Voyerism pt 2 (norenmin)

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"Jaemin, hi." Renjun says shyly as he thinks about what him and Jeno did the night before. Jaemin blushes a light shade of pink as well.
"Will you walk with us to class?" Renjun asks sweetly as Jeno just observes both of his boys interacting. After a long talk, mostly begging on Renjun's part they both decided to make their move tonight. Both of them are really dying to get him to be theirs.
Jeno stayed behind the other two as he noticed Renjun was excitedly talking about an upcoming art exhibition he has works in but unlike usual Jaemin is very quiet and kind of sad looking.
"Aren't you happy for me?" This shook Jaemin because no matter what he feels he does not want to make his Injunie sad.
"No no, I mean yes I'm so very excited for you. Sorry." He says awkwardly. Renjun stares at him for a long time, right in the eyes making him self conscious.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Renjun shakes his head.
"No reason, make sure you meet us after your classes I want to spend time with you today." He leans over and hugs him, which makes Jaemin blush again but it's really nothing compared to Jeno kissing him on the cheek to say goodbye.

After struggling this morning with a mini mental breakdown because of the two loves of his life he decides that it has been a long time since the three of them have hung out and of course he would never admit that it's because he's uncomfortable with them being all lovey in front of him. He tries his hardest to put his feelings aside but when the two of them come walking up to him holding hands he feels a mix between absolute love and adoration to complete devastation because he wants so badly what he can't have.
"Hi." He awkwardly says. They both know why or at least have an idea as to why he's like this considering any chance he gets he will watch them making love through the window and as most would find that creepy they don't because they've known him forever and know he's not like that. Jeno has decided that instead of being subtle and slow about it that they should maybe just rip off the bandaid and go for it. Renjun and him made a plan and will follow it through to the end. They walk up to him and both kiss a cheek as a greeting, to which he blushes. Then they both grab a hand and pull him toward their house. He's startled and blushing and can't seem to get control of his heart, they've held hands before because they were all friends as children but this is too different.
When they reached their neighborhood Jaemin wanted to go home to shower, they contemplated not letting him since he might change his mind and not come back but in the end made him promise and they agreed to make supper for him. Renjun started cooking while Jeno showered.
When he came down in his white button up, undone with his faded ripped jeans he walked up behind Renjun and surprised him with a kiss on the neck. With the glow of the sunset and the white curtains flowing in the wind the atmosphere was peaceful and Jeno wanted to kiss his baby who lolled his head to the side to enjoy it but quickly shoved Jeno back and pointed to the living room with his spoon. Jeno looked and seen an awkward looking Jaemin staring at the two with the brightest shade of red painted on his cheeks. Jeno smirks and walks in his direction. Jaemin can't stop staring at his abs that are on full display and he's feeling warmer than ever.
"Sorry if that made you uncomfortable Jaem." He says while slowly buttoning up. Jaemin managed to look into his eyes that were more mischievous than ever.
"No I'm o-ok." He stutters out, to which the other just chuckles. They proceed to have small talk until Renjun tells them to set the table while he washes up quickly.
It was a simple task really, but when Jeno would reach across the table invading Jaemin's space, his hot breath would find its way to his neck and shivers would race down his body. He's not sure if it's his imagination or if Jeno is getting bold and if so what about Renjun? He loves them both but the thought of one of them hurting the other would kill him.
His thoughts are interrupted by Renjun walking in smelling of his favorite lavender body wash.
They finally all sit down to eat and honestly Jaemin is watching the clock a lot and Renjun notices.
"Why are you acting so weird lately?" He questions Jaemin who snaps back into reality.
"What do you mean?" He asks trying to act normal.
"You never want to be with us anymore and now you're acting like we forced you here and it hurts." Renjun says whimpering, when his tears start to fall Jeno gets angry. This was most definitely not in the plans at all.
"What the hell Jaemin? If it bothers you that much then why don't you just go home. Is it too much to ask for you to at least still be our friend?" He didn't want to yell at Jaemin, this was not the plan. It hurts him too though and he has to defend his Renjun.
"I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I- I I'm sorry." He ends up whispering at the end as he starts to head for the door.
"I see how it is, you can watch us in our bedroom? Having sex? But you can't spend a few hours with us?" Jeno says lowly as Jaemin's feet have somehow glued themselves to the floor. If ever there is a time to fucking run, now would be it but his body is defying his screaming mind. After taking a deep breath he responds as calmly as possible.
"H-how did you know?" He asks nervously.
"Not the point Jaemin why are you trying to hurt us?" Now he scoffs and chuckles humorlessly.
"Fuck you. I hurt you? I am in a constant state of pain because of you two." The two are shocked trying to make sense of it all.
"I love you ok? I love both of you so much and it kills me that I can't be with you both. Are you happy now? Are you satisfied now that I'm humiliated? I can't spend time with you because it hurts too much." At the end they could hear how defeated he sounded and it made both of their hearts ache. He walks slowly to the door with his head hung in shame not realizing that they have come up right behind him until he feels a hand on his shoulder.
'This is it." He thinks because at some point Jeno is going to punch him in the face it might as well be now. He slowly turns bracing himself for the pain but he is met with Renjun pulling him into his arms with tears streaming down his cheeks. Renjun holds him even though he struggles and tries to get away.
"See, you can't do stuff like this it makes it hurt more when you let go." He whispers sadly, both Jeno and Renjun are crying along with him.
"No Jaemin you don't understand." Renjun says holding his face in his hands forcing him to look into his own eyes.
"Jeno and I are very Much in love with each other, and nothing will ever change that." Jaemin starts to pull away but Jeno cages him in much to his surprise, not letting him back away.
He can feel Jeno's hands holding his waist like he doesn't want to let go, he can feel his hot breath on his neck again, his lips dangerously close.
"Jaemin we love each other but we have discovered over the past year that equally for both of us, something was misssing. It took us a while to admit it to our selves and believe me we had the most awkward conversation about it but we've come to the conclusion that we both love you as well. We need you to feel complete, we've been the three musketeers since elementary school and though we didn't realize it at first or just didn't want to admit that we were poly we don't know but we do know that we hundred percent want you to be our boyfriend too." He frantically whips his head back and forth to look for lies but he only sees sincerity on their faces.

To be continued...

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