Friend Pt 1 (Markren)

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"Guys, guess what." Renjun says, quickly running up to his friends Mark and Haechan.
"I've got a date with Jaemin." Both of the said friends have complete looks of shock and only Haechan notices the hurt flash across Mark's as he tries to gather himself.
"That's great Junie." He says before grabbing his bag and walking off to his next class. Renjun notices he seems off but can't for the life of him figure out why.
"Is he ok?" He asks softly. Haechan sighs and purses his lips.
"I'll check on him. When is your date?" Renjun smiles excitedly.
"Tonight. We are going to the cute cafe uptown. He is so hot." Haechan chuckles awkwardly and nods.
"Well, have fun. Call me, let me know how it goes." He smiles sadly and walks off and Renjun is puzzled. Both of his friends seem so off today, he thought they'd be more excited.

Haechan waits outside Mark's class and grabs his arm, he pulls him along as he tries to cheer him up.
"Come on Markipoo. I'll date you." He says and watches as Mark comically makes a gagging action.
"Oh come on it will be fun." Mark elbows him.
"I really hope you are joking, you know I like him." Mark says cautiously making Haechan laugh loudly.
"You know I have a thing for Johnny." Mark frowns a bit.
"Isn't he a bit old for you?" Haechan frowns at the serious tone in his voice.
"Age is just a number, it's only five years and I'm going out with him this weekend." He says with a smile.
"That's great." Mark says sadly.
"Why don't you just tell him? It would do you both some good. Maybe, he wouldn't want to date Jaemin if he knows how you feel?" Haechan shrugs as they start to walk slowly.
"Just face it Haechan, he's never going to see me that way. I've always shown him love and care and showered him with compliments. Renjun only sees me as a friend." They walk toward the dorms and Haechan is still trying to cheer him up.
When they get inside Haechan starts a movie and pushes him to sit on the couch. He orders pizza and grabs his stash of beer, it's not many but it should help.

Of course neither realized that Renjun was standing there, listening the whole time. He leans back against the wall in shock. After all, finding out one of your best friends has feelings for you is quite a shock to the system, a friend whom always put you first over everything. A friend who once stayed behind on Christmas break because you didn't have anywhere to go. A friend who you have secretly desired for years but could never tell on the basis of not breaking up the threesome that is Haechan, Mark and himself. They've been best friends forever. He feels a little betrayed by them for keeping this secret, but it can't be helped he supposes. He wanders slowly to his dorm to change, regardless of this new information he can't stand Jaemin up, even if he's confused and sad and happy all at once.
He dresses nicely. The bounce he previously had in his step has quickly faded. He gets to the cafe right on time and Jaemin smiles brightly as he stands to greet him.
"Hi, you look so good today." He says sweetly, his smile quickly fades though when he sees the state the other is in.
"Are you ok? Come sit I'll get you some tea." He goes and orders him an herbal tea and sits by him.
"I'm sorry Jaemin, I'm not really up for a date. I'm confused and hurt and I don't know what to do." Jaemin sighs.
"It's ok renjunie. Is it Mark? I know he likes you. Do you like him back?" Renjun frowns and scoots away from Jaemin angrily.
"How do you know? How the fuck does everyone except me know?" He says with a mixture of anger and hurt.
"No, it's not like that. I only guessed by the way he treats you, by the way he lights up when you are in the room. He's the first person to greet you with a hug even if it's only been an hour since he last saw you. He never told me, it's just obvious." Renjun looks down as he starts to cry.
"Why hasn't it been obvious to me? I've loved him for so long but I pushed it down no matter how bad it hurt b-because I didn't think he would like me back." Jaemin hugs him softly.
"That's probably why you didn't see it sweety." Renjun cries harder onto his shoulder. He's still not sure what it is exactly that hurts this much but it really fucking hurts.
"I'm really sorry Jaemin, this was supposed to be a date and believe it or not I was really excited. My hot friend asked me out. I like you too you know. I think I've pushed my feelings for Mark down so much that I made a space and you fit right it, b-but l." Jaemin shushes him as he cries and rubs his back. Jaemin sighs, yes he likes Renjun a lot but he knows he could never compete with what they have.
"Renjun, sweety. I like you and I was excited about dating you but I can't compete with love and I will be ok. I have plenty of time in my life to find someone else. Besides there's this new guy in my first class of the day that is really hot and maybe I can go out with him?" Renjun chuckles through his tears.
"What's his name?" He asks softly as he grabs a napkin from the table and wipes his face. Jaemin smiles brightly.
"Jeno, he is fit. His muscles are very well defined and his jaw line is to die for." Renjun giggles some more as a few more tears leak out.
"Thank you for understanding and for being a friend. I don't know if I could ever repay your kindness." Jaemin waves his hand at him and scoffs.
"No paybacks, just talk to him. Get all of this out in the open and be happy." Renjun hugs him one last time before he stands and goes to pay the tab. He looks back toward Jaemin but he can only see his back, he contemplates going back to him but leaves instead. It's only then that Jaemin lets his own tears fall. He will be ok like he said, but he really did like him a lot.

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