Threesome Pt 2 (NoRenMin)

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⚠️  for language. It's only one word but it's a bad one. ☹️

After a week of hurt and anger and loneliness, Jeno has reached his limit. He's sure Renjun hates him. He did leave, after all. The first couple of days he was sure that he probably went to Jaemin's and was hiding there but that was just his bitter jealousy speaking. It's Friday and he knows Jaemin is home so he knocks softly and watches as Jaemin keeps the chain locked but opens to talk.
"Are you here to hit me again? I really don't want to be assaulted at my door again." Jeno looks down ashamed.
"I came to apologize. Please?" Jaemin sighs and opens the door. Jeno drops to his knees as soon as it does.
"Hit me! Please? I deserve it, I'm such a fuck up and I need to be punished." Jaemin sighs and looks around the hallway for bystanders.
"Get in here." He says taking his hand and pulling him up.
"I really am so sorry. I never should have done that but I felt like you two had this fucking secret and I didn't like being the odd man out. I'm his boyfriend, it's our apartment, it's our relationship, it was our decision to try that, we did that but I was the one who didn't know you two had feelings for each other." Jaemin sighs and leads Jeno to sit.
"If it helps I didn't know either, I won't lie and say that he isn't special to me. We ride the train for an hour together every morning and sometimes in the evening. We talk a lot, believe it or not a lot of it is about you.
I too have feelings but I would never let that get in the way of your relationship but I never should have agreed to come. I mean I betrayed your trust just as much out of selfish desires. I've always been attracted to both of you, superficially anyway since I first watched you move in. The more I got to know you guys especially Jun but even you through his stories, the more I felt it. Jeno I respect you too much to step on your toes in this thing. Junie loves you so much. Even the small feelings he has for me would never change that." Jeno sits with his head in his hands. He's had a constant headache all week from the crying so when he's still for even a little amount of time the pain sets in.
"I'm sorry for hitting you, so sorry. I'm sorry for dragging you into this but at the same time I'm not. I don't know if it makes any sense whatsoever but I wouldn't want to change what happened I just wish I knew, I wish I wouldn't have gotten so upset but most of all I wish I wouldn't have killed my relationship." Jaemin sighs.
"You had every right to be upset. As much as we hate saying it out loud because it sounds so much worse? We betrayed you, I'm sorry." Jeno hugs him. He honestly never thought he would even speak to him again so this is surprising even to himself.
"Have you heard from him?" Jeno asks softly. Jaemin shakes his head no.
"No, just call him though. I'm sure he will want to talk to you." Jeno shakes his head as he stands.
"I wouldn't want to, if I were him."

"Hi." Renjun hears brokenly out of Jeno's mouth when he walks into their dark apartment.
"I'm sorry. I thought you would be at work." He walks in further with his bag.
"I didn't think you would want to see me anymore so I left." Renjun says sadly. Jeno just nods.
"I've been thinking this whole time, trying to figure out how to justify what I did but I can't. There is nothing I can say to make this right and I hate myself so much." Renjun says as he walks past.
"I hate myself too. It's my fault, everything is my fault and I can't even be mad at you. I've tried, but it all comes back to me. I'm just sick, I ruined us and I don't know what to do, and then you left and I felt even worse. It's been two weeks. Two weeks and I feel like dying. There is no point without you. I miss you so much." Renjun is frozen in the doorway of their bedroom. He came to get some more stuff but now that he's heard his voice been in his presence he is rooted. He's racked with sobs as he holds the door frame for support. Jeno comes up behind him and pulls him into his chest. Renjun tries to push away but he holds on.
"I don't deserve you, I don't deserve your kindness." He cries even harder as Jeno holds on.
"Can we talk?" He asks softly, fighting his own tears. Finally Renjun calms a little and nods his head. He follows him to the couch.
"Can i see your face Jen? Can I turn on the light?" Jeno sighs and turns the lamp on before facing him. Renjun gasps.
"What happened?" He asks as he looks at his bruised and battered face. Of course his first thought was Jaemin but he didn't think he would do that either.
"I deserve this, I deserve more." He says quietly. Renjun shakes his head as new tears fall.
"Please, tell me?" He looks down at his hands. I went to that bar on fifth. You know the one with the bikers?"Renjun nods with a frown.
"I called one of them a fag." Renjun gasps.
"Why?" Jeno cries.
"Because Jaemin wouldn't hit me, then I asked Mark. I needed a way to get through it, I needed to be punished. I think they broke a rib too but I'm not sure." Renjun gasps.
"Jen, no. If anyone needs to be punished it's me. Fuck, when did this happen?" He asks worried.
"Last night, that's why my boss sent me home, to go to the doctor but I was thinking I'll just wait it out and see what happens. They can't really do anything for a broken rib anyway, and I don't see a point in caring anymore." Renjun crawls toward him and opens his shirt to see the bruises and gasps again.
"I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry if I made it worse. I was waiting for you to call, I thought if you wanted to see me you would." Jeno chuckles bitterly.
"I was waiting for you too." Renjun curls up to him as gently as he can but he craves his warmth, his touch so much. He rubs his face onto his chest and kisses him softly on his heart.
"I love you so much Jen, living without you even for two weeks was killing me, but I deserve worse." Jeno rubs his back.
"Can you please, tell me everything? Like from the beginning? Just lay it all on the table. I just don't want to be in the dark anymore." Renjun nods and sits straighter so he can look him in the eye.
"My love for you has never wavered, ever, it never will. You are the reason I breath." He pauses to wipe the tears that are falling from Jeno's eyes.
"I noticed Jaemin at the bus stop one day and discovered that we go to the same place. We even walked to my building together because his is just on the other side of mine. We grew close, friends. We talked the whole way to work and the whole way home when we would see each other. He has always been fun and so kind. I just, we found that we have a lot in common, but also he never minded when I talked about you. He thought it was nice the way I always talked about my boyfriend." Renjun says with a soft smile and Jeno can't help but notice the light in his eyes when he talks about Jaemin.
"It was only like three months ago maybe that I started questioning how I felt about him. Most of the time I would push it away and tell myself I was being selfish for even allowing myself to think that way. Then I started researching polyamory and I think I might be that. I know this is hard to hear and I don't expect you to change anything for me. I never should have ever even thought about telling you I wanted to see him more. When we got into this relationship you never would have expected me to one day ask you to share me." He sighs and looks at his shaking hands.
"I love you, you are my heart and soul and I can push those feelings down, I want to do that for you, because I can't live without you. Being away from you is killing me and I will do whatever it takes to be with you." He wipes his eyes and Jeno notices his hands are still trembling
"You are willing to do that for me? To live your life unhappily, just to please me?" Renjun frowns.
"I can't allow you to suppress part of you to make me happy Junie. I love you too much for that." Renjun cries harder, shaking his head no.
"Please Jen, don't leave me? Don't leave me please? I will be sorry forever if that's what it takes. Don't, please?" He sobs into his hands uncontrollably. Jeno tries to pry his hands away from his face gently but it's no easy task.
"I'm not leaving baby. I can't leave you, I love you too much baby." Jeno says. Renjun looks up, he's a blubbering mess covered in snot and tears and Jeno only wants to kiss him more.
"B-but?" He is confused and terrified.
"Baby. I want you to love me and be with me forever. I never want you to leave me again. If you have feelings for Jaemin or anyone else? I only ask that you tell me, that we talk about it and we figure things out together.
"I did a little research, while you were gone. I understand it now, and I'm willing to work through whatever we need to." Renjun cuddles into his neck and squeezes his middle until he yells out in pain.
"I'm sorry, shit." Renjun says.
"Let's go to the hospital, please? I want them to at least look at you." Jeno finally agrees.
"Please don't be upset, but I want to get Jaemin to drive your car so I can be with you in the back, please?" Jeno nods yes and he quickly goes next door.

"Hi, Jaem." Renjun says weakly.
"Hi, how have you been? Jeno has been going crazy.
He wanted me to punch him." He says like it would shock the other.
"Can you drive us to the emergency room please?" His eyes grow wide.
"Why?" Jeno walks up behind Renjun and Jaemin gasps.
"Shit, yeah."

They rode in the back seat and Renjun was nice to Jaemin but kept his attention on Jeno all the way, even when explaining what he did. For Jeno, this only reinforced his decision more.
He knows he can't live without his baby so if it means he has to share, he will no matter how painful.

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