Our beautiful Renjun (Renjun,dream)

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After hearing about Renjun's weight "controversy", it's safe to say it pissed me off. Like, who does this? Whether he gained weight or didn't, it's not up for discussion.
Have I noticed that his cheeks are a little rounder than before? Of course, as a fan we notice changes in our idols.
Do I want to squish his cheeks and tell him how perfectly beautiful he is? Of course, who wouldn't?

I know idols face this sort of thing all the time and let me tell you, it pisses me off every time. I think some "fans", or anti's more like it, live for pointing out flaws. It seems as if they forget that they are human too, they have feelings just like we do and while they may strive for perfection in their art and sometimes even their looks, it's still not our place to judge. If you think he's cute, attractive, whatever term you use then great, if not? Move on! Idols are not our property, they are people.
Idols are already on display almost 24/7 for us. Why can't we just accept what they give us and love and support them or move the fuck on?

His voice is angelic, his dancing is top tier, he's sweet and kind and adores his fans, yet they treat him this way? He, or anyone else for that matter should never have to apologize for a weight gain or any other change in their appearance.

Sorry for the long ass rant but it gets under my skin and I have to let it out somewhere.

Anyway I decided to write a little story about Renjun being adored by Dream. I hope you like it and I hope that any chance you get, tell Renjun or any other idol that they are beautiful and how much you appreciate their talent and efforts. 💛

"Oh my, look at you." Mark says, walking into the dressing room before the show.
"What? Is something wrong?" He shakes his head and walks over and wraps him in a big hug.
"You look amazing. How are you this cute all the time? I don't understand, it's really not fair."  Renjun giggles and backs away. He goes back to the mirror and looks at himself again.
"I do look good though, don't I?" He asks just as Jeno and Jaemin walk in.

Jaemin heard everything and smirks at him making him raise his brow.
"What's with that look weirdo?" He asks with a smile.
"I like how you think. Whenever I see myself I say, wow, isn't he handsome? I think you should too. You are so pretty you make my heart flutter." He says raising his brows up and down like a mad man. Renjun giggles again.
"Thank you, guys. I really needed that boost. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm enough for the fans. Did you see their discussion about me online? Everyone is trying to figure out why my face is so puffy and I feel like I let the fans down."

Jeno speaks up instantly.
"They aren't fans. Don't worry about them. A true fan wouldn't make you feel this way." He says walking over. He opens his arms and hugs him.
"A true fan would tell you that you are perfect and pretty and talented. A true fan only shows love." Renjun sniffles as Jeno backs away.

Chenle walks up with a tissue and dabs his tears gently.
"You'll ruin your make up." Renjun nods with a small smile.
"Hey Junie, Jeno is right. You are so pretty. Never forget that. And we all love you very much and we all think you are amazing." Chenles says softly. Renjun smiles brightly as Haechan walks in.

He runs to him and squishes his cheeks.
"Oh my god. You look so cute tonight. I could eat you up." Renjun grunts and pulls his hands off his face.
"I'm wearing makeup, stop touching my face." Haechan pouts and pulls him in for a big hug.
"Sorry injunie. Pwease don't be mad? I only wuv you." Haechan says cutely. Renjun smiles and shakes his head.
"I'm not mad, and I love you too. All of you, so much. I don't know where I'd be without my brothers." Jisung walks in looking at his phone with a frown.

"Did you actually apologize? Why? These fans are clearly delusional." He asks.
"Not fans." Jeno interjects.
"You better not do anything drastic. Just be healthy and happy, that's all you need to do and if anyone doesn't like it? Fuck em!" Everyone gasps making Jisungs cheeks burn.
"Jisung? You are the baby, you don't talk like that." Renjun says in surprise.
"I will when someone disrespects our beautiful Renjun."

Renjun's heart swells with all the love and adoration in the room. He really is happy to have them as part of his family.

So this is really short I know, but I just want to get the message out there that, no matter who you are, you are beautiful. I know it's hard sometimes to love yourself but maybe if we all try to just tell ourselves one positive thing a day, we could change our mindset. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Most importantly be kind to others and know that words really can hurt.
Thank you for reading, even though most of it was me just preaching. 🙂

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