Wrapped up in you (NoMin)

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Yes, it's another Jeno centered story. 💚
I thank you for your understanding in this matter.

"I am so tired." Jaemin tells his friend and fellow cast mate on the weekly variety show, as they walk into the dressing room.
"Just wait, tomorrow's going to be..." His friend Mark is cut off as Jaemin puts his hand up and stops dead in his tracks.
"What are you looking at?" Mark asks, kind of annoyed.
"That! I need to fuck that." Mark laughs.
"You mean, you want to fuck, him?" Jaemin nods.
"He is a person." Mark says with an eye roll.
"I'm not so sure. Look at his fucking body. I can't wait to squeeze that tiny fucking waist so hard I leave bruises as I pound his ass." Mark shakes his head.
"Haechan is right about you." He says, as he starts to take his costume off.
"What did he say about me?" He asks with peaked interest.
"That you are a pig and don't respect people." Jaemin smirks.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway. I'm about to go work my magic. He'll be screaming my name tonight." Mark shakes his head and watches him saunter over to the man in question.

"Excuse me? You must be new around here? I'm Jaemin." He introduces himself. The man, or sex object, as he views him turns and smiles softly.
"Jeno, and yeah I am. Ive been in dress rehearsal for next week's show. Are you a regular?" He asks with a frown as he watches Jaemin staring at his body as he dresses, clearly not listening.
"Yeah, see you around Jaemin." Jeno says as he grabs his bag out of the cubicle provided and walks away. Jaemin is slack jawed. He didn't even have a chance to work his charm. He stands with his mouth hanging open as he watches him leave.
"I see it went well?" Mark questions with a chuckle. Jaemin frowns.
"He is going to be a bit of a challenge but don't worry, I will conquer him." He says as he walks away leaving Mark behind.

The next night Jaemin actually gets to work early. He waits in the dressing room for him to walk in and can't take his eyes off him when he does.
"Can you please stop staring?" Jeno asks annoyed.
"I don't think I can. Have you seen yourself?" Jaemin asks as he walks closer. Jeno's face heats up.
"You are a masterpiece." Jaemin says watching him get even more shy.
"Really, stop. I'm just a normal person who wants a little privacy." Jaemin smirks.
"If you wanted privacy you wouldn't change in a room full of people, and to your other point, you are not just a normal person." Jaemin moves closer and traces his finger down his arm before whispering to him.
"Let me take you home tonight and show you just how beautiful you really are?" Jeno raises his brow, his lips in a straight line.
"No." He says simply as he finishes putting his costume on.
"And why not?" Jaemin asks, still conveying his over confidence.
"I don't get involved with players. Go find someone else to use." Jeno says before walking out, leaving him stunned.

After weeks of trying to even talk to him, Jeno has proven he can hold his own. Most of the time he gives him the cold shoulder and Jaemin is beyond frustrated.
"How are things with Mr. Perfect?" Mark asks.
"He won't even talk to me. Am I ugly? Like what the hell? Why wouldn't he want to sleep with me?" Mark shakes his head in disappointment again.
"Maybe instead of trying to sleep with him, you should try to befriend him?" Mark suggests.
"Oh yeah. I will make him like me then I'll have him right where I want him. In my bed." Mark sighs, this is not exactly what he meant with that suggestion but sometimes Jaemin is thick headed.

"Jeno? Can we talk a minute? I feel like we got off on the wrong foot and I just want to say I'm sorry for treating you like a piece of meat, and I'd like to be friends." Jaemin says one night after the show.
"Why should I be friends with you?" Jaemin sighs.
"Because I'm a fun person and it would be so much easier to do our scenes together without the underlying hatred." Jeno laughs a little.
"I suppose I could try but you can't stare at me when I change. Friends don't do that." He says watching Jaemin pout.
"It will be hard, I was not lying about your beauty but, for the sake of our new friendship, I'll respect your wishes." Jeno nods with a small chuckle.
"Good. Some of the cast and I are going out to eat, would you like to come? Maybe we could talk a little? You know, learn about each other?" Jaemin asks hopefully. Jeno sighs.
"I'm not much of a social butterfly but I suppose this once I can make an exception." Jaemin claps as he exaggerates his excitement. Jeno isn't sure if this is a good idea but he will give it a try.

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