laying on top of him, kissing him softly.
When he finally gets up he pulls the other up as well and they walk to the shower. Neither think it's weird that they haven't let go of each others hands. They wash each other and share more kisses in the shower then they finally get in bed. Sungchan takes the initiative and cuddles into him.
"What are we doing tomorrow?" Shotaro asks making Sungchan smile widely.
"Bicycling through the city." Shotaro smiles sweetly.
Sungchan plays with his fingers.
"Where are you headed after Frankfurt?" He asks softly.
"Spain." Shotaro says.
"I'll be in Italy." Shotaro pouts cutely.
"But, will I see you again?" He asks.
"Are you coming back to Korea?" Shotaro smiles.
"Yes I am.

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